Reviews from

in the past

Honestly this is everything I could ever ask for in a game, I love D&D and basically being able to play it without the scheduling conflicts is amazing.

These characters are definitely some of my favorites in any fictional work ever honestly, I got very attached to most of them and I was real invested in their stories, and their voice acting is top-notch.

Borislav Slavov thank you for composing some Absolute bangers that I can listen to again and again. I love the use of leitmotifs, surprisingly the melodies never got old to me. I also love how the music changes dynamically when you down an enemy, it gives me actual bardic inspiration.

I heard that Act 3 was way worse than the rest of the game, and coming right out of the end of Act 2, which I adored, I was pretty worried. The beginning of Act 3 is pretty jarring but by the time I got to the Lower City and started finishing the companion quests I found it hard not to love. It also ran surprisingly well on my PC aside from when there were way too many combatants lmao

Still playing a group game with friends that we’re not even close to finishing, and I know I’ll be coming back to this game again and again

Deserved game of the year, 100%. Other games should take notes.


eu AMO baldurs gate. todos os personagens são extremamente interessantes, te deixam com uma vontade de aprender mais sobre eles, e as conversas são bizarramente cativantes, não sentem como se fosse uma obrigação. a única coisa que me broxa nesse jogo é o fato do meu computador nao ser bom o suficiente pra rodar no ultra, porque até no médio esse jogo é extremamente lindo. meu sonho é ver a shadowheart no grafico ultra.
é complicado no começo pelo fato de ser um rpg assim como qualquer outro obviamente, mas a learning curve é extremamente interessante

Maybe a little bit too long for me, and overwhelming at first, but its really good. The freedom of doing absolutely whatever you want it's amazing. It deserved the GOTY.

Juegue solo el acto 1 pero para mi fue suficiente para satisfacer las ganas que tenia de jugarlo y saber que es un juegazo

My character had sex with all of the other characters

A liberdade que você tem como jogador em Baldur's Gate 3 é impressionante. Conseguiram de fato trazer a gameplay (e um pouco do role play) que se tem jogando rpg de mesa. O combate é bem mais divertido do que eu achei, mesmo que eu não goste tanto de jogos de turno. Realmente não sei porque parei de jogar, quero voltar em algum momento.

What a special fucking game man. I'm going to keep coming back and back again until the end of time

Definitely in the ranks of the greatest games of all time. I think a directors cut of this (ik they've said it's not happening) would be unbeatable

Let me preface by saying this is my first CRPG. That being said, in terms of story, characters, roleplaying, and player freedom, Baldur's Gate 3 is an incredible feat of game design. The combat however, I do not vibe with. Perhaps it's because translating D&D combat into a video game is not especially intuitive or perhaps it's my relative uninteresting in D&D. Most of the time it feels cumbersome, tedious, and if I can avoid it through dialogue, I will do that 99% of the time. Giving me a plethora of spells, attacks, and options in combat quickly becomes overwhelming as the game doesn't really explain anything to you as if it expects you to be an expert in D&D or to just experiment with everything, a truly impossible feat. Even on the easiest difficulty, my wife and I would constantly get frustrated as enemies would do things so abruptly, we'd have no time to even register why we were suddenly almost dead or what a particular debuff was doing to our character - do they expect us to check out the D&D wiki mid combat? It really is a shame. I imagine if the combat were more engaging for me, Baldur's Gate 3 could have been an all-timer.

Regardless of these frustrations (which led to many a save scum), playing through BG3 with my wife in split-screen co-op (a feature I'm thankful was implemented, otherwise I probably would've skipped out on it entirely) has been an enjoyable and memorable one.

There's simply too much to put into words about this game, what an incredible experience no matter how you play

I love dnd, I love these characters, I love this game.

Baldur's Gate 3 consegue passar a experiência de jogar um RPG de mesa de forma incrível, a gameplay segue o sistema de D&D 5e e todas as formas em como ele funciona o que abre uma quantidade de possibilidades gigantesca de se interagir com esse mundo.

Por seguir o sistema de D&D, o combate também tem várias formas de se enfrentar os inimigos e a progressão de level permite ainda mais possibilidades (a opção mais divertida sempre vai ser empurrar alguém de um lugar alto).

