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In some ways, it feels like they heard some backlash over the learning curve of the first game and tried to make it a little more forgiving. Drifts and dashes are a little less essential, and you get a new jump ability.
However, I think the game suffers in other areas, mostly with the map design. In Crazy Taxi 1, each area was fairly unique with different landmarks that after enough playing, you could generally remember how to get where without relying only on the guiding arrow. In CT2, the city area is a grid of samey-looking buildings and it feels way less interesting, not to mention the actual layout of drop-off points is such a mess, on top of the guiding arrow being drunk 50% of the time. I ended up just going back to the first game.

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This game is inferior to the first in all but one way. The Graphics are slightly better than the first game, but the models still look rushed. The Gameplay is the exact same as the last game, only it takes place in another city, and you can now pick up multiple customers, but only from the same group, so the problems from the first game still remain, and the new city and multiple customers don't make up for them,
The Music is good, but not as good as the first, trying to have a different theme to the first alone alone makes it feel inferior. Crazy Taxi 2 gives barely enough to justify a release.

At first glance, this just seems like more Crazy Taxi. The physics and UI are basically the same, there are two new maps, the mission mode is here, there's new cabbies to drive as, and the soundtrack is more Offspring. They even added a new feature in that the car now has a jump button, which not only makes avoiding traffic easier in that you can just jump over anyone in front of you, but also it adds a solid new risk v reward type thing to think about in that you can't turn or change direction while jumping so making sure your landings are safe is important. You can even buffer crazy dashes to pop off right when landing from a jump which means the skill ceiling is even higher here. What's not to love, right?

well the new map kinda isn't that great. The first Crazy Taxi had a masterfully crafted map in that it was basically one big wide circle with each of the drop off locations scattered around said circle. Here, the main map is basically a triangle with all the drop off locations clustered in small sub areas at each point with nothing between them. The second map is just one big city section. The map design and constant 90 degree turns of the city blocks make the guide arrow absolutely drunk and it gets incredibly easy to get lost. Couple that with a new feature of being able to pick up multiple customers, and the game basically becomes a matter of ignoring the arrow and instead just memorizing the entire map layouts and how to get to where on your own. The best example is the final missions in the mission mode between this game and the first. In Crazy Taxi 1, the penultimate challenge was to do a whole lap around the main map within a time limit, which while knowing the map definitely helps make things easier, it's still more of a technique challenge than sheer knowledge. In this game, there are TWO gruelingly long final 6-minute challenges where you need to drop off 30 people at various points in each map. While the time limit definitely seems long at first, the sheer number of people and random drop off locations basically mean that unless you know EXACTLY where to drop off each character and how to get to that spot quickly, finishing those missions is an absolute pipe dream. It's just map memorization, with none of the on-the-fly decision making that makes crazy taxi so fun imo.

In essence, this is crazy taxi but with a rather downgraded map. At the end of the day even meh crazy taxi is still crazy taxi so it's still fun, just not as much as 1 was. It doesn't surprise me that this game isn't as well known as its older sibling.

i like the OST for this game a bit more than 1 tho

yea the guy doesnt say that i just uhh i wanted to type it bc.. clearing throat
Crazy Taxi 2 kicks ass, its got brand new characters which i rEALLY didnt expect but they didnt skip a beat with any of these designs whatsoever
I also really love how many multiple people moments you can snag in this game, shit is way better than going for the greens.... UNFORTUNATELY, i also feel like this game's map isnt as fun as the one before it, it feels bigger.. sure!! but! IDK i just feel like the arrow is a piece of shit in this one much moreso than the first
Some people like how this one controls better but I also think in a weird way its like 1% worse because i cant jank my way underwater and up a ramp to the other side of town in 3 seconds
but STILL.. its crazy taxi
and i loved playing the first one a lot and I liked this quite a bit still
ya girl is in it for the long haul with this series and ill probably get around to crazy taxi 3 sometime this month and whatever other side shit
speaking of side shit i like that they tried having more little things going on here, even if im still just here for the main attraction and meat of the gameplay

God damn did I want to like this one more. It generally just plays better, especially with the new Crazy Hop. The soundtrack is all Offspring this time around which is great if you like that kind of stuff, which I absolutely do.

