Reviews from

in the past

Play this with someone you know you can shit talk and be best friends.

Level design: 8\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 9\10;
Diversificação: 8\10;
Trilha: 8\10;
História: 10\10;
Fator replay: 7\10.

Juegazo. Hermosa y muy divertida experiencia

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I fought my brother as the final battle. Truly this was a Lego Star Wars moment.

Um jogo cooperativo offline onde os dois players jogam na mesma tela (bem vibes games de 2013), este jogo é protagonizado por dois prisioneiros que possuem um objetivo extra além de fugir da prisão chamados Vincent e Leo.
O jogo é muito divertido de se jogar, enquanto você conversa com uma pessoa aleatoria seu amigo pode ta fazendo alguma outra atividade ao mesmo tempo, podendo ser fazendo algum minigame, vendo uma cutsene ou apenas explorando o ambiente mesmo. Ele possui em torno de 6h pra zerar, ele não é muito longo mas é uma experiência incrível, um daqueles jogos que se joga e quando acaba se fica "porra esse jogo foi muito foda"
Um ponto negativo que eu achei desse jogo é que o ele é anunciado como se fosse focado em troca de tiros e ação a todo momento, porem a premissa do jogo é totalmente diferente, existe troca de tiros? sim mas acaba que é dado muito destaque pra esse fator.
Eu acabei achando o jogo muito foda, aquele jogo que você só pode jogar uma vez pois ele é uma experiência, eu não posso falar muito mais se não eu daria spoilers, então só vai jogar e depois me agradece.

There's not as much in the way of gameplay as you might expect, and the gameplay there is can feel either overly forced to be collaborative (the number of obstacles you have to work together to lift or cross that clearly you could just climb over...) or feels like there's not actually a whole load of jeopardy at play. That said, the development of the two characters and the unfolding of the story – as well as the various Easter eggs, and really fun mini games (I smashed the horse shoe throwing but got battered at the arm wrestle) throughout – make this a really engaging and fun play through. And the ending is absolutely worth it.

Connect 4 is the true PVP battle of this game

Fun game, great that it has a friend pass system

I first played It Takes Two, from the same studio, some months ago. I was expecting to find some similarities between these two games. To my surprise, however, the similarities started right from the title screen.

There's much to applaud about A Way Out. I find their efforts for the, ahem, cooperative video games scene, so commendable. The experimentation in gameplay and mix of unique ideas is not just a selling point, it is the very essence of their titles. So for that alone, I'll always praise and play their works, because there are few studios working on that.

I still haven't made up my mind. For all intents and purposes, It Takes Two is the better game, if a little stretched thin. A Way Out has many mundane moments, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but if there were some more substance to the rest of the game, the mundane wouldn't feel kind of empty. So I don't know which one I prefer just yet.

Some years ago, thinking about a game I'd like to create, I envisioned something like the experience this game offered me. Varied concepts, an interesting story, changing gameplay mechanics, action set pieces. I'm no game developer by any means, but this game kind of made me realize that idea would be extremely difficult to pull off. So I hope they keep on refining their craft.

This isn't a mediocre game, nor is it a GOTY contender (It Takes Two should have never won in 2021), but is an enjoyable, emotional, if sometimes too in-your-face and unrealistic, experience. I have to say, I didn't see the twist coming and was genuinely shocked, so that alone made it a little better for me. And the way the ending is handled feels very unique but fell short of greatness.

Played for 8 hours and 33 minutes through Xbox Game Pass.

Still as good and fun as I remembered. Okay/good visuals, nice gameplay, an interesting story and characters make A Way Out a really good co-op experience. Replayed it with my gf!

Playing this with your older gamer brother is the best experience a man can have!

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Pq vc matou ele?

much more fun this time around. yea the game is janky, yea the dialogue and voice acting is kinda off, yea it looks kinda shitty.

but man is it fun. and man does that ending hit (even if slightly unfair oops).


A pretty bland plain game but is more often than not unintentionally hilarious to play with a buddy late at night.

The best co op game of all time. such a fun game to play, and I've replayed it twice!

A fun co-operative experience

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 2/10

For the longest time, this game flew under my radar. I am glad I finally gave the game the time of day. Solid story and great co-op moments make it a standout game. This is the best Prison Break video game.

I liked the game, I finished it with a friend in a couple of days, there was a problem with authentication, but we got over it, there are a lot of cliches in the game, I liked the ending, at least in the end the players were given a choice of how the game would end, although the player who is faster will win their ending clicks a button on the keyboard or gamepad, in general, as a game for a couple of evenings it’s quite normal.

Must play split screen title.

try not to kill eachoter challenge 3/5

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Eu achei divertido mas a historia é meio fraquinha tipo serio que a unica opçao de final chocante era fazer um deles morrerem? mas é divertido jogar de dois

Melhor jogo Coop chorei com o final