Reviews from

in the past

Last Assassin's Creed I played and probably will play until something drastic changes at Ubisoft. As a Londoner I always enjoy games in the big smoke. The city is realised well here and the game is a fun extension of the Assassin's Creed formula. Does drag on a little when you are completing everything but an enjoyable experience nonetheless.

Pire Assassin's Creed auquel j'ai joué, frr. Le personnage est lourd, t'as l'impression d'avoir un 33 tonnes sur les toits. En plus, c'est plein de bugs. Deux persos pour quoi faire ? Il n'y a presque pas de différence, et l'histoire, je ne m'en souviens même pas tellement jouer était une torture.

conseguiram estragar o melhor evento histórico de todos

Bueno pero no la gran cosa, entretenido.

Despite being one of several formulaic pre-2017 Assassin's Creeds, I think it's safe to say I prefer this style over the RPG elements of more recent games. I've played enough games with item drops and gear scores to yearn for the simple days.

Okay i originaly played this in 2015, i wanted it on my ps4 at the time but i had one if those mothers who banned all video games that she didnt get, but shes kinda dumb so i just got it on my pc instead and hooked my controller up to it. Anyways i remember my first playthrough of this being good, one of the big things was that they had a playble female protagonist and i was like whoo hoo. Look i dont mind the gender of the main character as long as its a good character but as a woman id like to feel represented just like the men who complain about woke games want to play as a dude.

But im getting off topic. So as i said i liked this when i first played it, not just because i could play as Evie but also because of the gameplay but... replaying it had me almost as frustrated as when i was playing the ezio games because movement feels clunky and slow. The cut scenes are not it but the kill animations are slay. Cuztimastion sucks, like all weapons are the same and basically play the same, upgrading is not really rewarding or satisfing either.

I did like the ziplining, the throwing knifes and the cane. The fact that you could get unique kills was also something i liked and i also didnt mind the liberating parts of the city missions. Im fine with the fighting mechanics but yeah defiantly nothing special there either. The story is kinda bland and i wish that you could like upgrade etc your own carrige and the hideout in a more interesting way.

Well i finished the main story, not all side quests becuase they were boring> I decided to try and to get platinum because i was bored but then i ended up deleting the game in a fit of rage after the slow parkour didnt work like i wanted it to making me replay the same memory several times until i said No, no more and i can confidently say i never want to play this again. I can appreciate it for what it is and i mean i did use to like it, so lets leave this one in the past.

that ending clarifies this was made by people who naturally despise the british

Don't listen to hard assassin's creed fans who hate on everything after ezzio. This game was so fire even better than unity in some stuff.
I love the twins thing where u can choose who to play with (except some missions)
stealth is so fun on this one, I liked it just as much as unity if it weren't because parkour is so fucking bad compared to unity. Specially when parkouing down, BUT the batman type hook that they give you makes up for it. It's so cool to be hooking here and there
story was okay you know... meh and shit, but the city is kinda cool and what makes this game good is the gameplay.
It was way longer than unity for no reason though.

Bad points:
-story kinda long for no reason, could be summarized in 5 sequences.
-music was kinda LAME
-more skills were missing because at some point around sequence 6 you already have all but u want more gameplay
- Henry green is so fucking stupid i wish i could have let him die, also he just bugged while trying to save him and after that he was just running not waiting for me and getting killed like bruhhhh
-The map is fucking crazy all overflowed and jammed packed with icons here and there like jesuss just tell me where the fuck my next mission is and what the fuck is a main plot and na
-the band improvements fucking SUCK
-The love they were tryna make with henry lmfao wtf was that
-The bad guys/villains are fkn dumb and bland

-FUN very fun
-London is a cool place and shit
- Makes you feel like an assasin stealthy one and killer one
- addictive couldn't put down this one and unity
-you can do pretty badass killings and the optional stuff on the killings give a cool experience as well.
-cool main characters
-side characters are cool too
-It's fun to smash around other cars

also the ending was funny as fuck it was so ridiculous
about the abstergo parts fuck that shit it's so lame, i'd just walk away until it goes back to the fun part

Overall a decent addition to the franchise, despite being relatively forgotten between some of the more heavy hitters (Ezio Trilogy, Black Flag, and some of the more RPG type games). I think they tried something different to bring in the dual protagonists, but not sure how well it actually worked - sometimes it felt like they were the same character in different skins....oh well....Happy to have played this one. Would recommend to someone interested in the series - but not the best one that there is.

