Reviews from

in the past

The speed. The precision. The N. The +.

glorified flash game with a pretty intuitive level creator

La mitad de niveles es simplemente correr en circulos hasta activar la puerta y seguir al siguiente nivel.

In my current DS research thanks to the Into the Aether podcast-fueled excitement high I'm currently riding, this is a neat early surprise for me. I played a lot of the original flash game even though I was probably never a huge fan of it, simply because it felt cool to play games in my browser and it was an entertaining enough way to pass some time. But there's really something to being able to engage with its unique momentum physics and feel in quick bursts on a portable system, and the DS is such a natural platform for it. It provides such a weird satisfaction through mastery because it's very well-tuned on an individual level basis and simply nothing else feels like it. It's given me a better appreciation of just how well it sets itself apart and why it would strike a chord with browser gamers back then.

I will say the difficulty curve is absolutely buckwild though, and I guess it's an admission of defeat on the part of the designers to just have numerous level packs unlocked at any given time for the player to try, so if someone struggled with one set they could just jump to another. So in that sense it may not be well-designed, but it found a concession that works well enough to accommodate its quickplay style.

Fun platformer with some neat physics

Have only played the demo on Xbox arcade but is still a certified banger.

I've got some big time nostalgia for this game. You get some real bang for your buck with this one. I never fully completed it due to how difficult it got.

people will make fun of this for being a flash game and not that the difficulty curve is on crack

you play as a floaty fuck and they somehow managed to make wall jumping not very fun

Tive boas diversões fuçando na demo disso do Xbox live

Kinda the game that defined XBLA for me. It's fun enough, I suppose.

those final levels pissed me off somethin bad all those years ago (still do)

The Flash game was one of my absolute favorites growing up and this is a really nice elaboration upon it.

i think this game came with my xb360, really nice idea, parkour with death

N is a severely underrated platforming series that began life as a flash game in the early 2000s. N+ is everything that made the original flash game so great and so so much more, and while I think N++ is the pinnacle of the series, N+ was a huge step up at the time and a blast to play.

the's not my type. yeah it's play very dynamically, the ost is good, platforming it's very charming in this game but this feels like slow(?). maybe i give it another try sometime

a versão de teste era legalzinha até

i'm terrible at platformers so i wasn't able to get very far into it when i was a kid, but the artstyle and music really stuck with me all these years later. i never played the original, so i have no idea how it stacks up as a port, but i'm sure that's great too

Played this game in the computer labs

I was a fool to hope I could complete it back then.

e era mo burro, n sabia qq significava "unnistall" nunca mais achei o jogo pra jogar k muito foda juiro

O forte de N+ é sua física. Como um plataformer em estrutura de fases independentes, curtas e focadas em pontuação, o seu diferencial está na movimentação largada e sua gravidade que permite a criação de momentums únicos gerados pela movimentação em plataformas em aclives, declives e bordas arredondadas, alterando drasticamente a velocidade, ângulo e alcance dos saltos, enquanto utiliza algumas mecânicas já bem comuns do gênero, como wall jump.

Sua simplicidade, entretanto, resulta na sua repetitividade, revelando uma carência de iteração dentro das mecânicas básicas.

Pra compensar, a iteração vem na forma de inúmeras variações de desenho de níveis, que apresentam uma vasta gama de ideias utilizando conceitos básicos e obstáculos que vão sendo introduzidos e misturados.

O resultado final não recebe tanto esmero do áudio e da arte, que se mantém basicamente o mesmo, sem muita criatividade. Ainda assim o jogo é sólido e divertido, aparentando ter sido a evolução de um conceito produzido em uma jam. Ou melhor: um jogo flahs portado pra consoles.

Não espere muito dele e talvez você tenha um jogo com boa durabilidade e boa diversão, apesar da criatividade moderada.

Juegazo, jodido, cooperativo y muy divertido.