Reviews from

in the past

It is cool. I don't think it is the super duper ultimate way to play doom though. It's a cool mod but It's not really creative or special at all. It makes guns punchier, more realistic and multiplies the blood by like x20. It is well done but I think it kind of takes some of the identity of doom out. It also adds reloads which I don't think it's something doom should have. I think that what I like the most about this mod is the changes to the enemy AI. They are much more aggressive and fun to fight, it kind of reminds me a lot at the first quake and I think it's definitely an upgrade to the stale and at times too underpowered enemies the default DOOM had.

Makes all the guns feel like COD and removes vertical auto aim. why???

Fucked up the modding community forever, but inspired the new Doom games

Irreparably damaged the doom "community"

Apparently Dev is a terrible person but IDK

actually makes the game fun to play
has more sovl than the original

Brutal Doom offers a modern overhaul to the classic Doom playstyle with lots of mobility and a metric truckload of new weapons to pick up and blast with. An honestly overwhelming amount since you will almost run out of keybinds for some of them. The excessive gore and genuinely unbearable voicelines can be cringe-enducing at times but I mostly ignore it since the new additions on to the familiar style of Doom leave a fun game to play behind despite how insufferable the man behind it is. I'd recommend this game/mod if you're very into Doom/other boomer shooters.

freaking awesome. it may be a bit edgy but idk the gunplay feels so good in this.

Yapılmış olan en iyi modlardan biri diyebilirim. Klasik DOOM oyunlarını öyle bir seviyeye çıkarıyor ki şu tarihlerde bile muazzam bir zevk ve deneyim sunuyor. Yapanların eline sağlık valla normal oyunda olmayan bitirici hareketlerden tutun şeytana dönüşme gibi türlü türlü yeniliklere sahip bir de oyunun görselliğini de hoş bir açıdan geliştiriyor. Şu devirde klasik doomları oynamak istiyorsanız bu modla oynayın derim.

Não sabia que as pessoas odiavam tanto esse mod.

The videogame equivalent of putting lens flare effects on the Mona Lisa. The only good thing about Brutal DOOM is that it was (possibly?) an inspiration for the new DOOM games.

sergeant_mark_iv is a close friend whom i respect a great deal but why does this give my doom freelook? is it broken?? waiting for fix so it is playable

honestly, I liked this mod. It's always fun to blast a zombie's head off with a shotgun and kick his head into an imp. But while it uses DOOM as a foundation, it also kind of loses its magic, that pure arcade feeling that makes it endlessly replayable. After playing doom 1, 2 and final doom with this mod, it just feels wrong to keep playing with it.

the real problem with brutal doom isn't that the weapon feel is changed or that it ruined the doom community or that marcos is a prick, it's that the gore looks like dogshit

It did irreparable damage to the community forever, but like, I dunno it's fun

hard to tell if this is worse than my house but at least it was first

(Played Brutal Doom Platinum 3.0 on Doom II)
It's pure violent fun, massive respect for the different developers for continuing this project (And all the variants) all these years, from the weapons, the enemies and all the quality of life improvements, there's a lot of passion here, maybe even a little too much, because my main critique is that a few things are too convoluted for its own good, like the alternative modes of the weapons which are a direct improvement from the basic shot (Like double welding) an extremely situational tool (Like the Nuke) or a straight-up downgrade (Like the Dragon Breath super shotgun), this and a few other things keep it from being a blind recommendation, but still, a pretty good experience

My current favorite version of one of my favorite games

Brutal DOOM is preceded by its reputation, but its reputation in turn is preceded by that of its creator, Sergeant Mark IV, a figure so abrasive and - well, the kind term is "politically incorrect," while the unkind (and more truthful) term would be "hateful and belligerent" - that he is banned from two major DOOM forum communities. It's not uncommon to see people pan something but give pity stars for "artistry" or "effort." I reject this practice, out of a refusal to condescend to, coddle, or patronize artists, but also because all the effort in the world would not make Brutal DOOM actually enjoyable to play.

The original DOOM asked "How far can we push personal computers?" Id Software were unsteady explorers, piloting their rickety ship into the choppy and brackish waters of the PC gaming industry of the late 80's. When they finally reached the shores of the 90's, they pitched a tent with Wolfenstein 3D - with DOOM, they founded a settlement, for better and worse, like the pioneers of colonial times. At the risk of overstating Id's importance, it isn't an exaggeration to say that this groundwork shaped much of the games industry as we know it today. Brutal DOOM is the game that asks "What if when you shot a guy his limbs flew off?" Apparently unknowing or uncaring that this is a question that Soldier of Fortune had already answered a decade prior.

It is a shame that of all the creative, intriguing, and fun mods for DOOM over the years, the most popular one is a project as fundamentally uncreative as Brutal DOOM. The tragedy of art is that you will spend days, weeks, months perfecting something, and you'll be lucky if an audience views and remembers it for one hour. In this respect, I find Brutal DOOM the saddest of all, for it's a mod that has been in active development for a decade, yet loses its entire entertainment value in mere minutes. The gameplay loop of DOOM, whether you're exploring the surprisingly still quite atmospheric and easily navigable levels for the first time, or if you're speeding through the game with your eyes closed because you've been playing since '93, is just not materially improved by Brutal DOOM's gore effects, textures, disjointed and poorly balanced gameplay additions, or the button you can push that makes Doomguy say "FUCK yourself!" Sergeant Mark IV's toxicity has rendered him impervious to critique, and so Brutal DOOM, as well as his attempt to monetize his work that he teased at Realm's Deep years ago, is essentially destined for permanent mediocrity, his years of work fated to be nothing more than a curiosity, a footnote in retro FPS history currently being written by more talented, more curious, and more interesting people.

In the end, Sergeant Mark IV's lasting legacy will be the social pariahs who post in DoomWorld forum threads about new mods to ask if they're compatible with Brutal DOOM. I try not to pity him too much, because maybe it's just what he deserves.

It's like Doom if it was made by the quiet kid that sits at the back of the class and wears all black.

Muito bom, melhora a play de dooms antigos em 99%, os controles são responssiveis e ost é legalzinha.

Amazing. Love this game to death has everything doom 2016 did right in good ol og doom era

way too edgy. doom 2 levels are better than doom 1, but feel a bit wrong. the modder's enemy placements are not well thought out

Visually looks great with tons of attention to detail (perhaps too much if you're familiar with the mod's development) but just isn't very fun to play. All of the gameplay additions were clearly designed without Doom or Doom 2's level design in mind and feel extremely out of place and every additional difficulty mode added is total bull and hardly balanced towards a challenging but fair experience. I will refrain from shitting on Sgt. Mark IV since that has little to do with the mod's quality itself, but the man clearly does not have an eye for game design. It's sometimes fun to just boot this up with god mode on if you're having a bad day, but it's not fun to actually play as intended.

Gonna be real here, no sain person would actually think "I'm gonna use real dead bodies as reference material" That's not smart that's just really fucked.

enfocándonos en el mod solamente
Brutal DOOM presenta un cambio y agregado significativo en las mecánicas del motor base, las cuales se vuelve consistentes en traer una experiencia más frenética que puede recordar a DOOM Eternal; el problema con esto es que choca de frente con el diseño de nivel y balanceo original, haciendo que la experiencia en general sea peor que experiencias mas simples como lo sería un simple paquete de armas.