Reviews from

in the past

My favorite Souls game, i think it’s an improvement on everything from DS1 and 2. A lot of fan service and call backs to older souls games which some people may not like but imo, they nailed the ending of the series and the DLCs are some of the best content in any souls game period

Este jogo teve uma melhora absurda ao primeiro em todos os aspectos, incluindo o fator replay, que esqueci de citar na review do 1.
A história desse jogo segue o mesmo padrão do 1, devemos recuperar as almas dos lordes para reacender (ou não) a chama, que está se apagando.
Entretanto, o que antes era um mundo semiaberto agora se tornou um caminho linear, onde devemos matar o chefe 1 e passar da área 1 para chegar ao chefe 2 e área 2.
Sua jogabilidade é extremamente fluida.

Jogabilidade: 10/10
Mundo: 8/10
Fator replay: 10/10
Chefes: 10/10

Mechanically superior to Dark Souls II and almost on par with Dark Souls I, yet narratively inferior to both. The original narrative seems like it would've worked just well, but the "remember this" bait and lack of cohesion makes this the most forgetable of the trilogy for me.

From one greatsword user to another, Gael you will never be forgotten.

Top 10 game of all time for me, a masterpiece

DS3 has to be the hardest game I've ever played. After beating Elden Ring, I came to this game for a similar experience. Needless to say, I was NOT expecting the difficulty jump to be so high. The game starts off pretty easy, but quickly progresses into a poise-breaking nightmare. The enemies hit incredibly hard and bonfires are few and far between. As an intelligence build, the casting animations were super slow, and with enemies that are constantly spamming attacks, I died a lot more than I'd like to admit (thanks Abyss watchers). Overall, I still had lots of fun with this game, completing all the messy and intricate quests and enjoying the story to its fullest.

Plin Plin Plon was actually crazy to hear again

my first souls game! This was such a good introduction to the souls series, and I'm glad i played through all of it.

i NEED to replay to check if this opinion still is right

Replayed fully for the first time since beating it back in the day. I came back to relive the nostalgia and do the ringed city which I never did. Unfortunately by the time I got to the Ringed City I felt like the design of the game really started draining me. Ringed City seems like the pinnacle of the 2nd half of DS3's game design. It highlights everything wrong with DS3 lmfao. Dont know if ima finish it but base DS3 is really great.

Perfeito. Do início ao fim, perfeito.

Só me irritei me diverti por um total de meia hora com esse jogo, não sei nem como zerei.

Dark Souls III is a masterpiece. Both of the other games in the trilogy were masterpieces too (even II, which I’ve softened on quite a bit), but Dark Souls III is the polished jewel, the completed masterpiece, the closest thing I think we’ll ever get to a perfect soulslike. The gameplay is tuned to perfection, every weapon and animation feeling perfect, the story is probably the least obscure of the whole trilogy, but still compelling, and the atmosphere is at its bleakest and most rich. I definitely think you need to have played the other games to get the most out of it - so many calls back to the previous games right the way to the final boss - but it’s worth it. Every bit of difficulty in the trilogy was worth it for the raw catharsis of finishing this game. Can’t recommend it enough.

Dark Souls 3 is the perfect end to one of the best trilogies in gaming. Its atmosphere and gameplay make it stand out as one of the best of the 2010’s.

DS3 strikes the perfect blend of drawing inspiration from the first game while still doing its own thing. The game tells a beautiful tale of trying to protect the world through a process that also destroys it. Then, it ends by giving you the same choice players were faced with in the first game but this time with added nuance. I can’t think of a better way to end the trilogy’s story. This narrative is of course portrayed through ambiguous npcs and item descriptions.

DS3 achieves a great flow between trekking through a dungeon to get to the next boss and struggling against a boss to get to the next dungeon. With excellent level and boss design this back and forth never gets tiring. There is a very large roster of bosses so it isn’t too egregious, but there are a few too many gimmick fights for my taste.

The world and character design of the game is stunning, but pales in comparison to the soundtrack. Almost every boss has a track that will blow you away. Specifically the way they had throwbacks to previous games in the music from the final boss was incredible.

