Reviews from

in the past

remember playing this a whiiile ago.

cool that u can make your own vehicles but the existence of this game is fucking hilarious to me i will not elaborate

It could be a banger if you didn't have to grind that much

I can see this game being extremely fun and addicting as it reminds me of Robocraft but with an actually decent setting and vehicles, but unfortunately there are 0 servers in South America so ping issues become too much of a hassle to put up with.

então... Não jogue isso, ele é muito chato

I put 55 hours into Star Conflict, a similar PVE/PVP F2P game from Gaijin. I only put 3 hours into this before seeing the same structure, which is unbearable PVE in early levels, and then impossible PVP when other players are paying for vehicles and parts.

Except in this case, Crossout is pretty boring. You can drive around a desert with uninteresting landmarks, brown colour schemes and nothing but enemies or mission markers around. Even with the vehicle-building aspect, there's no hook or anything to pull the player in, except a sunk-cost fallacy if you ended up purchasing something for this game. Even if you paid to win, I don't see how showing up to the same arena to dunk on bots and noobs would be exciting.

I'd recommend something like Mechwarrior Online instead. Even though you can't build a vehicle from the frame upwards, there is interesting customization attached to lore, strategy, tactics, great gunplay, and actually populated servers for matches.

this game was kinda tuff for its time. dunno how it is now.

Crossout is one of the games of all time alright ?

Another okay-ish game ruined by it's monetization system unless you want to waste your life away or or only play with 4 different weapons for god knows how long you have to spend some money

it isn't anything special imo

Don’t even remember this one

Could have been an incredible game if it wasn't for the grindy F2P bullshit, and later the FOMO battlepass bullshit. What a tragedy.