Reviews from

in the past

"Are you ready for the sexualising minors in your story lesson?"

Kazutaka Kodaka gulped.

Katsura Hashino nodded.

Nisio Isin blinked nervously.

"Yes, Gen Urobuchi" they said in unison.

possession (1981) for lolicons and i mean that in the absolute most hateful way possible

aw hell nah spunch bob took 40 benadryls

'omg what if there was a naked little girl and it was all fucked up' omg what if you shut the fuck up instead

Anyone who rated this game higher than 2 stars is on The List.

Expect your inevitable detainment

the fuck does "completed on blu-ray player" mean

A rare instance of censorship making a game better. We really didn't need the weird loli sex scenes tbh, and I can fully understand disliking this game purely because those were in there to begin with. To play devil's advocate though (albeit as someone who has not seen/read the censored scenes, which I wish to emphasize before saying anything further), I doubt the majority of the sex scenes in the game were included PURELY for the purpose of being sexually gratifying. We experience every one of those scenes through the lens of our main character, someone that is shown VERY CLEARLY to be an EXTREMELY FUCKED UP INDIVIDUAL. Personally, I'd like to give this game the benefit of the doubt and view these rather depraved sex scenes as tools to immerse us further into Sakisaka's mind and show us just how fucked up he's become.

Even with that perspective though, I still think the game is better without them and that they're a bit excessive and questionable. When I inevitably re-read this, I might try playing through it with them patched in. I'm almost certain I'll regret that choice, but I have to know if I'm giving the game too much credit with my previous statements.

As for the actual visual novel itself, it's fantastic! An absolutely horrific, depraved spiral into eldritch madness, bolstered by some tasteful edginess, phenomenal music, and a rather short length.

Guy has sex with a lovecraftian abomination that wants to fuck the world but it's ok because she looks like a loli.

Supposedly a classic according to weebs but then again you're not supposed to trust weebs on their taste, even Bible Black had better excuses for sex scenes.

May God smite Nitroplus for the sin of creating this vile crap.

Fãs de VN quando te mandam ler a história de 2003 envolvendo pornografia lovecraftiana sobre o pós guerra e as decorrentes perturbações mentais analisada pelos olhos de um jovem tarado e como isso implica na criação da Astrofisica

Possession (1981) for horny weebs

beautifully disturbing soundtrack

honestly, i'm a little mixed in the wake of having just finished the entirety of saya no uta after a two-hour binge session that's length only grew more apparent as i drew closer to the end. fear not, there's no spoilers here but i'll say this. if you want to read saya no uta, go for it.

i don't think this vn is long enough to outstay its welcome and for the most part, i think saya no uta is pretty gripping at its best with some excellent pacing and fun character writing, yet at its worse, saya no uta is misery porn that insists upon itself at times but honestly, that shouldn't be a shock for most familiar with urobuchi's work. i genuinely enjoyed the opening segments but the story just resolves itself suddenly with a lot of the endings not necessarily feeling unfinished but rather left with a lot of ambiguity and not in the sense that you're left with more questions than answers to fill in the blanks with but just that you never really got the full picture in the first place. to put it simply the endings lack a lot of the impact the earlier segments have comparatively. i also kinda hate the mc but that's sorta the point so bravo to urobuchi for putting me on the same page for once.

i'll definitely say though i think the perspective switching in saya no uta is pretty nice. overall, the narration swapping povs frequently, really helps to break up the tension and it doesn't really detract from the focus of the narrative in any way where it would end up being detrimental to the pacing. the usage of fuminori as an unreliable narrator also makes for some great tonal dissonance which amps up the emotional impact of some scenes in particular. also hikaru midorikawa is in this vn so if that isn't reason enough to read it then i'm not sure what is... unless it's the music which is probably the best thing about this visual novel! i won't name any tracks in particular but they all greatly enhance the experience.

so in the end, should you read saya no uta? while i'm personally mixed on how it all ended, i don't think it's my place to dissuade anyone from trying it solely because i found the opening and middle parts so captivating. all i'd say is to go into it with an open mind and you might be surprised by what you read! after all, this is pretty much a standard "beginner visual novel" so for that status alone it's probably worth warranting a look at it. "urobuchi watched kamen rider ryuki before making madoka"/10

p.s i also solved the "main mystery" of the visual novel within the opening minutes so if that doesn't say something about the amount of brainrot i have then i don't know what else does.

Recommended by FernandTheFresh as part of this list.

[Content Warning: The Song of Saya (and by extension, what will be discussed in this review) contains content pertaining to sexual assault, gratuitous violence, and lolicon content. Read at your own discretion.]

An endless, twisting expanse of flesh and bone beneath a sky void of color and clouds. The sound of sinew creaking beneath footsteps as a wriggling mass of organs and eyeballs crawls past, speaking in tongues as endless mouths babble at you incessantly in a sickening farce resembling human speech. In this endless labyrinth of parodical biology, where every street looks like a Mandelbrot Fractal of bone and pus, every hallway the stifling intestine of some otherworldly leviathan, every room a humid mess of muscle and putrid, rotting skin, there is a girl, untarnished by this hell of red pulp and twitching tendons. Is she an oasis in this unrelenting terrorscape, or a sign of something far, far worse?

