Reviews from

in the past

I'm not even "into" Batman really, I just think this is a fun beat-em-up. Slamming guys against the background never gets old. The sidescrolling levels aren't as good, unfortunately.

played this at 1am in the internet archive emulator whats up

Batman versus clowns. Lots and lots of clowns. Very easy side scrolling beat-em-up. At least until you reach the bosses, then the difficulty stabs you through the eye with an explosive batarang.

É um dos melhores beat up' que existem. O jogo tem vários golpes diferentes, inimigos que te atacam de formas diferentes e criativas, o jogo é bom demais.

great snes brawler, for one level, and then its unplayable

Gelungene Adaptation des Films als Beat em Up Sidescroller. Das Kampfsystem ist flüssig, das Spiel sieht gut aus und die Bossfights sind so frustrierend wie sie es sein müssen. Dazu tolle Musik und fertig ist ein leider zu Unrecht oft übersehener SNES Klassiker.

Punch the shit outta those clowns.

What should have just been a dumb movie tie-in for the okay nineties Batman sequel is a better beat-em-up than the first Final Fight, the first Streets of Rage, and all the Golden Axes combined.

The mode 7 batmobile level though? Not great!

depois da primeira fase eu nao sabia oq tinha que fazer

A surprisingly close adaptation of the movie, kind of to its detriment. The art is accomplished but drab, as it's focused on recreating scenes and sets exactly as they are in the film, and the same goes for the enemies - which are naturally also quite limited given that the Penguin only had so many on-screen goons. Here and there, they try to switch up the (pretty good) brawler gameplay with some single-plane side-scrolling platformer areas. Sadly, these (as well as the requisite Mode 7 car level) are kind of bad.

I will say, this game is good at making you feel like a badass version of Batman. That and the great sprite art are the highlights.

I could never beat Catwoman, in the end I got impatient and never played with it again. Wasn't worth the effort.

ay korkunç kötü bu uıasdyusdıgsd

Batman Returns on the SNES is a classic beat 'em up with some serious Batman flair! You'll punch and kick your way through levels inspired by the movie, facing off against Catwoman and the Penguin. The graphics are surprisingly detailed, the soundtrack is awesome, and the action is fast-paced. Controls can feel a little stiff, and it's on the short side, but it's a nostalgic blast for Batman fans and old-school gamers.

Un divertido beat em up, con graficos muy buenos.

Um dos jogos que marcou minha infância. Eu era muito fã de Batman, tinha bonecos e acessórios, fantasias e adorava todos os filmes dele da época.

Ele tenta seguir a história do filme, dado a limitação de ser um videogame dos anos 90. Pequenas cutscenes compostas por texto e fotos pixeladas do filme, porém a trama é bem simples e ainda assim super confusa. Só uma justificativa pra você espancar uns vilões. E daí, o jogo. Um beat'em up bem padrão pra época, coisa que se você me conhece, sabe que eu absolutamente odeio beat'em ups. Esse não é exceção. Na verdade é até um pouco pior. Eu posso estar lembrando errado, mas não me lembro de ser uma mecânica comum inimigos serem arremessados pra fora da tela e você ter que ficar parado esperando eles voltarem pra área pra você poder lutar. Mas isso acontece aqui o tempo todo e é UM SACO. O jogo num geral também abusa de uns encontros bem cheaps, inimigos arremessando projéteis enquanto você é mobado por outros capangas com ataques com hitbox enormes e seus movimentos especiais gastam sua própria vida, tornando alguns momentos bem ruins de lidar. Num geral, bem de acordo com a época onde jogos precisavam ser muito difíceis artificialmente pra que não acabassem em 2 horas.

A arte do jogo é bem legal, cenários bem detalhados e interagíveis. Em especial uma das fases é um trecho on rails no Batmóvel e a panorâmica de Gotham City é linda. Eles capturam bem a vibe do filme na estética do jogo. A trilha também é decente apesar de ser bem limitada, apenas algumas faixas e todas extremamente derivativas da música tema. Eu acho que pra um jogo licenciado, a trilha entrega o necessário e a arte supera minhas expectativas.

