Reviews from

in the past


This is my Shrek the Third.

Straight and to the point, this is the ONLY, and I mean ONLY time I genuinely do not have anything that is unambiguously positive to say regarding The Binding of Isaac. Rebirth is an INCREDIBLE game. Afterbirth was decent. Repentance is my FAVORITE game of ALL time. Flash was good. The Legend of Bumbo was also good (if unpolished at times). So that leaves ONE release, that flabbergasts the mind at how it costs 10 United States Dollars. That ONE stain on Isaac’s legacy that shan't be forgotten. That ONE DLC that’s more worthless than that 25 Lives bullshit in Sonic Lost World. THAT ONE DLC THAT IS...

Afterbirth+, also referred to as the worst fucking thing in existence by the overarching Isaac community, is easily the worst DLC I have ever played, and I mean that with no hyperbole, or anything of the sorts. It’s that BAD. There's almost NOTHING to be enjoyed here that couldn't be found within the previous, and infinitely more fun predecessors, and I highly recommend that literally skip over to Repentance.

EXHIBIT A: The new items are actually dogshit! There were about 70 new items in this DLC at launch, a poultry amount compared to the likes of Rebirth and Wrath of the Lamb, and almost all are terrible to boot. The most gimmicky, incompatible, Enter The Gungeon-tier bullshit you could ever imagine. The items are far too niche to be useful, and rarely synergize with the hundreds of previous items. Almost all provide little to no benefits to any run, or are just too finicky to be worth a damn. Remember the old-school D-Infinity? You know, the item that gave you a new dice each time you used it? That shit was so ass. Or Adrenaline? Which gives you more damage for each empty heart container? Or Greed’s Gullet? Or Large Zit? Or Brown Nugget? Or Shade? Sure, each DLC had it’s fair share of bad or niche items, but not to this level. And even if you got a bad item, it didn’t matter because they all SYNERGIZED. That’s the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT of The Binding of Isaac, and ensures that most of your runs are GOOD. But when your items border on no synergies, you lose a lit of your run’s overall potential. And the items themselves plainly suck, so what’s the point? Introducing too many bad items into the fray doesn’t make your DLC harder, it makes it more unfun and luck based. But difficulty doesn’t mean anything when your DLC is even EASIER than before! Not only is it as easy as previous releases, the game breaks have only gotten easier. A new item introduced, The Tarot Cloth, is a GAME WINNING item, and it’s pretty common at that. It doubles almost all consumables’ effectiveness. Ever wanted to have infinite money? Bam, Tarot Cloth + 2 of Diamonds, and you’ve broken the game. Or hell, Rune of Jera for the easiest game breaks in the world. Or get IV Bag and Restock for quite LITERALLY infinite money and items. Shit, you might as well remove the roguelike elements of Isaac at this point. And the actual content here? It is some of the most irritating bullshit you’ll ever find in roguelike history. The Void? GREEDIER MODE??? CHALLENGES?!?!?! ALL FUCKING TERRIBLE. I’ll be damned if I could find genuinely anything within the rough here, filled with rehashed and unfun content. I WISH I was joking, this DLC genuinely sucks and is a fundamental misunderstanding of the entire game’s DESIGN. Let's start off from the very top, with THE VOID!

