Reviews from

in the past

A cruel angel's thesis with Super Mario 64 soundfont is the best thing that could happend to humanity

I've scarcely felt so undecided on a game, this is genuinely an oddball experience. This is basically a retelling of Evangelion but in game form. The cutscenes and sound have incredible quality, but actually playing it - crazy shit. The first couple of stages set you up to think this is a 3D fighter as you control Eva 01 and fight angels, but just as soon as you get used to that, you're slapped in the face by an 8 second mission where you're fighting with the controls trying to aim a missile. Then you're mashing buttons hard enough to give yourself an aneurysm as you chase down Jet Alone - and then its a fucking rhythm game with Asuka. Your head will be spinning, but not for long, because you can clear this entire thing in like an hour. Is it even fair to call this a game? It feels more like something you'd play with at a museum exhibit

This is the game adaptation of the Resident Evil 4 of Anime

The gameplay can be a bit wonky, and unless you understand Japanese, you will need to occasionally look up translated pages to understand how to play specific missions. But despite some jank, this game tries very hard to imitate the anime original, and in most cases, I believe it succeeds.

The models for the Eva Units and the Angels are all remarkable for a N64 title, and the small details within each mission and special scenes that can be triggered make the whole experience worthwhile. I wish the game were longer and the gameplay more consistent, but I imagine it might have grown stale if it was nothing but the 1v1 battles.

If you are a fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion, give this a shot. At worst, you'll be bored. At best, you'll have a fun time reliving key moments from the series.

Kum Sussy Todd Howard on the Super Mario 64 Soundfont made my life whole

the games version of komm susser tod makes this worth existing its hilarious other than that its a weird game that isnt great but kinda neat i guess

This masterpiece gave me carpal tunnel.

This is the best way to experience Eva.

Worth it just for the Soundtrack on the same soundfont as Mario 64

i think i went to the wrong theater

Still more fun than watching End of Evangelion

based (evangelion >>>>>>>>>>>)

random dude on the street in japan in 1998: yeah.... i guess video games are cool..... but i just wish more of them asked you to mash C-Down + A constantly....

NGE64 developer on their way to work: holy sh...IT.......

Is there a show whose imagery is better suited to the blotchy, jagged style of early 32-bit graphics or whose score is so appropriately composed for adaptation to plonky midi instruments than Neon Genesis Evangelion? This game is breathtaking, easily my favorite piece of extended Eva media right after the show itself, based almost entirely on the strength of its aesthetics. Everything here is an obvious result of hardware limitations – the things that LOOK at first like compressed show clips but then are clearly just jpegs with awkward lip flaps, the marriage of EXTREMELY chunky sprite work with excellently modeled and animated 3D figures; it all just sings together in a way that only could have happened in 1999 and I suspect only with a low budget and a strict deadline, but the result sings.

This extends to the gameplay too. Shit’s basic as hell, in a good way. Foregoing the route of most similar adaptations, NGE64 doesn’t expand on the show or add any fluff to give you more to do, but the opposite – it significantly trims down the experience to the most essential and cinematic action beats and acclimates the gameplay style of each mission to best suit the corresponding action from the show. This leads to what Wikipedia classifies as a fighting game having, generously, only half of its levels features what you might call fighting gameplay. One level is a 30-second-long targeting sequence; another is obviously a rhythm game. It’s all killer no filler here, and I appreciate that about it.

The whole thing is over and done within two hours, and that’s okay. It looks and sounds absolutely incredible, it’s a fun spin on some classic beats that you already know inside and out if you’re playing it, and if you’re like me and you’re an American who doesn’t speak Japanese and is for some reason accessing this game, then anything that might have dissuaded you prooooooobably isn’t really that big of a deal to begin with haha. Certainly wasn’t for me.

Mashing A and Down-C while a Mario 64 midi soundfont rendition of Beethoven’s 9th is blaring made me feel similar to what Shinji probably felt mentally during Third Impact so that makes this possibly the only true way to adapt Evangelion in the interactive medium.

super janky and not that fun but this made me re-watch the movies and anime

Shinji is just a simplified version of Alex from Yiik

you haven't lived til you've heard that N64 version of Kommit Susser Tod

I like the A button but not THAT much

RARNING: WRITTEN FOR AMIME. Not video Game Nindeno 64, But Good Simulator! senoblaqaed 3 wimulator at tis greatast application. shinchi is like a Pefect Nodah and rrobit like morbius btu aweomsme. many based kino blade moments liek Kawowuer (shulk!) Anf greatest morbivb end of evagelelio. Cooler xenoblade 3 simiator. Rei is better than morbius

Hideaki Anno is a Hack and this show sucks fucking major ass

Pretty good but low key metal gear solid was better

Gameplay-wise this is pretty ass but it's neat to see the attempts to recreate scenes with the N64's limited hardware, I'd probably go as far as saying this is one of the best-looking N64 games I've seen. Also the music using the Mario 64 soundfont definitely gives this an extra star.

This game is awful. Like the gameplay is literally mashing action figures toghether and weird mini games.

As a technical achievment through, I will admit it's not only quite impressive visually and audibly for the N64, and it's also incredibly faithful to the anime, which is respectable. Since you're most likely gonna try out this game on an emulator, I'd say it's harmless to check it out just to see a weird little piece of history, just don't expect anything good on the game side of things.

Captures the anime's feeling almost perfectly, which is eva's best part tbh. The UI, the music, the sounds, the missions, everything regarding aesthetics is beautiful. Wish the "robot" combat was more involving or, well, made me think about which buttons i press, but i was so absorbed by the feeling i did not care