Reviews from

in the past

This fucks.

I played this after watching the Batman (WHICH IS FANTASTIC) which made this game even better, cause I was in a Batman zone. After playing all the insomniac spider man games over the last 2 years I felt right at home playing this. Though it is a much more slower game that focuses on stealth. Which works better for Batman.

There are a few downsides. I did have a few buggy control moments where even my friend was shocked how it happened. And I also did not like detective mode. This a very pretty game that I spent most of with a ugly purple filter over. It’s probably gonna be better next time because I will know where to go. But for my first play through, yeahhhhh… also the bosses are stinky. Everything else though is fucking INCREDIBLE. Highly recommend:D

I'm going through a Batman phase right now leave me alone.

My main problems with this remaster is it still runs at 30 fps on the PS4 and character models look slightly worse than the original to me.

Honestly a classic bosses were a drag but it has aged excellently well for its age.

It's decent, the bosses weren't that good though in my opinion. Hopefully they improve in City.


It's kind of insane how much worse the remaster of this looks than the original. The environments and textures look sharp for the most part but the characters look way worse pretty much across the board. It feels like details have been totally flattened. Batman looks like he got lip fillers! All the colors on most of the characters but Joker especially look flat and saturated. It's so weird! It's probably better to just play the original version on PC if you can. I mean I like the rain added to the outside areas and the color alterations seem to be going for a less washed out more "iconic" comic book-y look but at least playing it on PC you can run it at 60fps. At this point the REMASTER is already almost a decade old now and playing it on a PlayStation 5 you're locked to 30fps. It doesn't break the game or anything it's just bizarre that the PC version is way older and in a lot of ways is MORE modern-feeling. That and Batman doesn't look like a Real Housewife.

Se tem um jogo que sabe como contar uma história simples e boa de quadrinhos fora dos quadrinhos, é esse jogo, incrível!!!

Masterful game that birthed a new genre of superhero games. Introducing the famous combat and predator system that games still try to emulate to this day. The atmosphere and setting is straight out of the comics, which would make sense due to all the stories that inspired this. Just nothing short of a masterpiece!

In my top 10 games of all time. My second favorite Arkham game behind City. With such a immersive, compact, beautifully articulated setting, and nigh perfect character designs, Arkham Asylum brings my long lasting Batman obsession to my console and makes me get to experience a interactive comic book.The plot is flawless and easy to follow, with key moments nailing Batman and Joker’s characters as long as moments that his other rogues get to shine in. Running for your life in Killer Croc’s lair, Scarecrow’s toxin manipulating your entire reality as you play, crazed lunatics that will jump at you any time you turn your back, there is not a single moment gameplay wise where you’re ever bored or not on edge. A masterclass in not only video games but comic book video games and set the example.

Batman is a fascinating character. I see the appeal and why he is such a legend. I've never been able to get into the comic books, though. I have much more preferred the movies over the years and, in particular, these Arkham games. I've only played Asylum and City but damn are they good.

Asylum is actually my favorite of the two I've played. It evoked the feeling I used to get with games like Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid. Games that take place in smaller, more contained areas rather than the open world that City delved into. Progressing through the story and then backtracking into known areas here and there is a fun concept and Asylum did it so well. So many secrets, great combat, and the feeling of being a bad ass detective makes me yearn to go play it again.

Hell yes, probably the best entry in the trilogy. So tightly focused and cool.

Arkham Asylum is one of the best Batman games there is and after all the time that has passed since it was first released, it still holds up as a great adventure game. With collectables and exploration, a great combat system, and of course the Batman story, this is a great title to play over and over.

solid game, especially being the first of the series. the story is neat and the exploration aspect is well done despite being confined to an island. the combat is a little too fluid for me, personally, and i end up attacking the wrong enemy sometimes but it's still very fun and flashy. can't comment too much on music but I liked the majority of what I heard.

Decided to buy the double pack of Asylum and City cos it was $8 on sale and its been a while since I played both. For a 15 year old game, it stands up so well. This is probably my 4th playthrough, and the atmosphere, voice acting, gameplay, combat, and overall presentation is so fucking great, even if the graphics def look like PS3 graphics. This game accomplished something that a hundred other modern AAA games just cannot: it made the collectables fun! Every time I play, I love finding all the tapes, Arkham stones, Riddler question marks, and working out the riddles. Why oh why is it so hard for other games to make finding collectables not a fucking boring grindy slog??? Just goes to show, Rocksteady really gave a shit about every single aspect of this game.

Oh, and I totally don't remember it being this short, its like 8 hours to beat, probably get it down to 5ish if speed running. And can I just reiterate how fucking awesome the voice acting is? Hamill is the GOAT.

This has got to be around the 5th time I have played this game and I have the same amount of fun with it each time. Batman Arkham Asylum is my favourite of the Arkham franchise and I doubt that it will ever be dethroned.