EXHIBIT B: Look guys, it's the ultimate conclusion to Isaac’s story! For the first, erm, second... third... FOURTH, FOURTH TIME GUYS! Aren't you excited? And what's the ultimate final floor? What do you have to get in order to see the true ending of The Binding of Isaac? It's fucking random. Upon each Final boss kill, a small Void portal has a chance to appear. No items needed, nor skill involved. Off to a great start. And then you have the actual floor itself. It's a big, open floor, with 6 bosses each (one of which holds the final boss, Delirium), built off the backs of each individual floor already within the game. How fuuuuuuun… This is so fucking shameless. I'm not even fucking kidding. There's literally NO new enemies on this floor, aside from these weird ass portal things which… spew out other reused enem- 10 UNITED STATES DOLLARS EVERYBODY! It's so fucking LAZY. It just becomes so repetitive, traveling slowly between every floor, likely smiting anything in your path because of how strong you are, doubly more so if you dare to get Curse of the Lost and have no fucking map. And when you eventually, after 9 million years, find the final boss Delirium, you're in for an ass-blasting finale. Now, before I speak, let me just say that conceptually, Delirium is such a fucking cool fight on paper. AND he has a pretty banging design. Representing Isaac’s final dying delusions in a single boss is really interesting. But fuuuuck me if this fight isn’t annoying! Guess what Delirium is? Literally all of the bosses encountered in your past runs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!2!2!2! He transforms into each boss that you've encountered in prior runs, but now with a million bullets and twice as fast. Oh and get telefragged because fun and fair game design. Self admittedly, the boss isn't too bad to fight, in fact, it's kinda fun at points. But the fight itself is so creatively bankrupt and anti-climactic. When I think of the Repentance bosses, they all stick out in my mind because actually cool stuff happens leading up to them. In fact, there's borderline no storyline to this floor either. No rhyme nor reason. A Void just appears. Happens every Tuesday. And the contents within the floor barely correlate to the ending at all. Isaac dies… again? We get to see an argument between his Mom and Dad (not a new plot point but I digress), and then he dies. PLUS CAN'T EVEN INVENT NEW STORY! It's so funnily terrible at everything it does. And then Isaac walks into Purgatory? I was so confused when I got this ending. It’s not something I brought up, but almost every Isaac ending had correlated to the story, even a little bit. Even the one that was least connected to the story, the Hush ending, made sense because Blue Baby (dead Isaac) IS Hush. It’d make sense to show Isaac dead after that, BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT FUCKING HAPPENS! What does some Semen-esque Demon have to do with parents fighting? Sure, the actual floor connects with this, but not the ending! Yeah, I guess Isaac dying would be something that Delirium represents, but where the HELL did the parents’ arguments come into play at all? But in the end, does it matter? Because overall, the Void FUCKING SUCKS. It’s so ludo-narratively dissonant for its own good, and the gameplay is abysmal as the final chapter of The Binding of Isaac. Good music but 2/10. Moving on.

EXHIBIT C: Speaking of Voids, Apollyon, the new character! He starts with The Voi- It's the fucking D6. The Void absorbs items and gives you stats. Literally, in WHAT SCENARIO DO YOU NOT USE THE D6 WHEN YOU USE VOID??? Oh, it can absorb active items??? Okay??? Oh, no, that's some QUALITY 5 shit right there. Apollyon sucks and he is lame good character design tho 3/10.

EXHIBIT D: Greedier Mode. Need I say more? 0/10

Okay, but for real this time. Greedier Mode is commonly cited as one of the worst elements to Isaac as a whole. And this time, I actually agree. Hell, I even LIKED Greed Mode in the original. So what's so bad about Greedier?

First off, you have to donate 500 coins just to UNLOCK IT. That’s a big issue when it comes to game progression, as you won’t be able to even play Greedier even if you wanted to. Isaac has already let you play Hard Mode from the start, so I can’t see why Greedier had to be different here. Second of all, the mode itself fucking SUCKS. You get a poultry amount of money, barely enough to even SURVIVE, one extra wave spawns, and the timer is so sped up, oh my god, make it end please. Basic enemies also can be champions with no rewards for killing them. But hey, at least the Jam chance for the Donation Machine is decreased!!!! God. I am tired. And now the final boss has a second phase that lasts all of 2 seconds? Cool???

Exhibit E: Challenges. THIS is my breaking point. You might’ve thought Greedier was, or Delirium? No. The challenges in Rebirth and Afterbirth were fine, if a little short, and perhaps too easy. THE CHALLENGES IN AFTERBIRTH PLUS. They’re all TERRIBLE. EVERY SINGLE ONE HAS GIVEN ME FUCKING EPILEPSY. Pokey Mans and Pong are the only moderately okay ones, but the final 3 made me lose all hope for this game. April’s Fool: Everything has the wrong sprite and everything is the Bloat. We’re so funny, guys! It’s not like Spelunky, Nuclear Throne, and almost any roguelike is cooking us up on the market right now! Backasswards: Clear the game with 8-10 randomized items and do it backwards. Fun game de- LITERALLY JUST HOLD R UNTIL YOU GET A BROKEN ITEM COMBO!!! But, believe me folks. None of these compare to the worst challenge in the history of The Binding of Isaac. Do you wish to know the name? Well, here it is (barring the curse word).

