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I'm happy that i've avoided the Anime for this (not that i've watched it, but the negative reviews and the low episode count (12 eps for a 10~30h VN is a dumb idea) made me think it was better not to watch it).

Whose eyes are those eyes I guess

VERY good but only having common route hurts every character besides takumi, rimi and nanami.

Woefully incomplete but what is here is excellent. Play NoAH instead to get the full experience.

Alright, this one.
I picked up "Chaos;Child" in a steam sale because I enjoyed "Steins;Gate" so much, but when I looked into it, "Chaos;Head" is highly recommended to fully enjoy the former. And I have. Thoughts?
I definitely liked it, but unless "Chaos;Child" is a 9 or above and if it really requires playing this I don't think I'd reccomend this game to most people. I kind of love the supporting cast, but they all pretty much have one or two scenes that just dumps their entire tragic backstory onto the reader and they don't get much more development than that. As with many others who've played this Takumi was a huge highlight. His voice actor really sells the total nervous wreck thing and damn, can he scream. I didn't like some of the really messed up scenes with him (there are a few scenes where Takumi plays out sexual-things-with-his-sister and rape fantasies in his head) but I was pretty used to sciadv's handling of uncomfortable topics after S;G and S;G0. Other than those dark spots he is great! He alone puts me on edge during a lot of the tensest scenes, he's almost a one-man fuel source for the game's horror moments. I may be overrating this a tad because it is very, VERY similar to my favorite game of all time The World Ends With You, but I don't really care too much? Same thing with the supporting cast, they may not be the most interesting aspects of the story but I just think Kishimoto Ayase is cool ok

It's incredible how this game manages to unironically have the line: "You don't want to be cuckolded, do you?" and still be good

It's hard to say exactly why I don't like Chaos;Head as much as Robotics;Notes but I'll try.

1. Excessively gruesome. I get that this is probably the intention in order to make the player feel squeamish (in which case, well done), but the extent to which the game harps on this really detracted from my experience.

2. It is quite difficult to relate to the main character, and most of the main side characters as well, due to how one-dimensional a lot of them feel. I won't elaborate too much on this, but to me it felt like the main protagonist was a loser and spent 95% of the game wallowing in how much of a loser he was. The 5% where he decides to get something accomplished is quite satisfying, but to have to get through 95% of everything else first is a struggle.

3. Super downer game that feels like the authors spent too much time meandering about. The "good ending" (AA) is your classic "struggle for success" ending but Chaos;Head doesn't leave you with much feeling of fulfillment since it cuts the ending quite early once the main protagonist succeeds. The other ending (B) is fantastically scripted but you have to get through a lot of horrendously drawn out detail to finish this ending, so while the ending itself is pretty well executed, the payoff felt minimized because I was just exhausted by then.

I dunno, I feel like what's good is VERY good but there's so much mediocrity and disgust that I had to sit through in order to get to the very good parts. I will say that the game does a very good job at messing with your perception (and unfortunately leaves a lot of plotholes because they don't thoroughly explain everything) and grossing you out, for what it's worth. And maybe this game isn't for me, and I can accept that too. I just felt like the execution could have been vastly improved for a lot of the time I spent playing. Maybe I'll have a better experience with NoAH (which I heard does a much better job explaining everything) and feel like the payoff was better after playing that and Chu Chu, who knows. My mind can be changed.

A great experience I would highly recommend. It's incredible at making you feel the paranoia of the main character and making you question what is real or not. Confusing in just the right way throughout until it all comes together in the end. I really loved the climax, one of the best I've experienced.
Characterwise, it is absolutely carried by the main character. The other characters aren't bad, but aside from Rimi and Nanami, there aren't really any standouts. But Takumi really steals the show and he alone could make Chaos;Head worth it. His voice performance is honestly one of the best I've ever heard.
There's a lot I love about Chaos;Head and not really anything I particularly dislike. The complaints I do have are less things that are wrong and more things that could be made better.

denpa/chuuni aesthetic + atmosphere goes really hard. too bad the story suffers for its conclusion. i'd still recommend reading, especially just for the MC.

