Reviews from

in the past

holy fucking shit i just bawled my eyes out

feels too personal to even review
though im glad it was made, and i hope it had great value to you


Genuine spoiler warning; Play this game first before reading this review. You'll enjoy this little look at the game a bit more if you do. I actually recommend the game, but for a different reason than you may think.

Does anyone seriously find joy in this holiday? Whatever; anyways. Cave Story Sex RPG 2007, released in circa 2007 based on the title! Right off the bat, saving apparently soft locked my game??? You can tell where this is going already, can't you? Also the music doesn’t loop properly, as I found out while typing this review. Aaaand that’s it. You're stuck in this room for the rest of your life. Well, that was short! Damn shame, Bagenzo. I'm not sure if the reviews on this game are trolling or what, because I genuinely cannot progress as far as I know. A shame, but oh well, the game was a minute long. It might've been a test or something.

Okay, upon further key spamming, I found out if you press S you can progress! The game calls you a dweeb for stealing Chako’s lipstick (from the original game) and then tells you to sleep. And then someone (presumably Curly? I can't tell) talks about the Mimigma. Then you go to the PC, and then the books tell you this character’s past, and it’s genuinely deep shit??? I’m not even joking, it talks about why the creator stopped making games, and even their family. And it somewhat speaks to me as someone who makes reviews almost daily, and some of the annoyances that come with content creation in general. It talks about how robots cannot be changed (which I'll get into later). But it eventually ends, and you go to the bed to remove water from Curly. And then finally, the game reflects on the main character’s life before the game loops indefinitely.

Okay, that was shockingly deep despite the game’s title. But there's something I think the game is trying to tell us, and I'll try and piece it all together (this is 100% an unironic section, there's no jokes here). First, some of the tags on the page hints towards the overall message. “LGBT”? More specifically, “Transgender”? While I am a cisgender male myself, what I am as is Bisexual as fuck, so I'm still involved in the LGBT community to some extent. And based on what I do know about being transgender (although I did consider myself non-binary midway through 2021), I'll try to provide my best understanding of the story. First off, most of the story is told in retrospective; referencing the character’s past experiences with Cave Story (the game). This is the character’s former identity, as a cisgender person, likely in 2007 based on the title. Talking about the games they made in the past, they also talk about family. I believe this character is a creator inspired by Cave Story, with numerous ideas that ended up fruitless, with close family that is touchy to the character in the present. The character's current identity is transgender, evidenced by both the game’s tags, as well as the description, with the line “Reassignment to Pretty Girl”. Additionally, on the topic of the family mentioned in the game, I believe that the main character's family was unsupportive of their transition, which is not uncommon for trans experiences. After further researching Bagenzo’s website linked on their profile, the bottom of their page denotes that they are transgender. So this might also be a self biography of the creator themselves. I was genuinely not expecting that from a game dubbed “Cave Story Sex RPG 2007”.

Okay, I unironically recommend this game. This is a quick little biography of a Creator's life, and I didn't want to knock it too much, nor tell too many jokes, because I felt like it would be in poor taste. If I got anything wrong in my story analysis, feel free to correct me as once again, I am not Trans. But yeah, I wasn't expecting to enjoy it so much in retrospect. If I had to give a score… uhhhhhh… none! Once again, I don't want to knock it too much. Could've explained the controls (how the fuck do I not know how to advance in a visual novel?), but it's whatever. I enjoyed it a bit.

It's games like this that I find difficult to rate or even talk about. I can't say that I enjoyed myself - it's too upsetting for that - or even really understood it. It seems incredibly personal to the game's creator and, without knowing them personally, it was difficult to get a grip on all of the details that this game's filled with. I didn't get a lot out of this game but that's not because it's bad; it is because it's not for me. Ideas of good and bad are largely irrelevant because my enjoyment of the game isn’t what matters. The game was clearly made for its maker and if it was helpful to them, that’s what matters. I just hope they’re doing okay and this helped them, at least in some small way.

i thought this was a game about fucking curly, was sorely mistaken

This is just... Really something, I don't know what to describe it as, maybe from the lack of my own experience.