The new maps are so much, much worse here. The unsung beauty of the OG Crazy Taxi was its brilliant map and road structure, where after the initial downhill descent is a city so easily navigatable. Roads merge and flow into district after district, landmark after landmark, and the navigation arrow seamlessly pointed you into the correct direction without ever getting you lost.

That unfortunately just wasn't the case for me this time around. After 3 hours and doing every map, garnering mountains of E and D licenses did I realize that I just kept getting fucking lost. Roads are bookended by miles of repeating skyscrapers with unremarkable points of interest that just pass you by. So needlessly complicated too is the layout of the roads, which is where all sense of navigation just utterly fail. How am I consistently following the arrow yet it shows I'm getting further from the destination? In addition to the nav arrow seemingly leading me in the wrong direction, too quickly and jarringly will it just suddenly turn the opposite direction down the middle of a road. It snaps so poorly amidst this dreadful web of identical urban sprawl that I, for the life of me, cannot ever trust it 80% of the time. This is all due in part to how absurdly complex some of the road structure is, roads upon roads intersecting, going in pointless loops to nowhere, all the while your navigation is just fucking with you. I did not, even once, find The Hotel. Every passenger that wanted to go to The Hotel was a game ender. Where the fuck was that hotel. I couldn't find it with 3 full minutes.

the map in this game is way better than the first games map i can see myself visiting this more often

I tried to emulate this game because I liked Crazy Taxi 1 a lot, but the emulation didn't work properly at the time. I still played it for days even tho it would crash every few minutes.

Around Apple is better than Small Apple...but neither is right, and nothing else fully is either

The streets of New York really aren't as fun to traverse as, say, SF or Springfield, but it's still Crazy Taxi so no harm, no foul.

This is a whacky ass arcade game.

I think the game is supposed to be based in San Francisco? You know what, that would be pretty on point because everyone in this game acts like they are high on some kind of substance. Whether it was backflipping out of your taxi or summersaulting right out of the way of a taxi going 200 mph, the residents here are surely crazy.

The mechanic of the game is super simple: you drive around the city picking up fares in a time limit. I believe every passenger you drop off would give you more time on the timer. You get extra points for driving fast and doing some sort of tricks too. The gist of the game is basically to rack up enough points before the time limit runs out.

The game can be pretty repetitive really. Because all you ever do is just pick up passengers and drop them off in a definitely unsafe open top taxi. You can also ram into cars driving in the street and cause havoc within the city if you want. For me, I am actually more willing to drive around ramming cars than keep playing the game over and over again just to beat my own high score.

It is a nice arcade game overall. The title is definitely no clickbait as the taxi here is sure as hell crazy.

eu n entendia o q tinha q fazer direito infelizmente

iceman😳can I say something without yall getting mad

It's Crazy Taxi but the maps are dogshit.


This game is the first one again, for better or worse.

It's more Crazy Taxi, which means it's more fun. I'm a huge fan of the jump mechanic, although I think the levels are just a teensy bit worse than the original game's. Definitely worth playing if you enjoy the original.

really fun :) i wish this would get ported

A shame this game never got re-released, it's basically just more Crazy Taxi, with new maps, drivers, challenges, and the "crazy hop" feature. Oh, and new Offspring tracks.

As someone who never really got into the Crazy Taxi tech outside of drifting, learning all the different moves that require specific combos of acceleration, braking, and gear shifting has really been something, Crazy Pyramid is some truly challenging shit because of all the moves you need to keep in mind. Honestly a lot of fun, even when I start going insane trying to pull off a Crazy Dash four times in a row.

In conclusion, we were robbed of a Crazy Taxi game that uses "You're Gonna Go Far Kid".