Reviews from

in the past

Beer is not worth all that effort.

Seriously though, play this game. It's fucking awesome.

I know it's not fair at all, but thanks to the passage of time I now live in a world where Neon White is one of my favourite games. I don't think I will ever return to this.

One of the most underrated games of all time. SEUM delivers high-speed gameplay mixed with the precision of movement shooters to deliver a hell of a game.

The gameplay is just your character walking/running, which sounds super boring, but with the addition of various powerups, accuracy checks by shooting fireballs into gold containers, and huge levels that have big drops or epic highs, makes this game a true joy to play.

I also love as a completionist the various secrets hidden in this game. Going for 666% is super fun, and challenging in just the right ways. It combines an ARG with a completion perspective, and I almost wish I never looked up a guide to get it and tried it on my own to figure out how to unlock secret levels.

The only place this game really just is "okay" is for extra modes and the story. I'm not saying I needed something super complex, but the story is told in JPEG comic book images with beer chug sounds played over it, along with sub-par VA. The bonus modes as well are really terrible for something that should have infinite replayability, sure, you can try out improving your time on the maps, but good luck with the infinite runner mode that's boring as all hell.

Overall, a great game that one day should really see a sequel and the appreciation it deserves. It's really a gem, if you ask me.

É daora, pena que eu nunca mais joguei

Really fun, sometimes hard as hell (no pun intended), but always rewarding

Petit jeu de parkour agréable et qui répond bien.

ridiculously fun and addicting. good way to blow away your time collecting all the beer cans, getting the goals and finding the hidden levels. too damn fun for what it is. a few stupid level designs like the hidden clock level set it back. i respect it for what it is

Really underrated movement-based fps game with bite sized levels. Makes me live out my dream of being a redneck going through hell.

I love these types of games, wish there was more of them.

best plot for a video game ever

Awesome heavy metal themed first person platformer, hard difficulty only and very polished. However, par times to progress are relatively forgiving so if you are anything like me and just want to get to beer heaven without speedrunning then this game is for you too. The developers even added 20 new levels for free later on if you thought 100 levels plus endless mode was too little content.
Press G to bring out the horns.

Eu odeio o fato que fiz os 666% desse jogo.

A pretty fun fast paced platformer with some interesting mechanics. Nothing too complex or standout to write home about, but very fun nonetheless.

alright cool premise but gets repetitive

Crazy good fun first person platforming. THIS is the kind of game I love more than any other. Well worth taking the time to get 100% in, despite my playtime looking large it's not that bad at all to finish (most of the time was spent idling for the 66 hours achievement, which only accounts for time spent in a level session where you finish the level). Fantastic game, well-priced, and quite addicting to do speedruns for.

Great if you like speedrunning first person platformers.
I had some fun with it for a while, but in the end it was not for me, grinding levels to be somewhere decent in a leaderboard infested with bots is frustrating.

It's pretty ok but I stopped playing because the PS4 port runs choppily and has really bad controls, making the game rather frustrating at points. And... I don't know, I suppose I just found games I would rather play than SEUM.

Um 3D platformer aceitável, que, apesar de legal, não vale mais que um pastel e um caldo de cana. É divertido de se jogar em alguns momentos mas algumas fases são extremamente chatas, além disso, o framerste não é dos melhores e quebrar o jogo não é difícil.

a fun, cool game with a great concept used well. i didn;t finsih it but got quite far in and had lots of fun!