Meu favorito até o lançamento do mesmo (estou para jogar os próximos). Dinâmica entre os protagonistas muito divertida e bem desenvolvida, vilão cartunesco e, apesar da história principal medíocre, é tudo é bem contextualizado e justificado, inclusive as missões secundárias com as figuras históricas. Melhor parkour e movimentação da franquia até então (não o mais complexo, mas mais bem feito; o do Unity, apesar de ter uma animação linda, é extremamente travado). Melhor e mais bem feita ambientação, com um estilo de arte único que mira o cartunesco. O combate é fluído e bonito, apesar de ter o aspecto negativo e muito debatido de todos os inimigos serem "esponjosos".

they simplified the parkour

Got it for free, still think I wasted my time.

Story 2.2 | Gameplay 4.1 | Audio 4 | Visual 4.8 | Details 4.5 | Entertainment 5 | Open World 4.4

Total 4.1

absolute garbage game I would stay far away

Assassins Creed syndicate would be a very good Assassins Creed game if there werent so many bugs.

Good things:
- Story
- World
- Side quests (some of them)
- Mechanics
- Graphics
- Soundtrack
- 2 characters mechanics
- Combat
- A lot of historical apparences

Bad things:
- A LOT of bugs
- Repetetive side quests (some of them)
- Not being able to fast travel while doing missions
- Gang mechanics are rarely useful

The story is about two grown english twins, that are already in the Assassin order.
Their main objective is simple.
Take over the victorian london by killing the cruel templars and their companions that are ruling london.
While being busy with that, they also need to secure the “traditional in the series” piece/s of eden.
Now for the quality of the story.
Assassins creed is known to have two story lines in each game.
One modern and one “acient”.
If i would have to sum it up, the modern story line is pretty mid.
However, talking about the “acient” story line, its not that bad as some people say.
I will even say, that i actually enjoyed i.
By the way, if you like historical apparences in the Assassins creed series, i think you will like this story line more.

What can i say for this topic other than i really liked the world.
If i would have to “remove” my opinion on victorian london, the graphics, the coloring, the npcs and the world structuring overall was just amazing.
Especially for a game that is nearly 10 years old.

Side quests (some of them):
The reason why i wrote “some of them” for this topic is simple.
There are two versions of side quests in this game.
Story focused side quests and district liberation side quests.
Starting with the “bad” ones, the district liberation side quests are very repetetive.
For the comparison, its kinda similar to the first Assassins Creed game, even tho in the first Assassins Creed, it wasnt just side quests, but kinda the whole game.
To be exact, the side quests arent bad, but every district that you can “liberate” has them and they are basically the same but with more difficult enemyes.
I know, they are just side quests and there isnt really a reason to play all of them, but if you are trying to complete the full game, it gets kinda grindy and after one or two districts, it isnt just fun.
For the more story focused side quests i must say, that i enjoyed them.
The reasons behind why i enjoyed them are simple.
They were:
- Original (atleast some of them).
- Focused a lot on historical characters.
- Interesting.
- Fun.
- Short/long enough.

The mechanics in this game are decent.
I enjoyed using the new zipline, that helps climbing more buldings faster and overall improves the parkour experience.
Another mechanic which i enjoyed was the driving.
To be specific:
- The “combat”.
- The physics
- The boost option
Another mechanic which i enjoyed was the
“2 characters mechanic”.
Its mainly because of the different playstyles that each character has, but also because of some unique perks in the skill tree, even tho there really isnt many of them.
This game also focuses a lot on gang mechanics, as you can see in the trailers etc.
Dont get me wrong, calling your gang members to help you etc is fun and it really gives you the feeling of a “gang leader”, however it isnt really usefull, which is kinda shame.
The last mechanic i want to talk about is the
“Not being able to fast travel while doing missions”.
I understand that it could potentionally make some missions easier than it should have been, however most of the time, its just annoying.

Personally, i really enjoyed the combat.
It isnt necessarily easy, but also not necessarily hard.
Its build more on doing comboes with some quicktime events, which i really liked.
Other than that, it is also fast and brutal, as it should have been based on the setting.

