Reviews from

in the past

driving around the city like a g was pretty lit until my disc got scratched and my brother read on the internet that you fix it by flushing the disc down the toilet

One of the first games I owned on Xbox 360. I was obsessed with NFS Underground 1 and 2 back on the PS2. Most Wanted was fun, but it didn't capture that same joy for me. Dropped it about 3/4 of the way through the campaign.

Algumas coisas achei que ficaram meio datadas, mas ainda é um jogo muito divertido nos dias de hoje. Também é a primeira vez que jogo um Need For Speed bom kkkk.

The simple but effective progression of upgrading your car in the context of street racing and good driving, years of iterative development reflected in the best sense, are not enough to deal with the stretched out rhythm of the game that keeps adding more and more filler. Thankfully, except for the horrible mode where you are focusing on changing gears, most of the race types are good, at the end of the day filler here means more races. But even then, the cool idea of the scaling rankings in the blacklist loses its edge with so many samey races and you start driving passively.

The element that could have saved the game is already written in the title. The most notable improvement of this entry is in the police chases, and it shows. The otherwise unnecessary open world that even the game tries to ignore comes to sense in the pursuits. Cops won’t let you breathe once you have a high enough bounty, and this many roads open help to give life to the chasings. Sometimes you just need to be tailed by 10 cops on a golf course to understand. And, while being chased by cops and inflicting lethal damage to them is the only trend from 2005 that I miss, the idea doesn’t fully work, as the filler gets in here too.

There is this cool arcady concept where you need to raise your bounty to enter some races as proof of your status. This makes the chase not only a game about escaping but a game where you also have to bait the cops. Not trusting that this could be good enough, the game adds secondary (but obligatory to some degree) objectives, that on later pursuits ruin any of the organic intensity. Now you don’t smash the cops because you want to, but because you have to smash 20 cops to complete an objective. Even some of the milestones are contradictory signaling how uninspired they are, sometimes you need to make the chases shorter than a given time and some other times longer. Messing around with the police but only to get your homework done.

They really don't make them like this anymore...

The aesthetics, the tone, the music, the iconic sound of that BMW M3 GTR engine, it's all extremely mid-2000s and very charming. While the game does start to drag towards the tail end of the Blacklist, the police chases keep me coming back with how absolutely chaotic they can get.

The game definitely shows its age in certain areas (egregious AI rubberbanding no matter what car you or your opponents are in), but it's still a classic title and one of the last greats from the Need for Speed series.

i Played it on the psp and didn't love it, but its been a long time.

Disparado um dos melhores NFS da franquia.

Um jogo que envelheceu como vinho, com jogabilidade magnífica, excelente variedade de carros, belos gráficos e a melhor história da franquia.

O jogo peca em detalhes, como a customização mais limitada em relação ao seu antecessor e, principalmente, algumas perseguições que são extremamente extressantes e frustrantes. Mais parece que o dev descontou todo o ódio, de uma vida amargurada, nas missões finais.

Amei o jogo, mas nunca mais quero zerar! XD

This review contains spoilers

Um dos melhores jogos de carros já feito, a história toda é muito boa. Apesar de eu achar a polícia um POUCO exagerada, e as vezes com a mecânica meio falha, é sim um jogo muito bom. Sobre a história eu não tenho nem palavras para descrever, desde o começo até o final é muito bom, o plot wist da Mia ser o jogo inteiro uma policial disfarçada e ainda assim te ajudar a subir ao topo da BLACKLIST é deveras interessante. Recomendo muito esse jogo, pode jogar sem medo tenho certeza que não vai se arrepender.

Um jogo que bate na nostalgia de muita gente que cresceu no começo dos anos 2000. Mas sendo sincero? Esse jogo simplesmente não é bom.
Eu tenho uma vasta gama de críticas a esse jogo porque ele é uma das coisas mais decepcionantes que eu já joguei. Mas primeiro, falar das coisas positivas:
-A trilha sonora é absurda, realmente muito boa e combina demais com o jogo
-O estilo de contar a história com live actions ficou bem legal, uma vibe bastante velozes e furiosos no começo da franquia.

Agora pros pontos ruins (muitos):

-A dirigibilidade e a física são completamente HORROROSAS. Os carros são péssimos de controlar, e parece ter um imã no seu carro sempre que você bate, porque alguma força esquisita fica te empurrando contra a parede e travando seu carro da forma mais irrealista possível, te fazendo perder muitos segundos.

