Reviews from

in the past

Beavis and Butt-head for the SNES is rough, even for die-hard fans. It kinda captures that chaotic energy of the show, and there are some funny moments...when it works. Mostly though, it's incredibly difficult, the controls are horrible, and it gets super repetitive fast. Maybe if you're really determined to play every B&B game ever, but otherwise, this one's a hard pass, even with nostalgia goggles on.

The Genesis version is the best version. Packed with plenty of references and familiar characters, it almost feels like you’re playing an episode of the show.

Certainly better than the bland as hell SNES version.

Surprisingly, it's not a bad game, but it's not the best game either.

An okay graphic adventure game with some action elements that's faithful to the humor and tone of the show even if the password save sucks and there's a few moments of frustration.

A game you and a pal could beat in a few hours. (Less if you don’t play the arcade games) This game is more Metallica and AC/DC than Winger. Cool, cool. Can you make it to the GWAR concert? 🤘

Haven't played this since I was like 5 or 6 years old... my mother caught me playing this and took the game away from me, so I didn't play it very long. All I remember from this game is that it starts off in a school with a bunch of skateboarding punks being obstacles.. and can't forget the hospital level, which includes a nurse with huge boobs as a boss.

A short but sweet platformer... without much platforming. Certainly not bad for a licensed game though! Doesn't overstay its welcome, gives you some options to goof off as the boys, and has an absolutely rockin' soundtrack that makes the game worth it all on its own.

I have very conflicted feelings on this game.

On one hand, I love it for it's commitment to recreating the show's crass style of humor. This game is often as hilarious as any episode of the show.

On the other hand, it's gameplay is ridiculously unfair. From the absurd amount of enemies to the trial-and-error required in completing it's puzzles, it's almost never actually fun to play.

Yet I keep coming back to it every few years anyway. Figure that one out.

Would have been neat as a point and click adventure rather than this hybrid between puzzle solving and awful platforming.

I'm a die-hard fan of these two morons and the Genesis version of this game is the only one that's worth a damn, though that isn't saying much. The password system is a tedious pain in the ass that doesn't even fully restore your progress in terms of keeping whatever items you've collected in your inventory, instead simply keeping track of the GWAR ticket pieces.

More than anything, this game serves as an odd little time capsule for the early days of the series with plenty of references to episodes from the first 3 seasons such as Bedpans and Broomsticks, Sick, Couch-Fishing, Be All You Can Be and Burger World.

Esse Jogo era um caralho de complicado ( ou eu que era muito burro) kkkkkkkk mas era divertido.

I can only vouch for the Super Nintendo version, but it's surprisingly difficult. The music is surprisingly good. I mean actually, search up Hospital Hijinxs, if you say that sounds like something you'd find in a Beavis and Butthead game of all things… you're like... lying and stuff.

An average sidescroller with some cheap difficulty and bland level design.

definitely the most Beavis and Butt-Head game you'll every play I tell you hwat

For a game about playing as world renowned dumbasses it sure is needlessly and frustratingly obtuse. My favorite part is how Beavis never seems to have pupils in any of his sprites