All i can say for the soundtrack, is that its good.
Maybe iam just dumb, but i think soundtracks in games have one job.
That job is about fitting in the setting or a specific moment.
By the way, a small reminder: i definitely dont think that its one of the best, i just think its good.

A LOT of bugs:
This is my main issue with this game and also why am i giving this game lower rating than it should have based on the takes above.
I know, this is my 32nd review, so i havent played a lot of games i guess, but still.
To the moment i launched and played this game, i havent experienced this many bugs in any other game.
For example:
- Physics glitches - mainly with carriages.
- Mission glitches - game missunderstanding my death with the death of my assassination target (wtf).
- Npcs dying just because they exit the carrige the wrong way (wtf v2).
- My character literally flying because the carrige did something (yes iam still clueless about some bugs that happened).
- And so on.
Either way, its stil playable, however it definitely messes up the experience.

Overall, its a great game and for sure underrated Assassins Creed game.
(If i forget about the bugs of course).
On sale for 10 euros, its worth it, if you like Assassins creed games or you are just interested in the setting.


a mi me vale mad a mi si me gustó

um ngc que eu n escuto mt ngm falando sobre é o problema que a ubisoft tem em deixar a gente jogar como a gente tiver querendo, tive q dropar esse jogo, uma pena pq elese tornou o meu favorito da série principal ac :/
enfim, parei de jogar pq eu detesto o jacob, personagem mt ruim e todo o contrário doq um assassino deveria ser. n vou falar da história aqui mas qm conhece, msm q n concorde deve entender doq eu to falando - tb me irrita mt as horas que tu tem q jogar com ele como se fosse um brawler. eu sei q o jogo n era pra ter a evie mas pra mim ia ser o jogo perfeito se fosse só ela, ou se o jacob fosse q nem ela soq homem. oq eu gosto nos jogos ac é a formula classica, e o ultimo jogo que usa ela n deixa eu jogar assim por algum motivo? de qualquer jeito esse jogo vai ficar na minha memoria com mt carinho junto com o ac iv como os unicos que eu passei do prólogo - agora vou esperar sair o shadows pra ver se eu consigo zerar um assassin's creed (o resto q eu n falei aqui n é pra mim, mas quem sabe eu tento o rogue tb)

Met Karl Marx, Charles Dickens and Winston Churchill so that was cool. The setting was great as well, too bad Ubisoft's philosophy when designing progression is god-awful. This is pretty much just more Assassin's Creed slop with wasted potential of a location and unlikeable main characters, especially Jacob

is it still cringe to say i enjoyed syndicate? some parts were a little odd and unpolished but overall the frye twins were a fun dynamic after several entries of the typical dour assassin main protagonist. i enjoyed that they had different opinions on how missions should be handled and you could more or less free roam as one or the other depending on your preference.

Jogo subestimado, foi bem divertido a sua campanha, mas após a ela o jogo fica muito sem conteúdo e se torna entediante, mas ainda sim é um ótimo jogo

- Assassinating in combination with parkour feels so good in this game (8,5/10).
- Graphics are really good for a 9 year old game (7/10).
- Except of the siblings, which I really loved, most characters aren't really interesting (5,5/10).
- The cutscenes and the voice actors are really good. They are by far better than those from the newer AC games (8,5/10).
- Gameplay is just going from Mission to another mission you see on the map. In between those missions is an empty city, where you can do nothing except parkour. It is really bad. I don't get the sudden critic Ubisoft gets for their empty open world, in older AC games it was even worse (2/10).
- The stealth aspect sells this game, other than that it really sucks. The side missions aren't fun (4/10) and the story is boring (3/10).

Gameplay gewohnt gut, sehr schwache AC-Story

Sinceramente, eu adoro toda a vivência desse mundo e principalmente adoro fazer as missões secundárias como também as principais, além de achar a dublagem uma delicia por si só.

Muito melhor que ass unity que infelizmente não caiu nos meus abraços e sonhos mais profundos.

Tudo, exceto a história cafona com vilões infantis e maniqueístas, é muito bem trabalhado. É o ápice do combate na era pré-RPG e a adição do grappling hook torna a movimentação muito mais dinâmica, rápida e satisfatória.
Gosto muito desse também, um dos meus favoritos.