-O modo campanha tem uma das coisas que eu mais odeio em jogos, que é um score de pontos que trava sua progressão na história até você conseguir um número X (salve, Just Cause), aqui chamados de "pontos de recompensa". Pontos esses que você NUNCA vai conseguir só jogando as corridas e completando desafios, principalmente nos níveis mais altos da carreira, te obrigado a gastar tempo saindo por aí e brincando de gato e rato com a polícia do jogo por muito tempo e de forma muito chata.

-A dificuldade do jogo é totalmente aleatória. Corridas supostamente difíceis ficam banais porque o corredor rival enfiou o carro num muro e ficou parado la uns 6 segundos, enquanto corridas normais você vai ser obrigado a resetar pq bateu numa quina e a física do jogo entrou em parafuso e te fez perder uns 6 segundos de corrida.

-A variedade de cenário também não é vasta. Eu até acho legal essa vibe retrô de filtro amarelado do começo dos anos 2000, mas toda corrida ser na cidade amarelada e sem vida é meio zoado.

Em resumo, um jogo nostálgico para muitos, mas que poderia ser um milhão de vezes melhor. Realmente uma baita decepção

Medal System
broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - technical disaster
bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - the games not for me/below average
silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - doing well
golden medal - 4 star - above average games
plation medal - 4.5 star - might've masterpiece but somethings missing
diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Games Medal: Silver Medal
---> My Game time: 26h 30m

EA and EA Black Box produced the one of the best racing games of the series.

With one of the best game engine's which makes the game feel good and look amazing for that era.

Even though the game is liniar every playthrough but it's rewarding everytime completing the entire game and running through the Blacklist.

was it fucking worth it?

As I am writing this right now, my car is perched atop a bus station, watching endless amounts of police cars slam themselves into the pillars below me as i rest motionless. Once I've rested long enough for the timer and bounty counts to reach their arbitrarily high numbers, I will retreat back into the bus station on a raised platform, where either the police will not realize what I am attempting to pull and they will remain under me at a length just far enough for the game to consider myself having evaded the cops, or they will catch onto my shenanigans, drive up to my platform, and catch me red-handed, putting the past 20 minutes or so of idling to waste, and forcing me to start over from square one. Yep, that's me. You are probably wondering how I got here, so allow me to explain.

I've been quite the fan of racing games these past few years, so I've been giving the NFS series a solid go. I've heard from many people that Most Wanted '05 was the pinnacle of the series, the thrilling fan-favorite before the slow but certain decline. "The cop chases are awesome", I've heard. After hearing all the hype, I grabbed myself a (surprisingly pricy all things considered) copy of the "definitive" Xbox 360 version, played through the Underground duology for context, and went to driving. The thing about this game is that it's strongest and most unique improvements are also the sharpest double-edged sword that makes this game so much less enjoyable compared to it's predacessors imo.

The game itself is pretty similar to the previous years NFS, Underground 2, albiet with some additions and changes. The open world is still there, though the game now offers a menu to just quick-jump to races instead of needing to spend time driving to waypoints. It definitely gives the game a much snappier pace to it, at the cost of making the free roam mode almost entirely optional unless you need to go to a car shop (and even then I found the fastest way to do that is to just go back to the safe house and use the shops right next to it). The races still feel just as weighty and solid as previous titles, cars still feel good to drive, and the drift/streetcross events are omitted from previous games. The dreaded drag race events are regrettably still here, but they are so few and far between that it's really not much of an issue imo. The races are still as fun as ever, and like Underground 2 the racing difficulty strikes a nice balance in never making you too far ahead, but also not going turbo overboard like Underground 1 did with the rubber banding. Races are still fun and cool!

The vibe of this game is also entirely different from previous games. We have gone full 7th gen mid-2000s edgy punk vibes by now, baby. This game is DRENCHED with that iconic Xbox 360 piss filter, races take place in a shady, dirgy, late-afternoon city rather than the neon-lit night life vibes that the Underground games carried. The muddy pallete isn't to say that this game is bland, it's still quite stylized after the dirty vibes that they are going for. Whenever you clear an event, the game shows a picture of your car at the time of winning, shown through various dynamic camera angles depending on how you finished, all shown through a detailed background of asphalt and concrete. The game has more of an edgy plot this time around; it's a revenge story. Your unnamed street racer man is doing street racer things when this sunnuvabitch challenges you, cheats the race by rigging your car beforehand, tries to steal your girl, and gets to the top of the street underworld using YOUR ride. It's up to you to rise up the hooligan leaderboards by taking out the top 15 racers to finally give that mfer a piece of your mind. Essentially, this is car-themed No More Heroes. Instead of the CG cutscenes of the previous games, this uses live-action FMV actors for the cutscenes and it is gloriously cheesy. Each member of the Blacklist has their own intro that looks like it came straight out of a trashy MTV reality show, complete with stylized graffiti tags for every member. The cheesy cutscenes if anything felt more like the series was going back to its roots on the 3DO, as the very first Need For Speed game had quite similiarly playful live-action cutscenes. My only wish was that the game could have had more to show in its narrative, as most of the cutscenes are at the very beginning of the game. It certainly knows how to set the mood really damn well though!

