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in the past

Strange how there’s no AA4 and it just skips straight to Dual Destines. I mean, DD randomly introduces this Apollo guy out of nowhere. I wish this trilogy gave us a game where we could play as him and establish him as a character.

AJ:AA - 2/10
DD - 9/10
SOJ - 10/10

Case ranking coming soon

Does... justice... to the original trilogy!

Was nice to revisit this trilogy in higher resolution. While I do not agree with some of the decisions they made with Phoenix's story moving forward from the modern trilogy, it is a good package and I am satisfied with how they rereleased games 4 through 6 of the series. This is definitely the definitive way to play AJ through SoJ.

I'm always a sucker for these type of games. It could have the worst characters and most boring premises for cases and I'd still love them. My enjoyment of the games grew as I played through each one. So AJ < DD < SoJ. Dhurke is a bad ass, black quill was the best prosecutor of the three games, and my man Wright looking as dapper as ever.

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Just beat the game and man, I have so much to say...

This is gonna be a lengthy review, because I want to discuss a little in depth the 3 games so here we go:

Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice:
I'm surprised that there's a fair amount of individuals that didn't enjoy this game, at least not as much as I did. When I finished it, I was thrilled and so satisfied so I guess it was a shock to learn that. Anyway back to the game itself, this one in particular I think is fantastic because all of the cases are great (even case 2). Case 4 legitimately blew my fucking mind when I first played it, it was such an amazing experience. To me, the MASON system was probably the coolest feature yet. Shame they got rid of it after case 4. The investigation phases felt thrilling and enjoyable, and forces you to actually think to progress through the investigations whilst jumping back and forth to the present and past. To uncover the many truths, all linked to Pheonix Wright in some way to uncover the ultimate reality. I also want to add that this game has the best soundtrack out of any of the AA games imo, it's just too good, every single track. Klavier as prosecutor i thought was real cool. I like his design, his personality, how chill he is, and his involvement in the final case. Can't forget his iconic "Achtung! Baby".

Dual Destinies:
This game is considered to be the weakest game of the 6 and I can see why. I don't know if I can agree, but what I can agree on is that despite being one of the weaker games in the franchise, it's still a fantastic game. It still does a lot right. The animations are awesome so I'd say the transition from 2d to 3d was a success. It introduces a new lawyer to the mix, Athena Cykes. She's the first playable female lawyer since Mia Fey in the OG trilogy. I really like Athena. I enjoy her personality and how cheerful and Goofy she is, her dynamic with Apollo, her backstory, her connection to Blackquill and Widget is fun to use. When it comes to the cases themselves, they probably have the weakest cases in the franchise but by no means are they bad. I found all of them to be enjoyable, just a few minor complaints here and there, in particular the first 2 cases. Case 5 and the DLC case are extremely good and stand out from the rest of the trilogy for sure. I really hate how they moved on from the retro style music and took on a more modern approach, because quite frankly the music is pretty mediocre in comparison to AJAA. Prosecutor Blackquill has to be my favorite prosecutor so far. His design is so cool, he's got a fun sense of humor, he's got Taka the bird, His relationship with Athena is interesting, His backstory as a convict (albeit wrongfully so) is unique,etc. I just can't put into words how much I love that samurai bird wielding prosecutor. Sidenote, Blackquill is such a hardass last name.

Spirit of Justice:
This one may be my favorite of the 3 Apollo Justice games. It starts off strong, the new mechanics of Insight and Divination Seance is really cool and creative. Rayfa must be protected, and for the most part the cases went really well.
And as for that final case...
Honestly, just play it yourself and you'll understand

Starts off strong, falls flat in the middle, and ends nicely.
Good collection of games, my only complaint is the 30fps lock which is stupid cause the ogs were literally 60fps iirc. Really wish dual destinies was just a different game entirely but spirit of justice did the best it could with that dogshit setup

Aqui estamos novamente com Ace Attorney, desta vez com o recém-lançado Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy. Meu primeiro contato com Ace Attorney foi justamente no ano passado, quando joguei e me encantei com o Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy graças ao nosso amado gamepass, que achei simplesmente maravilhoso. Obviamente, quando soube do lançamento deste aqui, bati o olho e fiquei mega empolgado, já querendo pegar, e não deu outra: estamos com ele desde seu lançamento.

