Reviews from

in the past

Cogito ergo sum ... i clap, therefore i trap.

Claptrap's New Robot Revolution is a pretty fun time but it doesn't really amount to much. I like the returning bosses from both DLC 1 and 2, and i think their inclusion was done in a good way. I'm also happy to see Steele finally get a boss fight even if it just a re-skin of some mini bosses from the General Knoxx DLC. The maps are a massive improvement from the prior DLC, but they aren't exactly amazing and are largely forgettable. It's worth playing if your a fan of the series but i wouldn't exactly recommend it to anyone else.


this is probably cool for a nerd that cares about the borderlands story and lore and stuff

This dlc is so fucking boring. For the final experience in the Borderlands, you get to hangout in... the Borderlands. But like, you fight a Claptrap rebellion this time. Okay. Outside of the Claptrap enemies and the final boss, there is absolutely nothing new here. It's filler. Padding. It even reuses all the dlc bosses. General Knoxx has it's flaws, but it's a far better sendoff for this already unimpressive game than this yawn fest.

I think this is my favorite of the DLCs purely because travel time did not feel as tiresome. If fast travel were available it would be my second favorite after General Knoxx.

Best DLC out of the 4 in terms of plotline. However, Fort Knoxx beats it out in volume of content. If you are just playing through casually then this DLC is probably the one you'll like the most.

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"A Nice Finale For A Childhood Relic"

I actually never played this DLC until I replayed "Borderlands" back in 2019, and I was pretty surprised that it was in contention for being my favorite back then. For some reason I held the opinion that the first game had the best DLC compared to its sequel and boy have I figured out I was wrong. However, with another replay finished (possibly my last ever), I do have to say that this adventure was the best of the four and a solid end to my time with the original game.

At this point in its history, the DLC still lacked a lot of color. Therefore, environments looked bland and still melded together over time, but at least their layouts were more fun and allowed for a sense of minor exploration that only the "Dr. Ned" DLC allowed for. The story here is a bit bonkers and the most tongue-in-cheek of the bunch, but I enjoyed the callbacks to previous events (especially the morphed final bosses) and the weird Communist focus for the Claptrap revolution.

There wasn't a whole lot to see besides the range of new enemy types, mostly consisting of Claptrap creatures of various sorts. These were pretty nice to fight against, but what I enjoyed even more was the return of fighting against Spiderants. I never touched on this before, but these enemies are the best mobs that the first game has to offer because they work well in solo or group encounters (weak spots on back, aggressive, some use ranged attacks, and they come in various elemental forms). This created some fun crowd fight moments throughout each mission involving them.

The loot at the end of the DLC is also great, and while it is less spectacle than "General Knoxx", it provides much better loot. The final boss is also pretty neat, and it wraps up the original adventure in an endearing way (still usure how Marcus gets crushed by a bus and lives, but who cares)! My girlfriend and I got to have our fun throughout it, and by the end we were ready to finish our time with the game (no Playthrough 2 desired for now).

All in all, it's the best BL1 DLC and a good end to the first game. There could've been more to the story and the experience wasn't "super" fun or memorable, but it still added some solid content.

Final Verdict: 7/10 (Good)

Funy robot. This whole thing feels like a shitpost mod and it's hilarious.

It's great to get to finally kill as many Claptrap as your heart desires and it probably has the most ridiculous final boss in recent memory

Best DLC of BL1. It is short but absolutely fun. Killing Claptraps was nice and the quests are rather enjoyable other than Tannis' quests. And finishing this DLC marks the end my BL1 journey. It was fun while it lasted but I don't think I will ever visit this game again, because I have BL2 ffs...

Hillarious DLC and a great addition to the main game.

Borderlands is a fantastic game. It combines high paced action with good mechanics, a fun story, upbeat dub step music, humour, filthy jokes and does not take itself seriously.

I enjoyed every minute of the main game, it's story and the collecting of loot, cash and special items. And then I played the DLC’s. My god, they were even better. The DLC’s are all over the place and add a fresh new mini campaign in each one of them with a completely different idea and style.

In this DLC, Claptrap’s Robot Revolution, Claptrap is tired of your sh!t and goes rogue. You stop his glorious revolution while blasting samurai Claptraps back to the scrapyard, collecting pizza and lady panties. It will not get any better than that. You eventually face his massive robot of death, and blast it into pieces. Epic.

I like that they combined jokes, characters, and events from the main game and the other DLC’s into each DLC, it makes everything feel more connected. Examples are Zombie T.K. Baha (killed in main game) and General Knoxx as a puppet in Claptrap’s revolution, who finally died in The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, just like he so desperately wanted, but now is back as a zombie-puppet.

Overall, the main game and it’s DLC’s are in my top 10 favourite games of all time, and I would definitely recommend it to everyone.

Gearbox probably kicking themselves for blowing their load early with a campaign filled with Claptraps

Probably the worst “final DLC” in the franchise. Not bad but, again, just unmemorable. Marginally better than Knoxx, but not by much. It’s sad to see the OG Borderlands go out on a whimper like this.

This DLC is small, but the story is decent. The maps are kind of boring though and I wish there was more side missions to do.

Another fantastic DLC for BL, while it's not as important as Armory it's still fun to play through and finishes the story for the game. Worth the money though now you can just get the GOTY edition. One less start than Armory because it didn't add as much and is shorter.

Games I Dislike That Everybody Else Likes

Another full-on barrage of bad jokes, intensely drab atmospheres, dated level layouts, and maps that feel like a major pain in the ass to traverse. Only this time around there are even more exceptionally annoying RNG elements added into a game that's already flowing over with them. Slightly more involved combat than the base and some of the other DLCs, but considering that's some of the worst combat in any Triple A video game it isn't necessarily stiff competition. It actually doesn't feel great shitting on these expansions, because the amount of content in each is just insane for the time - but that's a backhanded compliment when the content is... this.

This is why you don't give certain robots artificial intelligence. Sometimes the goofiest ones can be the most dangerous.

1'in içindeki en iyi DLC, son boss keyifliydi ama diğerleri recycled bosslar

Lo hubiese disfrutado bastante más si lo hubiese jugado en su momento junto al resto del juego, pero aun así esta gracioso. Muy en el rollo de la saga.