All of this falls apart with the newest gimmick this game offers; the famous cop chases. Cop chases are an iconic aspect of the original Need for Speed games, so this game brings them back after their absense in the Underground games. Sometimes while minding your own business, a cop can find you and instigate a cop chase. Evading the cops for long enough gets your heat gauge up, which gets more cops to show up until the game reaches cartoonish levels of police activity, flooding your screen with so many cops wanting to ram your ass you'd think you are playing Dynasty Warriors in Detroit. Cops can also sometimes rear their heads into you mid-race which turns things chaotic as now you have to handle both your opposition as well as your newfound persuers. All of this sounds good on paper, and at first the chases were really fun to do! The problem comes from the persuit milestones. In order to deem yourself worthy to challenge the next Blacklist opponent, you need to pass these arbitrary challenges, and they just get increasingly rediculous as time goes on. Stuff like "ram into 25 different police vehicles", "bypass 12 different police blockades", "stay in a persuit for longer than 13 minutes", etc. What's annoying about it it feels like the point of the higher heat levels feels more like a timer system a-la old arcade games making a higher effort to kill you the longer you linger, yet the milestones feel like they are set at directly counterintuitive goals, focused on farming RNG elements that are usually outside of your control (like when and where blockades spawn, or how many of certain cop cars can show up). Make a mistake and get busted, and you lose all of your progress for that chase, which gets REALLY frustrating when you lose 15+ minutes of chase progress to something stupid like a random truck in traffic running into you or a slightly uneven piece of terrain geometry catches you up. Get busted too many times, and you lose your car, and if you lose all your cars it's game over, so there's a significant punishment to messing up chases. I can understand why people see the high difficulty as a good sense of tension, but I really HATE it when games make me feel like I'm wasting my time, and the chases in this game felt so much like that. It never felt like whenever I got busted that it was a mistake on my end, but rather just some unfortunate circumstance that happened from the game deciding my time was up and launching 5 different waves of suicidal armored police SUVs on my ass that launch me into the pirhana pit of 20 cops chasing my ass. Like imagine playing Pac Man, but every minute the game adds another ghost to avoid, and the game just gives you dumb objectives like "eat 30 ghosts", forcing you to linger until things get too much. Eventually things got too much for me, and Need for Speed: Most Wanted became Need to Cheese: the Wanted System as I learned about the handy Bus Stop exploit that I have been using this whole time. And even then, sometimes the bus stop trick doesn't work and your time gets wasted anyways!!!! The only way to leave cop chases is to escape or get busted too, there's not even an option to quit to the menu in the pause screen so if a cop comes when you are trying to do something else enjoy having your time wasted!!!!!!! gaming!!!!!!!!

Idk man, this game certainly has vibes but the cop chases just made this game absolutely sour for me. I think I've come to realize from playing this and the Underground games that these games aren't really designed with the premise of actually being "cleared", and the fun comes more from being able to just drive around and vibe in the game. Because in my times playing any of these games so far, I've noticed that they revel in dragging themselves out way too far, wasting any progess-seeking players time. For every time I was vibing with the races and aesthetics, I was absolutely livid with frustration at watching my sweet time go to deadass nothing. The Blacklist 15 could have been the blacklist 10 and the point would have still made its way across imo.

Anyways, I was able to make it through that final cop milestone, so time to finish this game. I noticed one of the cop cars try to drive up and bust me while I was writing this, but they backed up and left on their own instead. Perhaps the game has finally taken pity on me, and realized enough has been enough. Usually I don't write reviews of stuff before having seen the credits roll, but I feel at this point my opinions have solidified and by the time anyone reads this, the deed will have been done.

Most Wanted has honestly aged better than it has any right too.

I mean the artstyle in particular should look like absolutely awful now a days, especially after the whole brown and grey aesthetic of the 360 era and this somewhat being an early example of that, and yet it does fit with what the game is going for and doesn't look that baaad. With the hd mod the game looks good even.