ULTRA MOTHERFUCKING HARD. OH MY GOD. I have no idea what the entire developer team was on when creating this fucking challenge (or DLC in general!), but this is straight up poppycock. ALL CURSES ARE ENABLED, NO HEARTS SPAWN, AND EVERYTHING IS A CHAMPION!!! Do I even need to explain why this sucks? And guess what you get for completing ultimately one of the worst challenges in the game? A starting trinket. Uno. For Samson, which is a character you’ve probably 100%ed at this point. A SINGULAR FUCKING TRINKET. Not a cool ass item or anything for all of your troubles, like almost EVERY SINGLE ISAAC RELEASE HAS DONE AT THIS POINT, BUT NO! ONE FUCKING TRINKEY THAT SUCKS SHIT ANYWAYS. Hooray, I REALLY feel accomplished! This is a game that’s priced at $10, by the way? Could’ve fooled me!

At this point, what else is there to talk about? Victory Laps; runs that don’t even give you achievements during them? Or 100%, as unfun as the main game? Oh, guys, you gotta do everything with every character all over again. AND, as an additional fuck you, do 31 DAILY RUNS IN A FUCKING ROW. I AM NOT JOKING, AT LAUNCH, YOU HAD TO DO 31 FUCKING DAILY RUNS FOR A SINGULAR PILL. FUCK YOU! But yeah. Afterbirth Plus 100% SUCKS.

Before I close out this review, I wanted to mention the mod support, and zeusdeegoose policy. All products I review are reviewed as-is; mods are irrelevant to this discussion overall. Because if I did, basically every product I’ve review would be at least worth a 6/10; maybe higher. So that’s why I’ve neglected to mention it. But I will note that, while the mods for Afterbirth+ are cool, barring the numerous NSFW mods that have caused irreparable damage to the community (god, I hate you all), the mod scene for Afterbirth+ was limited by an incredibly shitty API. Not even Afterbirth+ could get mod support right, one of the main draws for the DLC in the FIRST PLACE! Later on, Repentance would release with these issues intact unfortunately, and modders had to REVERSE ENGINEER the entire game just to get an actually USEABLE API. What a shitshow, man...

Afterbirth+ is one of the worst expansions ever released, and I wholeheartedly stand by that. It’s unfun, recycled, unexciting content with absolutely nothing in it’s favor. Ultimately one of the worst releases I’ve seen, get it away from me, goodnight.

Or... was it? Well, announced before the release that the game would receive Booster Packs, small additions of content made by the community. What are my thoughts on these? Just as, if not more terrible than the base game. It’s just more items, and while some of these are pretty good, like Tech Zero, Mystery Gift, among others, the base game is still just as bad as before. Sure, The Forgotten is... cool, but other than that, there’s nothing. Delirium still sucks, Greedier Mode is still unfun bullshit, and overall, there’s still a major lack of content. But hey, at least they fixed the Dedication bullshit. God, what a joke. I have nothing else to add; Plus sucks, play Rebirth, Afterbirth, Antibirth, literally any other Isaac expansion instead instead, goodnight sweet prince, I’m out.

The void inside cries / Consuming dissatisfied / Eating all alive ” - “Afterbirth Plus” by zeusdeegoose, Written on 4/22/24

I see why this game is praised. Really bizarre rogue like in terms of aesthetic. Gross, dark but with a sense of humor surprisingly. The comboz/synergies feel endless which is good as the gameplay is pretty simple.

not as hardcore as kirby but still good

not as beefy an update as afterbirth was and it also adds the worst bosses ever created for this game being delirium and ultra greedier whoever came up with them,,, i just wanna talk

I've sunk 200+ hours into this game, and will likely sink hundreds more. Isaac has easy to understand mechanics for the average gamer but comes with a lot of depth, owing to the many items, characters, trinkets, and enemies available. For the full experience, you'll be playing with a second monitor on the wiki or platinumgod to remember what the item you just picked up does. Still, the complexity is easy to understand once you get into the game, and not as hard as some other games with a lot of depth (like Monster Hunter).

I've unlocked every character you can in this version, and a lot of achievements (I had like 50% of them, which is like 150 or something). Still, there is a lot left for me to do. You definitely get your money's worth, what's frustrating is that some of the achievements and challenges just feel cheap, as opposed to a fun challenge. Challenges like Ultra Hard that gatekeep achievements can be pretty cancer when you're spending most of the time just holding R to reset for a better run. I understand it's a rogue-like, but it doesn't have to be like this.

The state of the items in this game leave something to be desired, as there are way too many bad items that dilute the item pool, especially items that have the same purpose or are just powercreeping. The next major DLC update seems to have solved many of these items, but not without nerfing a few unnecessarily.