Outra coisa que vale se destacar é como todos os personagens nesse mundo tem suas próprias histórias e são os protagonistas delas, ao decorrer eu me via cada vez mais investido na história dos membros da party pelo quanto eles são interessantes, sendo alguns deles os meus favoritos — amo vocês Wyll, Karlach e Lae'zel :').

Sinceramente, uma das poucas coisas que eu posso reclamar é que eu gostaria que o jogo deixasse ter mais membros na party além dos 4 que é possível. Não digo isso nem pelo combate, mas por causa da quantidade de interações entre os personagens que eu acabei perdendo.

Enfim, Baldur's Gate 3 aproveita muito bem o universo de Dungeons & Dragons e que me empolga muito não só em ver o próximo passo da Larian, como também a influência que ele pode ter na indústria. É um dos melhores jogos que eu já joguei na minha vida, como também um dos mais longos e que por vezes pode se tornar um pouco cansativo por conta disso, mas valeu cada segundo da experiência.

Everything else is great but the skill system is a huge step down from Original Sin 2 in my opinion

I try to structure my posts as reviews but truth be told I'm a little baffled as to how to approach this game.

I know nothing about DND, I've played only a few games of its genre, am not usually a person who values story in games, AND feel like it was overhyped to me. I'm probably not the person to ask about this game. That said, I've enjoyed it a lot.

It's one of the busiest games ever made. While I could spend some time just chilling in Yakuza or whatever, this game has had no downtime in my almost 90 hours of playtime. It feels absolutely enormous.

I've enjoyed the story and after both Original Sin titles feel like it's the strongest Larian outing to date. While not too different from those titles in presentation or story, it's just much more confident and a little less silly. I felt like Original Sin titles tried a little too hard, yet this game only had one really obnoxious NPC and they were a really minor character. Pretty much every story beat and joke landed, and there were some really hard-hitting moments.

I'm not sure I liked the combat, though. Divinity titles used a far more approachable system which I wish was the case here, but instead it felt like for half the game I was trying to understand it. At times it felt like reading Wikipedia with how you click on help and just mouse over words that lead to other words. There are several things to balance at the same time and it never feels like the game warrants it considering most of the time you can replenish everything between each and every fight and not even feel the minor resource drain. It also doesn't help that it seems DND doesn't have your usual RPG number-go-up formula which leads to some headache-inducing choices when it comes to equipment and, later in the game, led to me mostly ignoring tons of equippables I would pick up unless they were super rare.

The game knows that and does try to make each encounter unique, so at times it feels like a cRPG take on something like Undertale or Lisa: games where each encounter would usually be seen once and never again just to showcase a character, a gimmick, or a puzzle.

It's also a bit of a shame that the game is still quite janky. From often weird subtitles that either display wrong or lines that repeat to the stealth system which feels absolutely borked there are a few things that left a bit of a poor taste in my mouth. While game reacts to a LOT of the things you do, it's very noticeable when it doesn't (non-lethal takedowns seem to barely be accounted for, for example)

This post is kinda negative, but in truth there are only so many words with which I can say "characters and story are good". It's true that I've not enjoyed the game aspect of the game that much besides the exploration, but I still absolutely understand why people connected with it and can comfortably place it in my top 3 games of 2023.

I definitely hope that this game's success gets developers to make more RPGs of this kind and not water down their imsims and cRPGs thinking that causal gamers won't get it.

um dos melhores jogos que já existiram e que vão existir

yeah yeah, i played it again

Finalmente terminei Baldur's Gate 3! ><

experiência bizarra, nunca vi nada parecido com esse jogo. mundo e personagens vivíssimos, gameplay ótima (não muito meu estilo mas longe de me cansar), é literalmente o suprassumo do rpg clássico. meu pc não roda lisinho então não fui longe mas com toda certeza do mundo vou voltar (provavelmente recomeçar) e terminar.

Had an amazing first and second playthrough, but revisiting feels a bit like a chore. No raps upon the game though, it is absolutely wonderful and tastefully refreshing in the world of AAA gaming titles.

holy moly donut shop this truly was a baldurs gate 3

Incrível experiência e narrativa com as mecânicas do D&D 5e.
Mais incrível é ser um jogo completo sem DLC em 2023!!

Shadowheart ♥‿♥ ; Karlach ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Great, well worth full price imo. But seeing how it's been months since release, I would have hoped game breaking bugs would have been patched. But still would recommend

to jogando até agr mt bom mt cabeça tb