I think without a doubt it has one of the best atmospheres in gaming. Walking through the empty halls of Arkham Asylum just has this eerie feel to it which makes each segment feel tense and exciting. Being stuck on Arkham island with a great selection of Batman's greatest rogues taunting him just makes for an amazing experience.

Taking a look at the characters, this game of course features the best batman of all time Kevin Conroy(RIP), who will always be the definitive version of batman for me, and pairing him with my favourite Joker of all time Mark Hamill makes these characters amazing off the bat. Of course there are a great cast of side characters most notably Arleen Sorkin(RIP) who played Harley Quinn. As someone who grew up watching the animated series, all these returning actors made me like this game even more. I also really like these renditions of Ivy, Killer Croc and Scarecrow (Even though i much prefer the Knight version).

Gameplay wise it lays out the foundations that each game built upon. I played through the game this time on hard difficulty and I actually found it quite challenging, all it does is increase the damage you take and remove the counter prompt which really makes boss fights more difficult. It of course introduced the free flow combat system and while it definitely is the weakest showing of it, it was ground breaking and lays perfect framework to be improved upon in the next games. Traversal wise, due to the smaller scale of the map there isnt as much focus on it which works in this case luckily. The boss fights/segments in this game are the real standouts of the gameplay loop. The iconic Scarecrow nightmare segments are my personal favourite followed closely by the Killer Croc lair segment, whilst these aren't technically "Boss Fights" they really effectively use the characters without adding a needless beat em up segment. Out of the other boss fights the only real standout is Poison Ivy who has a great fight in this game. The Bane fight is just a tutorial for fighting Titan henchmen and the Titan Joker fight is well known for being disliked as it isn't really a boss fight just a gauntlet of henchmen.

Score and Visual wise this game excels. Obviously this is the Return to Arkham addition which adds a bit more of a polished look to the character models. Whilst i do think the original game looks better, outside of the janky character models this game looks fantastic. The score is perfect mix of creepy and heroic, which is a staple of the games going forward.

Side content wise Asylum lacks any beside the Riddler trophies. Strangely enough in this game only, I actually enjoy the Riddler trophy hunting. Particularly the riddles because they unlock the cool character bios for a wide host of characters that arent in the game. Im definitely glad they decided to go for the more open world feel in later installments so that they could do more with side content because Asylum has no reason to keep playing after beating the main story.

I am going to replay the whole series to see if my ranking has changed since the last time I played them years ago. As of right now Asylum will remain at the top and I dont see it going anywhere. One of my favourite games of all time.

Simplesmente revolucionário, combate incrível e história muito boa!

Downloaded AA on a whim amidst all the Suicide Squad discussion. Holds up really well. I do love the Asylum, although it’s hard not to miss gliding over the city and swooping down on enemies. Scarecrow segments are still excellent. I also really enjoyed the characters and performances here more than I used to, especially Mark Hamill’s Joker. Maybe absence has made the heart grow fonder. Not sure if I’ll play through City but I’ll definitely start it and see how I go.

Realmente esse é o jogo mais fraco da série arkham, mas ainda assim é um ótimo jogo. O início de uma mecânica maravilhosa de jogos de herói, que foi se aperfeiçoando ao decorrer da série mas que tem um bom começo. Agora no jogo em si, gostei muito do combate, mecânicas, trilha sonora, gráficos, vilões, lutas de chefes (menos uma), e principalmente de toda a vibe bem sombria e de “terror” que só esse jogo tem. Em certas partes eu me sentia como se realmente estivesse em um jogo de terror e tudo o mais kkk. Mas agora na questão dos pontos negativos, temos os efeitos sonoros que muitas vezes são toscos e bem falhos e tiram um pouco da emoção de certos golpes, e também a luta do chefe final…. Meus amigos, que coisa horrorosa! As mecânicas e controles ficam horríveis nessa batalha, o chefe em si é ridículo e com um design tenebroso, e tudo mais de ruim que se possa pensar! Mas como conclusão o jogo é bem legal e me diverti muito com ele, e acho que essa vibe de terror podia ser passada para outros jogos do batman.

You know, maybe this game would be a 8 out 10 if all the bosses weren't bad (especially the final boss), and if Batman was more interesting outside of the Scarecrow scenes.

It's a great game however this remaster should have been much better, only 30 fps on PS4 Pro for a game that originally came out in 2009.

Acredito que esse jogo tenha sido a experiência mais imersiva, até o momento, em como é ser o Batman.
Se por um lado nós temos a ideia de que certas mecânicas desse jogo estejam um pouco "ultrapassadas", por outro vemos o quanto ele se sobressaiu na época em que foi lançado e se mantém como uma boa entrada a série Arkham.

O estilo "metroidvania" adotado nesse título se entrelaça de maneira tão orgânica a sua narrativa que você não acaba enjoando, muito pelo contrário, isso só te faz querer ir até o fim da campanha e logo depois ir explorar setores nos quais o player não tinha acesso antes.
E como se já não bastasse esse detalhe, os tais setores citados vão mudando conforme nosso progresso ocorre no Asilo Arkham. Isso desde precisarmos cortar caminho pelo sistema de esgoto até lutarmos com plantas mutantes.