Flawed in almost every way but still some of the best atmosphere in anything I've ever read, watched, or played. Takumi is great too.

As incoherent as it can get and as how much it lacks cohesion, the strength of its ideas and the protagonist Nishijou Takumi carries it so hard to being touching in a way that I never expected it to be

No entendí nada me encantó pero mucho texto en las alucinaciones, mejor vean el playtough en YT sin alucinaciones.

Pretty neat paranoia mystery and a very fun choice making interface. Routing is a bit too obtuse but it's a difficult system to reign in. Doesn't say anything particularly elegant about hikkikomori but that's okay.

This review contains spoilers

SONO ME 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

DARE NO ME 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

You start without understanding anything, play it thinking you know something, and then end up not understanding a fucking thing, but in the end you become a fan because it is amazing.

One of the most geniune story i've seen about self-love and finding value in your very existence alone.
anyways yeah Chiyo wanted to make Evangelion so bad and he won

Man, this sucked. Supporting cast was dreadfully boring. The only possible redeeming aspect to this was Takumi, but the story and set-up really failed to make any of the tragic aspects of his character really hit, and it always just felt as if he was a main character in the wrong story with how rarely any of the other characters really follow through on the themes his character introduced.

during the week i was reading this i had a mental breakdown that reminded me of takumi thanks chaos;head

i havent read many vns but this is the first one where i found the protag to be the most interesting character. like even though i didnt like him at first, it was his paranoia that really carried the show.

Belli i fondali e decente il lavoro di sound design. Interessante la possibilità di scegliere il tipo di fantasia (positiva/erotica o negativa/violenta) vissuta dal protagonista di tanto in tanto. Tale meccanica è ben integrata nella narrazione stessa, dato che in diverse circostanze renderà difficile discernere ciò che è frutto della fantasia da ciò che è effettivamente reale. Allo stesso tempo, potrebbe essere abbastanza criptica, visivamente parlando, da rendere possibile che un giocatore possa non accorgersi affatto della sua esistenza (la storia avanza ugualmente, pur non selezionando una tra le due alternative). La storia è interessante, così come grossomodo lo sono i suoi vari personaggi, ma c'è qualcosa nella sceneggiatura che mi pare sia trattato con eccessiva superficialità in vari punti della narrazione; strutturalmente, parrebbe piuttosto forzato in certi punti se non anche incoerente per quanto riguarda scelte e monologhi interiori da parte del protagonista, o ancora pare non sfrutti a pieno le numerose possibilità offerte dal concept stesso. Tuttavia, molto di ciò che accade e che parrebbe non aver senso finisce con l'acquisirne negli ultimi due capitoli. Il senso di mistero è inizialmente molto forte e, nel mio caso, ha generato una accesa curiosità per le vicende: il protagonista, in questi primissimi capitoli, è comunque scritto in modo eccellente e gli viene concesso tutto lo spazio necessario per fare in modo che il giocatore possa conoscerlo approfonditamente. La OST pecca di ripetitività, dato che vengono riproposte, di volta in volta, le medesime tracce sia per le situazioni più tese che per quelle più spensierate. Ottimo il doppiaggio, e apprezzabile lo sforzo di animare correttamente il labiale e il cambio delle espressioni sui volti dei personaggi.

Probabilmente molto verrà meglio reso attraverso NOAH, che dovrebbe essere fruibile in inglese entro la fine di quest'anno/l'inizio del 2022.

marked as shelved bc of the 'noah' routes yet to be translated that im gonna read

The visual presentation does a really good job building atmosphere, alongside the music. Love the music. Takumi's a really interesting protagonist and found following him to be quite the trip. Chaos;Head's a very unique experience, i've never read anything quite like it. However, you can tell it's not a complete experience, in terms of the PC version.

Chaos;Head Noah is the actual complete version of this title, and from what i've heard, fixes pretty much every shortcoming the original PC version has.