No geral, uma experiência bem nostálgica mas o jogo é meio ruinzinho. Vou conceder que pode ser totalmente meu viés contra beat'em ups.

Passava o tempo ne no celular

Why does this not have a 2 Player mode ? It would litteraly be my favorite SNES game if I could smash greasy clown mugs into brickwalls together with a friend.

se vc busca um jogo rico em detalhes visuais e esteticos, é esse aqui memo!
o carinhi que tiveram na arte desse jogo foi fora da curva, além de introduzir varios estilos de fases diferentes, criando assim um jogo bem dinâmico compensando algumas falhas, como os inimigos mega repetitivos , ou tambem os bosses extramente sem noção.
batman returns consegue encantar e sem duvidas é um dos melhores do snes pra mim, envelheceu bem e é muito melhor do que eu imaginava comparado com as minhas memorias nostalgicas do mesmo.

Good on Konami for doing another good-feeling SNES beatemup! Batman's moveset is both satisfying and robust.

Bad on Konami for frontloading this with abominably bad sidescrolling sections and mostly bad bossfights. Catwoman and that giant rubber duck can Go The Hell. Would be a better if someone made a romhack that ripped out the non-beatemup content.

The driving stage can stay tho, it was actually kinda cool.

Beat'em up de Batman, ¿qué más quieres?

A solid konami beat em up that maybe gets too much atention. The game is single player only and has done has poorly designed boss fights. The 2D sidescrolling sections do break up the pace. Still a good snes game to add to your collection.

Just as much as Batman: The Video Game is Batman by way of Ninja Gaiden, Batman Returns for the SNES is Batman by way of Final Fight. And that's just... alright.

The game becomes monotonous fairly quickly given the small roster of mooks to punch. You'll get familiar with them fast, and it doesn't take long before the amount of combinations the game is able to throw at you dries up and starts to repeat. Combat just gets very routine, and in an effort to break that up and keep the player engaged, Konami threw in a few levels where the focus is less on brawling and more on whatever stage gimmick they cooked up. This includes a stage where you need to use the grappling hook to clear gaps and a mode 7 Batmobile chase level, both of which are patently unfun (though the Batmobile level is at least flashy.)

Levels are richly detailed and do a good job of capturing that Tim Burton vibe - drab and grey though it may be - with the soundtrack doing every bit as good of a job emulating Danny Elfman's style as you can expect on 16-bit hardware. Give me a Revolution X style game based on Oingo Boingo, damnit. It would be terrible, I need it!

Boss battles are perhaps the weakest part of this game, which is especially unfortunate as I think boss battles are typically the high points of brawlers, especially licensed ones, which are able to leverage characters from the source material in ways that have more immediate resonance with the player. Catwoman and Penguin are really all you get as far as proper rogue's gallery villains, with the other bosses just being amped up versions of Penguin's goons. They're forgettable, and I wish Konami pulled a Batman: The Video Game and trotted out some d-listers instead.

Batman Returns is a real two-point-fiver, neither stellar nor so incompetent that it's bad. Its positives and negatives stand about equal, making for a perfectly average experience. Not the worst thing to waste an afternoon on, but if you dig even just a little bit deeper, you're bound to find a better brawler to kill time with.

Edit: I initially referred to the developer of this game as Capcom, which is incorrect. I've update the review to reflect that it's a Konami game. Batman should snap one of my legs like a dried twig as penance for this mistake.

At the time, the best Batman game ever made.

I remember really loving this game. It was like Shinobi meets Gotham City. Fun, challenging, but not aggravating like others of its kind.

Have you ever wanted to play final fight as "Bat Man"

They put instakill platforming sections in a beat 'em up.
You can tell Konami tried to be creative with some of the bosses & levels. There's even a batmobile stage. However, it's generally a mundane affair due to the limited pool of enemies and Batman's moveset. It's just not particularly exhilarating, exhausting itself before the end of each playthrough. Maybe if Konami had taken more liberties from the movie it would've been more interesting. Not offensively terrible, just boring.

Its pretty forgettable and not fun.

essential christmas games