DS3 also offers a lot of replayability with its build variety. There are many different builds players can have but gameplay-wise it mostly boils down to martial or magical builds. When you add new game + and PVP there are a lot of things to keep you playing the game.

Dark Souls 3 has left a lasting impact on me and cemented the dark souls trilogy as one of the best in gaming.
( 97/100 )

Dark Souls 3 is everything people glaze about fromsoft cranked up to 11 and it’s absolutely electric. It truly is just “Dark Souls but better” unless you’ve a special partialness to the story of 1 like myself. Even still dark souls 3 is fantastic. Combat is fast and weighty, maintaining the same careful nature required from the first game but injecting some of maths speed and aggression from bloodborne. Much like the first game, the world building remains incredible but I would argue that the story or lore from that world building is weaker than the first entry with some exceptions which I’ll cover later on. Every area in this game is stunning, even the catacombs. Lothric and its surrounding areas are amazingly put together visually but the true magnum opus of fromsoft area design (besides bloodborne) is Irythill of the boreal valley + Anor Londo. A beautiful area that new and old players can appreciate. They really did an excellent job capturing the same feeling dark souls 1 players felt seeing anor londo for the first time but with an opposite motif. It suits the game perfectly even from a thematic perspective since it shows how over the age of fire truly is. On that note, the theme of this game is just as good as the first in which a dying kingdom still holds onto an already very outdated system. The journey of the ashen one killing randoms bearing souls of cinder exhibits how truly futile clinging on to glory can be, and I think that’s a genius way to end a franchise. This is embodied perfectly in the final boss the soul of cinder, who is a perfect send off for fans of the property. There’s nothing more tuff than watching an amalgamation of the lords of cinder pulling the fire link greatsword out of the bonfire and slamming ass while the sun basically bleeds in the background. His boss theme is also literal perfection. On the note of bosses, this roster is pretty stacked with bosses like gundyr, the abyss watchers and the twin princes, dancer of the boreal valley, nameless king and sister friede all being quite fantastic. Bosses this time round are also much more interesting lore wise making their fights extra captivating, like the nameless king being Gwynn’s exiled first born or the abyss watchers being Knight Artorias meat riders. But no greater boss represents dark souls 3 and debatably the entire franchise better than Slave Knight Gael. Believe the hype. Super interesting and relevant lore/set up, perfect arena super intense fight and that looks and sounds basically perfect. There really is no better send off for such a special franchise. Overall dark souls 3 is a trilogy ending done right, there’s virtually nothing I would change about this high rush thrill ride barring a couple stinker bosses and more areas to explore but that aside this game is astounding on every front and it has solidified my status as a dark souls fan forever probably. Please play these games you will not regret it.

Every single aspect makes for an utterly superb experience. My first in depth experience with the Souls-like series and it has certainly made it's mark.

May the flames guide your way

La llama se apaga, el ciclo se repite, y donde una vez hubo un alma ahora solo quedan cenizas.

O Jogo é bom viu, puta merda que experiencia...só nao pega 5 estrelas devido a:

Swamp level and a few too many "meh" bosses (curse rotted greatwood, deacons, crystal sage). My first souls game, and my favourite. Onion-bro is one of my favourite video game characters, I love him I love him.

não preciso nem falar nada... sinceramente O gigante da fromsoftware

Simplesmente perfeito. Melhor trilha sonora da from.

Doing a Soul level 1 run

Another piece of art from Fromsoftware and works perfectly as the ending sequel of this series. The only downside, is that the map is almost 100% linear, unlike Dark Souls 1.

Come on man. The final boss, in the final area, of the final DLC, for the final Dark Souls game, has his final words as "Is this the blood? The blood of the dark soul?". Topping off the greatest boss, in the greatest game, of the greatest trilogy of games ever? Look at me and tell me this isn't greatest game ever made.

Near perfection as far as I’m concerned. Some of the absolute best boss fights I’ve experienced and the true pinnacle of the Dark Souls trilogy. While I prefer Bloodborne and Sekiro, Dark Souls 3 is an experience I will never forget.

L'ennesima volta in cui ci cascai e provai a giocare a un souls

give me that thing your dark soul