Começamos com Apollo Justice, ambientado sete anos após Trials and Tribulations. Nesse tempo, muita coisa aconteceu, e Wright está bem diferente nesse início de jogo. Em Apollo Justice, nosso novo personagem principal, quer se junta à Wright Anything Agency (anteriormente conhecida como Wright & Co. Law Offices), esperando fazer uma verdadeira diferença na profissão jurídica. Infelizmente para ele, está iniciando sua carreira durante a Era das Trevas da Lei, onde promotores desonestos e assassinos manipuladores não medirão esforços para se safar de seus crimes.

Assim como a Magatama de Phoenix, Apollo tem seu próprio poder secreto: uma pulseira mágica que permite desacelerar o tempo e perceber os "tells" das pessoas - os movimentos involuntários dos músculos que destacam suas mentiras. Ao contrário da Magatama, isso é quase exclusivamente usado no tribunal para desestabilizar as pessoas durante seus depoimentos, adicionando um novo elemento a Ace Attorney.

Nosso primeiro caso vê o próprio Phoenix sendo acusado de assassinato e estabelece as intenções deste novo jogo como uma versão mais sombria e triste do que aconteceu antes. O segundo caso um pouco mais lento, Turnabout Corner, combina três mistérios separados - um roubo, um atropelamento e um assassinato. Mas Turnabout Serenade e Turnabout Succession, a gente revisa imagens de um concerto e faz uma viagem no tempo (de certa forma) - enquanto transformam o tom do game em algo muito mais intenso.

No geral, se comparado à trilogia anterior, acho que Apollo Justice foi relativamente curto, apesar, claro, de ainda ser um bom tempo de gameplay (no meu caso 38 horas). Quando você está no embalo, o tempo no jogo passa voando. Uma coisa muito legal no game certamente são as artes, mudando as transições dos sprites 2D da trilogia anterior para personagens e cenários em 3D, e claro, animações e escrita fantásticas, além de cutscenes totalmente animadas. Os casos em si são muito mais legais, incluindo altos plots que vão deixar certamente qualquer um jogando de boca aberta.

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy é realmente um baita jogo. Me arrependo profundamente de nunca ter corrido atrás deles antes no passado. Afinal, nunca foi por falta de gostar do gênero, já joguei muitos jogos da Spike Chunsoft, por exemplo, que claramente bebem muito de Ace Attorney e certamente por servir de inspiração para diversos jogos incríveis. Ele claramente não poderia ficar atrás, sendo um baita de um jogo e mais do que recomendado para todos. Um dos pontos que vai limitar qualquer um a jogá-lo é a falta de minimo uma legenda em PT-BR e certamente seu preço, que não é nem um pouco acessível no nosso Brasil, mas certamente, se a primeira trilogia chegou no Game Pass, quem sabe essa um dia também não possa chegar, inclusive joguem Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy disponivel no gamepass.

Pontos Positivos:
- Arte e animações

Pontos Negativos:
- Um pouco curto se comparado ao seu anterior

Versão utilizada para análise: XSS


Heartbreaking: two games you vehemently despise for spitting on the creativity of your favorite contentious sequel of all time just got a good port

AA is my favourite series and the Apollo trilogy is honestly really weak compared to the original trilogy, Dgs Duology and Investigations 2.

The original trilogy felt like it continously built ontop of itself but kinda gives a different taste in each game, this trilogy the direction, vibes and the story are all over the fucking place and its exteremly unfocused for a collection of story games no game really connects with one another in a meaningful way like aa1-aa3, The non-story cases are some of the weakest here. alot of the charm the original trilogy had is gone and its replaced with different vibes in every game. 4 and 6 are equal for me and have some nice moments in them, 4 is all around really great and it has one of the best vibes and soundtracks, 6 has some really great highs for mainline and 6-5 has some of the stuff I CAME to the last 3 games for but apollos story in it is really nice too and 6-2 is personally my favourite case in the last 3 games. but 5 is genuinely cursed and it ages like milk and i already didnt like it when i beated it. (the 5 dlc is goated tho)

but ace attorney is like pizza.
and pizza is like sex.
so its still pretty goooooood

AA4 is mid, AA5 is shit, and AA6 is pretty good. I will be double dipping day 1

No Gumshoe no money from me Crapcom

That took me longer than I expected. I dont necessarily approve of the writing in Ace Attorney 4 5 and 6. but this is the first time I have played through them since the 3DS, so let's talk about them properly.

