Reviews from

in the past

The least enthusiastic masterpiece on the market.

An addicting experience to say the least. While the worldbuilding and level design will never exceed that of the first game, it still manages to stand out in its own way. The callbacks to the original are fantastic, building upon the lore of the first game and wrapping it all up with a nice little bow. It looks fantastic (I usually never take screenshots of games I play but this one earned an entire album on my Steam profile). Its combat is improved, being tighter and more fluid than the first game's. The ability to warp between bonfires from the get go is really convenient. Weapon modification is drastically improved, as well as the overall UI. Disappointing to see the armor modifications go, though. Estus Shards and Undead Bone Shards are a much better way to level Estus than kindling in the first game. Armor has a ton of variety but unless you're wearing Havel's set or the Catarina set, physical damage reduction between sets isn't really noticeable (I don't play magic builds, I'm either a strength build or a dex build). Boss fights are exhilerating and really well designed. The soundtrack has more overall memorable tracks than the first, but it's not like I'm going to forget the Firelink Shrine theme or the O&S theme anytime soon.
The story is incredible. You're not going to get much of it just from the game, so I recommend VaatiVidya's videos on the lore, but wow. What a story. This is easily one of the best games I have played in recent years.

It plays great and they introduce some new mechanics I really enjoy, but the magic just isn't there any more. Had more fun with it than DS2, but not by much.

First souls game, finally clicked after a year and now it's amazing

I should replay this one. I remember liking it but I don't remember a ton of it. The vore saint was cool.

With Bloodborne, FromSoft found the perfect balance with their signature difficulty, between toughness and actually being fun. For this reason, this is the best DS game, with the best gameplay, best art design and best everything in the series.

Similar to Bloodborne with its problems but it has much better gameplay and offers more options.

Not that hard all you need is patience

Writing: 3/5
Gameplay: 5/5
Art Design & Visuals: 5/5
Voices & Sounds: 3/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 4/5

The culmination of all Soul games - Dark Souls 3 feels like the most well-balanced experience in the series but it never quite reaches the same highs of those previous entries. Still - the level design, combat and bosses are excellent throughout - never dipping to the lows found in pervious games.

i am the greatest dark souls player in the world

Like its predecessor, Dark Souls 3 lives in the shadow of the original that is one of the best games ever made, but it's a great ending to the trilogy with a lot of references and in a way closes the narrative set by the first one.

Controversial opinion I know, but I think this is the definitive dark souls; just by mechanics and controls alone it blows DS1 out of the water. The callbacks to the original are fantastic, there's incredible build variety and so so so many weapons, spells, and items. SO many memorable and incredibly challenging bosses. The fact alone that it's soulsborne makes it a wonderful timeless experience.

I feel it's important to note that a combination of two things finally got me to play my first real Souls: playing Sekiro and later growing to miss it dearly, and attempting to play a much worse Soulslike and getting so fed up I took solace in the real thing. For all their fearsome reputation, FromSoft games function like eductational tools: they take your hand and gently guide you from a novice to a player who can confidently defeat even the nastiest boss. They want you to succeed and they speak a consistent and thoughtful language to teach you how. If other games truly want to grab a piece of From's shining star, they don't need to learn a combat system or checkpoint-based level design, they need to learn how to teach.

love getting my ass kicked

What a bland, empty game. I honestly struggle to recall just about anything from it because it just doesn't do anything noteworthy. Super uninspired all the way through, honestly. You can very much tell, in light of what Sekiro accomplished later on, that From was extremely ready to move on from this series.

Better than the original you can send all complaints to

Não é o meu dark souls favorito, nem o mais divertido, mas tem a melhor gameplay

more like dark s III (it has no soul)

Good game but should improve a bit.
Almost 100% completed

Despite the problems that weigh down the game, the build variety and customization options work very well in favor of the souls formula and create a fun unique experience.

The souls series dying gasp.

Souls 3 takes a lot of good lessons from all the other games and wraps them in a balanced and fun package as it drifts off into the sunset. The DLC don't really feel as powerful as the others, but it has a fantastic final boss that really brings the journey home. I'd say its mostly everything from the series done "well". Nothing as good as others, nothing as bad as others.

Arguably the most consistent Miyazaki game. it also proves that consistency doesn't always mean better quality, as Dark Souls III leans into more safe accessible design choices that hinder it from being the best game in the franchise, but I'd be lying if it doesn't have the best roster of boss fights and some of the best level design in the whole series.

I've played through this game a good 5-6 times and I've still missed so much.