The cutscenes are unbelievably cheesy and the characters are really over the top. But they have a lot of charm that make them extremely memorable and while the game was never gonna make you take seriously a story where the main villain tells you about how they're gonna steal your car and then your girl (lmao), I doubt it was really meant to be taken seriously, granted it was 2005 so who knows, but I find it hard to believe there wasn't at least a bit of irony in these cutscenes.

Honestly I wish there were more because everytime there is one it's like an event because you know things are gonna get funny.

The one thing that kinda sucks is the amount of filler, we all remember the cutscenes, the characters, the blacklist, the cars, the customization and ofc the driving but I doubt anybody wants to remember the endless amount of samey races that just kinda pad out the time, tracks being reused but flipped around is a bit neat in the first few hours but gets tiring by the late stages.

The one thing that saves the filler from ruining the game is that the driving itself feels so great that even the filler is somewhat fun. The game feels really fast, going 150 miles in this game feels faster than going 200 in other racing games.

The game can feel intense at high speeds especially when your opponents can also reach those high speeds and they start catching up to you.

Speaking of intense, the cops in this game holy shit. Hands down best cop chases in any game ever. GTA got nothing on these, during level 4-6 heat cop chases things get so engaging, especially when there's like 5 cop cars behind you and you see 2 of them in front of you ready to hit you at max speed. Escaping these high heat level pursuits feels like a real achievement and make the game what it is just as much as the driving itself.

Iconic game all around, 100% worth the time even if it's not a 10, maybe if a few hours were cut it'd be a 10 for me at least.

It’s like if they turned a Slipknot music video into a racing game.

After so many years, I finally understood what all the hype was about. The only thing I don't understand is why people prefer Underground 2 to Most Wanted. The original MW blows NFSU2 out of the water, easily.

Almost everything that was wrong with NFSU2 has been fixed, and only the good parts remain. The linear progression deserves special praise, and I loved how they incorporated it into the game with the Blacklist approach. The open world is still there, but you no longer have to drive from one event to another, which saves a lot of time.

The biggest addition is the cop chases, and they've done a great job with the implementation. The cops are really fun to mess with and you as a racer have a real chance against them. The police chatter is probably the best I've ever heard in an arcade racing game.

I actually liked the story. Sure, it's a bit cheesy, but it motivated me to finish the game and climb to the top of the Blacklist.

There are only a few minor issues with the game. I found the open world a little bland and boring. I also wish they had kept the extensive customization from NFSU2.

Unlike NFSU2, I didn't use any mods to improve the pacing or balance of the game. The only mods I used were to restore the Xbox 360 visuals to the PC version.

With a few tweaks, this could have been the perfect racing game. I'm glad I finally gave it a shot.

Нулевая физика вождения и никакущий челлендж в обычных гонках. Суть игры заключается в погонях с полицией. Эти погони действительно круты, если посидеть в игре несколько часиков и забить на неё. Если нацелиться на полное прохождение, вы столкнётесь с нереальным гриндом очков рейтинга и растягиванием игры. После этого все приятные впечатления будут испорчены.

great game but can people stop begging them to make another one. there's license problems and while I like this game. I rather there be a different game than a remake.

first ballot 360 launch title hall of famer. me and my brother loved this one.

One of the greatest racing games of all time.


"first i'm gonna take your ride, then i'm gonna take your girl" is all the plot you need for a racing game

This game has the best story in a racing game ever. Not because of how charming the cutscenes can be but because it gives you an incentive to keep playing at all times, both by having the coolest car ever made stolen from you at the beginning and by always having a blacklist member around the corner.
I don't regret using a trainer to challenge the blacklist members instantly though. Holy shit does this game get grindy, and the terrible AI and repetitive layouts don't make it any favors. Still a great game though

O que posso dizer senhoras e senhores? Simplesmente Most Wanted '05, o maior da sua geração e talvez até hoje considerado por muitos, trilha sonora memorável e digna de estar nas minhas playlists do youtube e spotify, com rocks fodas dos anos 2000, gameplay linda, uma sinfonia sob um controle, uma dirigibilidade superior aos jogos atuais de corrida inclusive da mesma franquia, carros lendários da cultura automobilística da época e principalmente pelas suas corridas de rua, mapa incrível, corridas e pistas e circuitos magnificos, por incrível que pareça o jogo tem uma história razoavelmente boa pra não soar exagerado e dizer muito boa, de fato fez parte da minha vida e joguei muito quando criança, sempre fui apaixonado por carros e jogos de carros e talvez seja por causa desse jogo que eu amo tanto, 17 anos se passaram e ainda é o melhor, still a masterpiece.

I played this game a lot on PS2. I think it's as good as NFS can get.

this is the most 2005 game ever made