It's... touching in a way, resonating with some things that buzzes by this short 5 minute experience, I think it's a personal journal or vent piece? mixed with the source material it lives in somewhat, I assume as a vehicle for the misty eyed nostalgia for easier better times that are being called back to here.

While I can't say I fully "get" what's going on here, It's touching if not bittersweet thinking about what it means to the author, and the meaning that I'm personally taking away from it, reflected through my own experiences.

I wish whoever made this well.

I'm glad Bagenzo was able, to some extent, forgive themselves for their inaction through life.

I'm not quite there, yet.

There's a sneer to the writing I enjoyed

This is why you shouldn't read others diaries

I feel second hand embarrassment that a 5-minute web browser game that was made as a vent game has garnered so much attention with people trying to critique it as if it's a real product, or as is the case with any review site, the one-line joke reviews

Gonna steal this one from my friend, but writing about how this game "didn't resonate" with you is the equivalent of your friend detailing their feelings to you, and you look them dead in the eyes and say "Hmm, you seem to be getting your life back together. I must dock 2 points! The narrative has become severely uninteresting."

It's okay to let your feelings out in an unconventional way because some people fundamentally struggle with communicating them normally; who gives a fuck if people relate or "get it". Best thing you can do is lend an ear, offer support, and move on

Hope the creator is having a good day today

what the fuck just happened

not only that, there was no sex i was scammed

Sometimes it's important to make something for you to let something out. Fuck trying to resonate with people. If games are art than they should be able to be used as an outlet for any kind of emotion even if it doesn't garner attention or praise. Art is just a expression of thoughts and emotions we have and confining it to any format can be a disservice to the medium.

I just hope that bro is doing ok

I feel like giving ratings to this is like adding a restaurant menu to Goodreads and reviewing it like: " I wish the prose was better :/ " or " Every word has a meaning! ".

Didn't find it relatable but I respect that it exists.

dumb bitch crying about life, i wanted to see curlty panties

whoever made this, i love you, thank you for sharing this masterpiece with the world

made me sob for longer than the runtime of the game.... i think that means it's good? i should replay cave story

EEEYIKES! What a ride!

Real, raw, and personal in a way that you almost never see.

Among the various consequences of late consumerism, there's that pretty incoherent thing that brought us all here which is "rating" art, it has its ups and downs on every moral aspect you could think of, but I think it's safe to assume that if you're on this website, you enjoy doing this to some degree.

There are movies I watched and albums I listened to that are so personal to their respective artist that bringing yourself to review them would actually feel incredibly disrespectful, and Cave Story Sex RPG 2007 is one of them.
Criticizing elements of someone's memories for the sake of it, or acting like a literal diary should resonate with you is contradicting and wrong on so many levels.

Would you ever read your little sister's diary just to tell her the writing fucking SUCKS and give it a light 1.5 ?

I'm not saying a piece of art like that cannot leave any impression on its audience (heck, it's not even supposed to have such a thing) and I'm glad video games allow people to express themselves in such direct ways but some experiences are better left wordless.

i'd like to make a game with these feelings one day

i really don't know how to rate this so i guess i'll leave it unrated
there's not a lot to it, just a bit of a look into someone's else's past experience, formatted like Cave Story.
i didn't exactly understand what it was all about—i could see it start to branch off into the actual story of Cave Story at the end—but i guess that's kinda the point. nothing more than the creator writing about a memory with a game, that's pretty cool i think

I see nothing wrong with sharing thoughts, feelings and opinions online for a piece of art gets published. Perhaps being respectful regarding your thoughts is the best way to go about it, but this is a work of art and a video game that’s in this website’s database. I have confidence in this video game and this artist’s work. I’m especially confident the creator of this video game is confident to share it as such too. Video games exist to serve purposes like this one does.

nice game about nostalgia, getting jaded, and leaving behind dreams. very short but it felt really impactful to me, maybe that's because I can relate to it though.

Can't rate this, it'd be like rating someone's diary. It's one of those very intimate and specific experiences that'll probably deeply resonate with just a few people. It's only a five minute read though, and I can say it definitely made me feel some weird emotions I probably have to unpack.