Reviews from

in the past

everyone's in a rush to pump out a social game with live service elements these days so you can bro down with your best friends but not one person has considered the social value of something like left 4 dead 2: blitz through two or three campaigns, spend half of one campaign trying to fuck each other over out of boredom, then spend the next half of the session chatting shit about feelings, opinions, and the state of our lives in the saferoom

I knew a girl that looked exactly like The Spitter

ive played a lot of this but never really went and did every campaign solo, so that's what I did today. All the campaigns back to back without stopping, took me about 7 or so hours and man valve really just makes perfect games don't they? This game had gore that would not be matched until doom eternal, and even then this game's insane animations make it look timeless. Guns still feel great, and the special infected's are cool too. Do you have any problems with the game? literally just mod it out. Or mod something in. It's ridiculous how easy it is to mod this game and how many mods there are. Valve is so far ahead of the universe that they had creation club before creation club and without taking money... you just downloaded the mod. Straight from the game. Anyways, let's talk about the real reason why this game is so awesomesaucitacular. The characters are really funny. One of my favourite aspects of zombie apocalypses with the exception of killing zombies is how a group of people who never would have met or even interacted now have to work closely and help keep each other alive for their own safety, even if they cant stand each other they gotta work together or else they all die. Its very sweet and hearing ellis and nick argue is really funny and I like it. I wonder why this game isn't included in best game of all time conversations like with half life and portal. I personally prefer this game to the portals, but hey to each their own maybe being a co op zombie game disqualifies you from art status because umm idk. Watever everyone already likes this game whats there to say

glad to see some georgia representation in video games

the game was modded beyond recognition

la mejor forma de disfrutarlo es con mods peruanos

I want to play it more often but I got into a Versus game once with randoms and got flamed and kicked out of the game so I just dont play it that often anymore

It was still one of the cornerstones of my childhood though

Apenas o melhor jogo de zumbi.

>> Prós
• GRÁFICOS : São realmente bons para o jogo.
• ZUMBIS ESPECIAIS : Encontrar uma Witch e um Tank é tenso.
• MULTIPLAYER : Melhor parte do jogo é jogar com seus amigos ou uma galera aleátoria q vc conheceu tem uns 10 minutos.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Perso Favorito = Ellis.

I've always considered Left 4 Dead 2 a general improvement over the original, but tbf it's more of an expansion pack than a sequel. And if you really break it down, while all the new content and features are great and well thought-out, they're not essential for the gameplay.

The original game created a formula that worked incredibly well. Every weapon and enemy felt unique and there was a gentle balance. If you really think about it, the new weapons here are mostly alterations of the old weapons.

For example, I love AK-47, but it's just a slightly slower and more powerful version of the M4 from the original, which in itself was a faster and more accurate version of the UZI. But this game also adds another submachine gun as an alteration for the UZI. In the end, while these new weapons are fun, they don't really add anything substantial to the game. The M4 was a massive upgrade for the UZI, but these altered weapons are just flavors of the same.

The melee weapons are fun and can be very useful to break through large crowds when combined with adrenaline, but they kinda take away from the survival aspect. Worth remembering that the original game was kinda suspenseful. I jumped into the single player (which is how I first experienced the game back in 2008) for a bit today, and was feeling a little vulnerable because I knew I couldn't count on the AI companions. You can forget about the power fantasy of slashing through hundreds of zombies with a samurai sword. A single smoker or hunter could take you out single-handedly, let alone a tank.

But each special zombie there had a purpose:
1. A Smoker would pull you away from your group and incapacitate you.
2. If a Hunter ambushed you while you're on a ledge, he could push the companion(s) next to you off of it, possibly killing all of you.
3. The Tank presented a threat that necessitated cooperation from the entire group.
4. Kinda same with the Witch, except it was more about the group consciousness (each member following the right conduct individually) than a direct cooperation.

The new enemies of Left 4 Dead 2 are kinda pointless:
1. The Jockey is basically a slower Smoker.
2. The Charger is almost indistinguishable from the Smoker. Functions exactly the same, except he has to come closer for the attack.
3. The Spitter is probably the one thing I hate about Left 4 Dead 2. She is pretty much useless if encountered alone, but if she attacks you while you're surrounded, you basically have zero ways to avoid death. In addition, she functions as this game's anti-cheat, attacking anyone who manages to find a place that's inaccessible for the zombies, even if her spit technically shouldn't be able to reach that place either. But to me and my friends finding those places was part of the fun. It added an exploratory element to survival maps.

Finally, the original had a very strong and coherent atmosphere that consistently permeated everything, from the levels to the menus and the general art direction. The game intentionally evoked grindhouse zombie movie vibes, and this vision was followed with the character design, visual effects (film grain) and the amazing loading screens. I have to say, Left 4 Dead 2's art direction does not feel as strong. While they continue the same theme, setting the game mostly in daylight takes away from that vibe, as most zombie movies (and horror movies in general) heavily rely on darkness. Well, Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead didn't, but this game also doesn't make introspective statements on consumerism, class inequality or military-industrial complex like those movies did. So it ends up feeling more "normal". In addition, as much as I appreciate the import of the old campaigns and suvival maps here, their presence further dilutes the atmosphere of this game. Perhaps a better idea would've been to leave L4D2 alone and make another edition that would combine 1 and 2, and give it away for free to the owners of the second game.