Com relação ao combate eu senti que ele se mostrou bem limitado, apesar de eu ter vindo do Arkham Knight para o Asylum pude notar que o Batman "apenas" perde o combo sem mais e nem menos. Isso não é tão perceptível durante a campanha e seus inúmeros inimigos, mas quando você vai testar os Desafios aí sim essa tal limitação se mostra mais do que deveria:

- O inimigo no lado do Batman mostra que irá atacar? Sem problemas! Estou terminando de dar esse último soco em outro inimigo e irei casar o combo nesse do meu lado... certo? Errado. Mesmo entrando em câmera lenta o inimigo consegue ser mais rápido, fazendo você ficar put# com isso;

- A câmera consegue, em certos momentos, mais atrapalhar do que ajudar, fazendo você perder a noção de profundidade do cenário e tendo que se reposicionar no combate;

- Mesmo que o jogo contenha apenas 9 variações de combate elas se mostram bem competentes, mas experimenta errar um golpe em um "cara com facas" e um "cara com bastão-elétrico"... hmmmmmm, tenso.

As partes de stealth se mostraram muito boas e imersivas. A cada eliminação nossa os capangas são alertados pelo Coringa ou pela "Coleira X9" (nome dado carinhosamente por mim), e quando sobram 3 ou menos inimigos na área eles acabam entrando no modo Aterrorizados e começam a temerem a própria sombra.
Muito bom.

A narrativa tem como objetivo mostrar o plano do Coringa e seus prisioneiros no Asilo Arkham, como cada um reage ao caos no local.
O local e seus setores ajudam bastante na hora de criarem uma atmosfera de insegurança (o pessoal do Corredor da Morte que o diga), e carregando esse aspecto de ser um pouco mais escuro acaba dando ainda mais identidade visual para o jogo.
Crocodilo, você não gera medo nesse jogo.

Agora os prisioneiros, mais precisamente os vilões principais do Batman.
Ao longo da nossa jornada podemos coletar Fitas de Entrevistas com relatos de cada um desse vilões, e assim, alguns até chegam a serem ok... mas outros são muito exagerados fazendo os cair no "Vale da Estranheza". Ou seja, "sou insano porque sim".
E as boss battles, o que dizer? São um dos pontos fracos do jogo. Se eu fosse listar as que eu gostei só colocaria a do Espantalho, já as outras deixaria na geladeira, principalmente a final.

Tendo em vista tudo isto, venho ressaltar que "Batman: Arkham Asylum" é um bom jogo que recomendaria para alguém que nunca jogou algo da série. É até satisfatório que vários jogos de hoje tenham seus combates baseados nesse jogo, isso mostra que ele é uma forte referência para a indústria (quando feito do jeito certo).
É bem nítido o carinho e dedicação do pessoal responsável pelo título, são tantos detalhes presentes que você facilmente ficaria instigado a querer saber mais.

datado, porém um combate que não se perde ao tempo mesmo com sua simplicidade, droppei uma vez mas dei uma segunda chance e que bom que eu dei, primeiro jogo zerado do ano

Only played this remaster of the original but, from what I've seen, it's really close to the classic and it's able to demonstrate the same experience. One of the best games with the most fluid combat I've ever seen, such a satisfactory feeling hitting combos and creating strategies to pick on guards in different maps. It's able to execute almost masterfully everything it swears to deliver, with its sequels only improving on it.

Eu considero esse aqui perfeito.
Embora não tenha o mesmo impacto emocional na narrativa que os outros jogos da série possuem, é o que considero mais consistente, sem furos no enredo, sem ritmo quebrado, progressão muito natural e sem exageros em nada, como itens nas mecânicas que poderíamos esquecer de usar ou até mesmo informações em excesso.
A atmosfera é discutivelmente a melhor já criada para um jogo de super-herói, tendo como competição apenas jogos da mesma franquia. A direção artística é maravilhosa, tendo designs ótimos que mantém a estética dos quadrinhos mas de forma ainda nova, com cenários de estrutura gótica e uma trilha sonora incrível. A forma como tudo se encaixa, como os movimentos do jogador com a alteração do ambiente e da música, é brilhante.
A narrativa é talvez a menos inspirada da franquia, porém é tão envolvente quanto um episódio da série animada, passando aquela sensação agradável para quem gosta. O ritmo de como tudo é contado e quando surgem os momentos de ação não tem defeitos, com tudo em seu devido lugar sem parecer deslocado ou mal planejado. Itens secundários apesar de não essenciais, tornam o jogo mais recheado, é divertido procurá-los durante a campanha e são recompensadores, pois nos dão detalhes sobre esse universo de forma realmente interessante, algo que perde a força nas sequências.
Hoje em dia alguns aspectos podem parecer datados, mas ao se imergir é fácil esquecer disso e se acostumar pois para a época foi um avanço, e ainda impressiona o quão influente se tornou.