Reviews from

in the past

The animations are great; I like the idea of a chicken that drops bombs, the maps are well designed and is fun but nothing spectacular.

Platformer game where you can't jump. And the only action you can do also kills you. Kinda infuriating

Bomb chicken grew on me as I played it. Extremely satisfying to spam bomb towers (I recommend alternating bumpers for controller players) and rewarding learning curve.

I wish the music was less repetitive, and sometimes level design is frustrating but a short game so can't complain much!

Sempre gostei da Nitrome na era dos jogos em Flash e dá pra ver que o mesmo carinho pelo visual e pela apresentação está presente também em Bomb Chicken. O jogo é muito bonito, os controles são legais e uma galinha gordinha fazendo poink quando solta uma bomba é peak gaming.

Mas a simples ideia desse jogo ter um sistema de vidas e não permite voltar em fases anteriores para expandí-lo destruiu totalmente minha vontade de continuar jogando. Ele não precisava parecer tanto assim um jogo feito em 2004, Nitrome.

A really simple puzzle platformer, but the concept of laying bomb eggs to build a tower never gets old.

despite an amazing title i was kinda disappointed

I've played this game off and on since it was released, and after reaching a point in stage 27 (of 30) and getting legitimately angry, I think I'm gonna have to put this one down for good.

Being their first game published on a home console, Bomb Chicken really let Nitrome flex their sprite art skills that they've honed for over a decade while making Flash games. The game's got great animations and details all over. The game's premise is simple enough. You control a chicken that can lay infinite bombs instead of eggs. The bombs explode after a few seconds, and in that time you can kick them left/right, make a huge stack of them (in service of the lack of a jump button), etc. Your own bombs' explosions can cook you as well though, so you need to be aware of your surroundings. It's got the skeleton of a great puzzle-platformer, and a lot of the game is great, don't get me wrong! The game is full of puzzles that require unique approaches, hidden passageways, and gems to collect for the people who aim for full completion. That's kinda where my praise ends though...

Bomb Chicken is at its worst when it gives you a high-stakes situation, with a ton of obstacles on-screen, and very little room to work with. After a certain point in the game, it begins to feel like that's all they're throwing at you. The graphics also tend to get too pretty in these situations, making it unclear how far away I need to be from my bombs, or not even knowing what killed me in the first place. I'm the kind of person who doesn't mind throwing themselves at a wall until they get through, but then Bomb Chicken has to put the nail in the coffin with a health system. Die too many times and you have to go back to the start of the stage, replaying any other frustrating segments you had to play through in order to reach that point again.

I've got a ton of respect for Nitrome. Their developers always seemed to put a lot of soul into their flash games. That feel behind a "Nitrome game" continued existing for me even when they shifted to mobile game development. One of the things I always forget about my love for Nitrome is that I didn't finish a whole lot of their Flash games when I was young. There was always a point where their difficulty went past what I can tolerate, and I guess I finally hit that point in Bomb Chicken.

a bit fiddly and frustrating. keep your action away from my puzzles.

Stellar animations, impressive sprite work, great puzzles and challenging level design make this an explosively good time.

Ouf heureusement que le jeu s'est fini là où il s'est fini parce que j'aurais pas supporté plus de niveaux comme le dernier.
A part ça jeu très sympathique, DA très réussie, des poulets, une idée de gameplay originale et bien exploitée, des poulets, une durée de vie et un challenge pas si dégueus pour un petit jeu indépendant, des poulets et une ambiance excellente grâce au très bon Pixel Art et aux décors soignés.

Ah et des poulets aussi
J'aime les poulets.

it's clever and definitely worth your time but I'm realizing how much an overall experience can be held back by something as simple as having a dull soundtrack

Very fun silly game from my friends over at Nitrome! It’s simple for sure but fun to solve puzzles and kick ass with explosives. The pixel art is on point as always. A bigger scope compared to Nitrome’s other games as well. Great little game.

Completed with all gems (250/250) collected. Bomb Chicken is an enjoyable puzzle-platformer with an unusual twist - the game sees players taking control of a chicken that, while unable to jump, is capable of laying stacks of bombs with a short fuse, which are key to navigation of its 29 levels. The game starts off fairly straightforwardly, but as it progresses, the level of precision ramps up nicely. Despite a few sequences that can become frustrating, generous checkpointing limits this, and collection of gems scattered about each level, many in well-hidden secret areas, encourages satisfying exploration. With a fun sense of humour playing off its somewhat absurd premise, Bomb Chicken is a very solid overall package (and a nice contrast to Celeste, which I was playing alongside this in large part).

It's cute and unique. As a mobile, it definitely exceeded my expectations. It's a fun and relaxing game that does get a bit frustrating time to time

The animations are some of the best I've ever seen in spritework, and it felt like just the right length. Just a perfectly goofy concept that completely clicked with me.

whatever you like's in the middle, fiddle
bomb cake comes just like the riddle