This is the premise of The Song of Saya. After getting into a near-fatal car accident and receiving an experimental brain surgery, Fuminori Sakisaka gains an extreme form of agnosia where everything he sees looks like its made of flesh and organs, everyone he meets looks like they stepped out of John Carpenter's "The Thing", and everything he smells and tastes is like raw sewage. The only thing keeping Fuminori from ending his own life is a mysterious young girl named Saya, who is the sole thing in Fuminori's terrorscape that still looks human. Right out the gate, The Song of Saya has a strong central hook. The horror is visceral and palpable from minute zero, the soundtrack is blaring this horrific Noise Rock present in even the downtempo tracks, and the presence of Saya brings up a lot of questions for the reader to consider within the first 5 minutes: Why is she untouched? What is her importance to Fuminori? If she's the only thing that looks human, what do people who aren't Fuminori perceive her as? Anyways, right after she's introduced, Fuminori is shown plowing Saya the Cronenberg Loli in a poorly-written sex scene, and I turn the game off.

Yeah, it's one of those.

While I'm no stranger to the Visual Novel medium's fraught relationship with eroge content, The Song of Saya's sheer graphic gratuitousness and general unpleasantness is what keeps it from really being a stand-out horror story. Beyond the well-rendered visceral imagery and intriguing cosmic horror elements, the relationship between Fuminori and Saya that serves as the emotional core of the plot is actually quite compelling. We watch their twisted relationship bloom as Fuminori slowly loses his humanity and morals as he descends deeper in love with Saya, and likewise, Saya slowly gains humanity in both the best and worst ways possible. In most good horror, it's that human emotional core at the center that makes it all work. Unfortunately, The Song of Saya is no Cronenberg's "The Fly", and is more analogous to something like "Mai-chan's Daily Life", or "A Serbian Film." It's a story full of absolutely abhorrent material, not limited to Cannibalism, Rape and implicit Pedophilia. Even barring Fuminori's agnosia, why he's going on about the beauty of someone that looks like a child to him and having sex with a pile of pig guts that resembles a child in his eyes is something that is not only never questioned by the narrative, but is something deliberately played up for eroticism by the narrative in its many grotesque sex scenes (Author's Note: Some people online will tell you that you are missing out on the full experience by playing the censored version on Steam. These people are not to be trusted, and you should steer clear of them. The only thing the Steam release removes is all the unnecessary sex scenes that are largely meant for the player to find erotic, and you are missing literally nothing by playing without the 18+ Patch).

Even barring that (which is a lot to bar if I'm being honest with you here), there's also two rape scenes also played for eroticism, one also including the lolicon content. While they do move the plot forward in a sense, even with the edited Steam release you can tell that these scenes were paragraphs of erotica meant to primarily titillate, while any implicit horror or plot impact is a secondary concern, which is a different kind of disgusting from the cannibalism and Meat-O-Vision the reader is subjected to. All of this taints The Song of Saya's other strengths, such as its soundtrack, its art, and its genuine moments of horror both subtle and overt, making The Song of Saya an incredibly hard sell to all but those with the absolute highest tolerance for quote un-quote "weeb shit". If it wasn't for this list, I probably wouldn't have ever touched this game. Which is why it's honestly kind of a bummer that if you took the overtly exploitative content out of the equation, The Song of Saya would probably be the best introductory Visual Novel for newcomers to the Visual Novel medium: it's short, it's easily accessible, and it manages to show off a lot of the medium's strengths without being too much of a slog. It's just a shame that all these qualities are in service of The Song of Saya. There are better visual novels for getting into the medium, and there are better cosmic horror stories that won't get you put on a watchlist. Steer clear, because you're not missing much.

...The soundtrack is pretty good though, give that a listen.

friend of mine kept trying to get me to play this for a really long time, eventually i caved and played the first five minutes or so before putting it away. i barely remember the game but she got arrested for child porn a year later so three stars

no idea where the philosophical reviews are from but watching paint dry is better writing than this. idk who needs to hear this but mindless sexual assault doesn't equal good or deep writing. literally only 1 star for the art and ost. there are better morally grey media who execute topics better than whatever tf this is I swear the jeff the killer story is better than this garbage

Best part is when a character says a sawed off shot gun is so dangerous its even illegal in America.

Damn you cunts sure love giving rapturous 4+ star reviews to games about sexually assaulting children ("nooooooo she's actually a million years old shuggoth or whatever" fuck you lol)

None of this would have happened if Fuminori simply owned an air fryer.

great soundtrack. abysmal everything else. shallow despair porn that's so unbelievably extreme it ends up being unintentionally hilarious instead

please dont stick your penis into cosmic flesh monsters

here's john wayne urobuchi in 2003: i want to dress up like a hack and have sex with children and kill them

Monogatari fanlarına öneririm

i never thought i'd read worse sex scenes than tsukihime but here we are
need me a bad bitch like ryoko tho fr fr

ideia interessante executada por um adolescente de pau duro dos anos 2000 que acessava

Was confused when he started killing people. Isn't he the main character? Aren't the main character supposed to be a good guy?