The complaints I have still can't overshadow the many hours of fun I had in this game, learning the more synergies and exploring the lore. And with the next update bringing proper co-op, I could see myself doubling the hours spent.

Onwards to Repentance!

Too old control scheme for me to enjoy it, relies a little too much on RNG to be fun imo. But has a nice art style and atmosphere in it's own way

NOTE: This is a review of the DLC, NOT the game as a whole. I love Isaac Rebirth, see my review on it if you're curious as to why.
Afterbirth Plus is easily the worst DLC of them all. It barely adds anything at all and what's here is incredibly mediocre. Let's start with it's major additions.
The Void SUCKS. Not only is the entire floor big as all hell, it's really, REALLY easy. Imagine Basement 1, but they give you Tech X, Brimstone, and Polyphemus on the first floor, and you have The Void. You just steamroll everything in your path. Sure, you could somewhat say that about the main game, but that was much rarer to achieve. And don't even get me started on the glitchy nightmare that is Delirium. He's so glitchy and can telefrag you whenever he wants to. He's also way too damn fast. He's a fun fight, but he can be pretty annoying at times.
Greedier Mode is just harder Greed Mode. Not much else to say.
There are 2 new characters. Forgotten is fun, but Apollyon, while also fun, is way too similar to Isaac. You void bad items, just like you'd D6 bad items.
100 new items, which is fine. But there's a lot of items that are almost entirely worthless. Unique, but not good enough for another major DLC.
The 5 new challenges are AWFUL. The only one that's decent here is Pokeymans; the rest are terrible. Backasswards is just RNG, April's Fool isn't fun, Pong is pretty much just slow roll, and Ultra Hard is the worst challenge in the entire game.
Overall, AB+ just wasn't a good DLC. It's too miniscule in content, and the new stuff isn't all that great. Buy it for Repentance and nothing else.

thank god repentance exists now

The game that rogueliked me so hard I burned out on roguelikes FOREVER -- there's just too much damn content and it takes like 50 runs before you even get to play the game proper. That being said I have 400+ hours in it, so, yknow.

Binding of Isaac for me is my perfect "pick up and play" game. I already sunk dozens of hours on the WIIU version, but already have close to 100 on Switch, with all of the non-greed mode endings complete. It's simple in look and borderline repulsive at times, yet those seemingly bizarre factors create such a wildly different and unforgettable experience every new run.

Also, having now just beat LoZ NES, I love how the dungeon format is almost exactly the same here as the dungeons in that original game were. You could really tell the devs were huge fans of the genre/style and polished it up to great lengths.

Delerium fucking sucks ASS and a lot of the new items/changes are kinda meh. Greedier mode also fucking sucks as a mode and I can't wait to suffer as the tainted characters.Easily Issacs worst expansion and Im so glad I can be done with this part of the experience

Kinda shitty dlc sorry glad repentance exists now

pulled an all nighter grinding out a save file in this game before a 5am shift at work. No regrets definitely one of my fav games and comfort games for sure

Despite me playing this game on the worst platforms of all time (Mac) this game has still managed to be really fun for me.

Really hope I can play repentance tho, since I heard that's the objectively superior version of this game

Biblethump child descends deeper into the caverns below his small house on a hill, collecting household knickknacks and tchotchkes to ward off the grotesque abominations trying to kill him at every step. The game loop is as addictive as ever and experimenting with cool synergies is always a pleasure, but this expansion holds the game back a little when you're hundreds of hours deep with it's generally low difficulty, awful Greed mode and item pool bloat.

You can play this game for 2,000 hours and still find new and fun item combos.

been playing on and off since 2017 and i love it, it's like microdosing on CBT

... Afterbirth but with a plus, which in my mind is a minus, because...

i used to sit in the college cafeteria and spend hours breaking this game over and over again instead of studying and now im a dropout so thats cool

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fuck d*lirium

simplesmente o jogo que mais roubou tempo da vida minha. 5 estrelas amo

Sad Boi Hours have gotten harder

Play isaac or I’ll personally find you

hush bad. Greed mode is also something probably created while Edmund Mcmillen the little fucker was thinking about how to make something as unpleasent as possible. Do I regret having basically sacrificed about a Quarter of my available memory to know almost all of the niche interactions / effects? Yeah I do

this game makes my bf mad so i love it