All that said, obviously I love Left 4 Dead 2 and have played it way more than the original. Most of the new content, although very unnecessary, is a lot of fun, and the addition of the Steam Workshop makes life so much easier (back in the day me and my friends used to download custom maps manually from, and I can no longer find some of our most-played maps there). But despite all the objective improvements in the sequel, I've always had stronger feelings towards the first game, and I believe it's not just nostalgia. Left 4 Dead represented a unique and coherent vision that was innovative for the time. Left 4 Dead 2 meanwhile ends up feeling like an optional content pack that you wouldn't be missing out on if you skipped. Although, if it was an expansion pack, it would've been an amazing one.

The only thing to unseat Halo 3 from being my friend and I's daily driver. We were eching our way through each level on Extreme mode by glitching into windows or climbing up into trees, with our thumb on the Director AI's pulse.

L0l i love killing other players one time i told a guy about a "negative health glitch" and i shot that little guy so many times

"L4D2" shines as a straightforward, accessible multiplayer experience, offering particular enjoyment when teamed up with friends. The simplicity of its gameplay, coupled with thoughtfully designed zombies that introduce various tactical challenges, and a balanced difficulty on the 'Hard' setting, underpin its enduring appeal. While its core mechanics might seem somewhat basic compared to modern offerings, and solo play may not provide the same enjoyment as group sessions, its nuanced enemy and weapon design ensure engagement across varied playstyles. Even though aspects feel a bit dated, the experience, especially with friends, merits a solid 3/5 rating.

good game but my friends forced me to download anime skins :|

Nah man, dis game is mid.....
Nah, but people who say shit like this be sounding like that!
Nah fam you just got played fr 😭

This game is EPIC! Fun with friends!
Much better than 1!
Very epic Valve, I'll be waiting for the next one!

Love this game to death! The pc version is better since it has all the mods but I first played this back on the 360 and still had a blast with this game!

Thinking about the time I was playing this when I was 11 on Xbox Live and I was talking with a group of random guys who were so excited that I was a girl (I doubt they knew I was 11) and then one of them asked if they could ask me something and I said sure and he asked "How come girls don't like me?" and I took a second and then I said "Because you're playing Left 4 Dead 2" and then everyone in the party started screaming and then he disconnected.

Essential for anyone who wants to kill a zombified Thomas the Tank Engine

how will he play without a thumb

If I'm not playing Coach I'm throwing pipe bombs at him.

A staple of winter break growing up for me; hours of L4D2 with friends online, as it gets dark outside at 4pm and lightly I'm sad.

I liked this one better than the first one. Definitely enhanced some gameplay aspects and I loved the new zombies they introduced.

without mods 4/5 with mods 6/5

so i heard this game is amazing with mods, but the base game is genuinely bad. i love zombie survival games but this game does not scratch that itch. i love the characters, but thats the bare minimum with valve games. combat doesnt feel satisfying, or even not all that chaotic. its MID!!!! its kinda fun with friends, but i think thats because i like my friends, not this steaming pile of mid

update: its actually peak

I have ONLY played this in co-op and I only have 20 hours in it.

I always thought that Left4Dead just HAD to be overrated in some way, because how could a worse version of the Call of Duty horde mode be good- but that's the thing, this isn't that- this is better than I could've ever imagined. Somehow this game is good. I don't really get it, but here we are.

I didn’t know what to write here is the recipe for Napoleon cake Ingredients: cream margarine - 400 g, cream 10-20% - 900 ml, egg whites - 3 pcs., water - 150 ml, egg yolks - 3 pcs., sugar - 190 g, sugar - 1 glass, chicken eggs - 2 g, citric acid - 0.25 tsp, vanilla sugar - 1 pack, vanillin - 1 pinch, cognac - 3 tbsp. l., vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l., corn starch - 3 tbsp. l., salt - 1 pinch, butter - 250 g, flour - 650 g, hazelnuts - 150 g

A fun co-op shooter. It can be very chaotic and challenging but getting to the end of a campaign feels very satisfying to do. The characters are very likeable and bounce off of each other very well. The different zombie types add more variation to the usual hordes of enemies. Different guns and melee weapons are fun to experiment with. My only real complaint is that campaigns can be a bit long which isn't ideal as you want the people playing with you to stay engaged and not get bored.

i would give this a 2/5 if it didn't let me play as heather mason bombing hatsune miku to death

A Certified hood classic, great characters with evenly great chemistry, great new special zombies and weapons, and absolutely banger maps.

Fun, arcadey co-op game that feels fresh when put up against typical zombie games. The campiness and characters are actually hilarious.

Relatively exciting co-op shooting game but all the sections where the horde just busts out like 85 zombies running at extrem hihg speed only ever stressed me out. It felt like some kind of gaming sugar rush that I wanted to stop.