Apollo Justice Ace Attorney completely destroys Phoenix Wrights character. I hated it on the DS and I hate it still. At least Klaver Gavin is the prosecutor you least of all wanna punch in the face

Dual Destinies, here the games took a trip up due to the 3DS hardware and the use of anime scenes and better firepower meant they could experience a bit more with 3D on these titles

Spirits of Justice, God this game is wild. the writers smoked some wild dope when they wrote the story here

The higher resolution and the bonus features are nice and it is all in all a very definite way to play Ace Attorney 4 5 and 6

But they are still the three bad Ace Attorney games cause the y do not stand a chance to the original trilogy

I finally finished playing all 3 games included in the trilogy, man was it a beautiful experience and did I shed some tears a few times, specially on Spirit Of Justice, the final case there just brought me to tears for personal reasons, I remember playing all these games on my ds and 3ds and this is an awesome remake for the switch and other platforms! <3

Very high quality and well made collection. Played the first two games included so far. More of the same great gameplay and characters. One of the most consistent game series' I've ever played.

This review contains spoilers

where do i even start here? those three games are much more different from each other than the three games in the first trilogy were. this trilogy started off very strong, with the first game perhaps being my favorite ace attorney game ever!

the first game has my favorite cast of characters and the best music in the entire franchise. it's also not too long and just hits a sweet spot with its length. i never got tired of it but it also never felt too short. after finishing it, i immediately wanted to replay it!

dual destinies isn't as bad as people pretend it is, but i still didn't enjoy it as much as the first game in the trilogy. athena and simon are wonderful characters, but don't get enough time to shine (and it sadly only gets worse for them in the next game...). i think the game didn't start very strong but got better over time. i enjoyed what they did here, but some things absolutely could've been better in this game.

and then, spirit of justice... probably my least favorite ace attorney game. i didn't enjoy the setting and i did NOT enjoy the ending. nahyuta is the weakest prosecture in the series (cool theme though, i'll give him that), i hated devination seances and i did not enjoy how apollo was connected to the events of this game. i love apollo, but he didn't need to be here. he should've stayed home, but instead he now opened a law office there. i genuinely hate this, as it just felt so out of the blue. i'd be the first person rooting for my boy to get his own law office, but this just didn't feel earned. plus, i loved his dynamics with trucy, athena and even phoenix, who he is now removed from. plus, apollo and trucy's mother being hinted at during the ending... she should've been here sooner. i loved her in the first game of the trilogy but by the time she "showed up" in spirit of justice, i was just annoyed and wanted her to hurry up.

i really enjoyed my time with the trilogy, but it really sucks that it ended on such a sour note for me. perhaps a future game can fix what i disliked, but for now, this sadly annoyed me enough that i can't get myself to rate this game any higher.

however, i did enjoy the special episode of spirit of justice, which at least made me like something about that game! soo, that's something!

Eu amo Ace Attorney cara.
Essa trilogia realmente me fez re-avaliar AJ e DD como jogos, aprecio AJ melhor agora, porém DD continua sendo um jogo aceitável.
Ainda não comecei SoJ, porém eu já amei o jogo quando o terminei na primeira vez, então se qualquer coisa só vai me fazer aprecia-lo ainda mais.
Eu amo Ace Attorney cara.

Having already played these games, I guess I'll just give my thoughts on this "second trilogy" as a whole.

I really do think I have a higher opinion of Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice than a lot of longtime fans do. Don't get me wrong, there's stuff about those games that I didn't like and wish had been done better, but I'm of the opinion that even the worst Ace Attorney game is still really good. I will say, AA4 is easily the strongest here, followed by 6 and then 5. Without giving much away though, 6 may have the strongest ending in the entire series, so it's worth playing through just for that. I hope this collection is successful and we get more new AA games soon.

INCRÍVEL, a Capcom sempre surpreende com as suas collections, e essa aqui não decepciona ninguém, a qualidade absurda que eles deram pra os 3 jogos é outro nível, principalmente o Dual Destinies e Spirit of Justice que são as versões mais bonitas que esses jogos tiveram, além da otimização e gameplay melhorada.

Fico feliz também em dizer que joguei antecipadamente essa coleção pra fazer um vídeo no canal, o que foi um marco gigante pra mim, fica o link da review completa no Youtube, espero que gostem:

It's called the Apollo Justice trilogy because he's three different characters in every game

Dual Destinies is the greatest video game ever conceived by a human being i'm in tears from the amazing story about The Dark Age of the Law