Reviews from

in the past

load times are weird, the menus are bad, but if you can look beyond this this is a pretty good time

The opening to this game goes so insanely hard

A lil rough but still pretty good

Imagine a game that displeases you in every aspect possible, not that the game is bad, simply is not your thing. I hated the menus, hated the narrator, hated the loading, and mainly hated the gameplay. For someone who only played Street Fighter 2 in SNES/3DO, seeing this Capcom SF Alpha aesthetic/gameplay was awful. I played a little and abandoned later.

Ruining the entire balanced meta for the sake of adding more characters is a bold controversial move, but still a respectable one nonetheless. Most players who give fighting games a shot will always be casuals, and from their perspective the game with the most content will always be more interesting, even if the dedicated minority pro scene hates it. Hell, if you are reading this you're most likely a casual, like me, who gets entertained by what's available but likely won't be spending much time with the game after a few matches with your friend, and that's completely okay in the end. That's why, even tho it's by no means by favorite, I still respect the devs decision to make Street Fighter Alpha 3.

Oops wrong review.

For this one, Capcom can just go fuck themselves, they only put Joe and Dan and called it a day.

Cheio de defeitos principalmente no balanceamento

Porém o charme desse jogo é absurdo, os menus, as músicas, tudo literalmente uma vibe futurista anos 2000 tudo em 3D se mexendo, esfregando na tua cara que aquela é a nova era seu canalha

Amo a tela de seleção de personagem, genial as artes dos personagens mudarem de acordo com o modo de jogo da empresa que você escolha (Sakura desenhada pelo shinkiro mto foda)

A soundtrack É ABSURDA, os sons e os efeitos ecoam pela minha cabeça até hoje

Os cenários tambem não deixam a desejar, tudo feito com extremo cuidado e carinho, nenhum stage é vazio, sempre movimentados, são vivos.

E tudo isso só é possível graças a placa NAOMI da Sega, obrigado Sega

A versão de Dreamcast é literalmente a mesma coisa do arcade já que ambos usam a mesma placa, passe longe da versão de PS1.

Mas como todo jogo da Capcom, ​ele só melhora de verdade no segundo.

Disappointing update to the previous release. Is the addition of two new characters, Dan and Joe, really worth it? Criminally Secret Mode has been removed as now all the bonuses are already unlocked, all the stages, colours, characters, and modes are playable from the start. Which makes you wonder with the deficiencies of the original game just what the point of this actually is. So in hindsight, skip it, jump directly to Capcom vs. SNK 2, do not pass go, because you are missing Very. Little. Indeed

kind of a messy game. i think the idea of assigning tiers to characters and restricting which characters the player can use has potential, but i don't agree that the execution lived up to that potential. and the load times on the PS1 version are very bad. i like this game in spite of its flaws and still have fun with it, i just struggle to recommend it or even want to play it ever again.

>finish anything
>PNG of Vega that has the energy of a Spirit Halloween costume preview appears out of nowhere

It’s as raw of a port to PS1 as you’re gonna get, extra crunchy exported just for home

esse jogo tem o feito de TA TUDO ERRADO.
a trilha sonora não so e PESSIMA como ainda fica se repetindo a cada round por culpa da versão de ps1.
o sistema de personagem por nivel e um LIXO.
so tem dois sistemas de jogo.
e ao inves de apresentações fodas o jogo so mete um texto em comic sans na tela.
ah e pra piorar tudo a snk e tão vagabunda que o jogo so re usa sprite de ambos e da novos so pra uns.
vsfd jogo lixo.

This is an incredible fighting game with some of the worst menus and presentation possible. Thankfully the second one fixed most of that.

muito ruim
cenario sem inspiração alguma
os sprite ta mt feio
a trilha sonora e totalmente sem sal
e os cenarios são mt generico
o svc chaos e mega esquisito mas e 200x melhor q esse

This can be a pretty fun game, though there are some things of issue.
For starters the Ratio system is a bit too restricting as to who you can have on your team. Want a team with Wild Iori and Kyo? Too bad Wild Iori takes a whole 4 slots. The graphical quality of the sprite work is jarring. The SNK characters look great while the Capcom characters a mixed bag. Most of the sprites are spruced up SF A 3 sprites while Morrigan just uses her CPS II era sprite.
Asides from that, the stages are great. The music is an awesome mix of Jaz and electronic. And the gameplay is fun albeit restrictive.