Reviews from

in the past

a "choices matter" papers please style game where everyone i know who's played it has gotten the best ending by accident their first playthrough

Personajes interesantes, conversaciones sobre el tema de la muerte y la responsabilidad, y pequeñas elecciones que se notan inmediatamente componen el juego. Además, te puedes montar una mesa super guay, y seguir las reglas, o desviarte del propósito para el que has sido, literalmente, creado. La pega sería que no tienes de idea de que decisión o conjunto de ellas han hecho que llegues al final que acabas teniendo, aunque algunos podrían verlo como algo bueno.

despite bureaucracy being my 13th reason irl, this game was incredibly fun

repetitive, fun lil customization

really interesting but it gets boring fast (at least for me)

I have finished this so many times but that one impossible achievement can do one and it will forever live un finished

damn, das cute and good times. like papers please with more gameplay/story integrations, which for some might ruin the experience (which I totally get, lol).

interesting concept but got old quickly

I like the gameplay a lot but I only have so much patience these days for games with multiple endings and having to play it over and over to figure out the whole story.

The issue with all of these papers please clones is that lack any of the urgency of paper's please, which was the glue which held that game's gameplay together. This one at least has the mechanic of having to manage the state of the world ,but the cause and effect ranges from painfully obvious to totally random, which makes going for all the endings more of a chore then anything.

The story hear really isn't that compelling either. I really think there needed to be more visible of the outside world for your actions to really have weight.

Segue uma ideia parecida com Papers Please, é divertido até certo ponto, mas não demora muito para cansar. Jogável.

Um jogo com um bom humor e com uma historia legalzinha, que da para termina em um dia facilmente.

Really enjoyed it, for it's odd blend of style, comedy, and cool little story.

In concept this game has you make a lot of difficult choices, which should lead to a really interesting overall experience, but in practice I found it kind of hard to see how your choices mattered. I could tell that broadly obeying or disobeying had some kind of overall effect, but the individual choices didn't seem to change much, something that I think was sort of inherently implied by the premise.

The interactions with Fate and the cat were decently entertaining, and like I said the general concept is pretty good, so I didn't hate the game, but there was a definite lull in the middle where my enjoyment waned a bit. (The narrative did start to pick up again at the very end, thankfully.)

The soundtrack was good though.

It's fine, I like the game's tone and message but the mechanics and narrative get old pretty fast.

For a game with multiple endings you would expect it to be more replayable. The conversations don't change that much even if you choose different dialog options, and carrying all the items and information from previous playthroughs kind of defeats the point of the whole mechanic.
I think it would benefit for either not presenting itself as replayable or adding something else that makes subsequent runs more interesting.

Other than that I enjoyed my first run and I really liked the artstyle and the huge variety of personalization options. The outfits were pretty cool.

Also, I didn't try it out myself, but it looks like an interesting game to play with friends, deciding on who to kill and save as a group. The game even gives the option to connect with twitch and let your viewers vote.


Perfectly simulated the soul-crushing corporate grind. Very good.

buen juego que me recuerda a paper please, vale la pena probar

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Wonderfully written, but once you realise that the impact of your choices is limited, the game loses a bit of lustre.

Fun for the first run, but ultimately not incredibly interested in what variations are achievable. Might come back after a while, but satisfied with the initial play.

adoro joguinhos com temática corporativa ebaa trabalho fantasioso que crítica os reais vilões do mundo empresários

É um jogo que mescla filosofia, visual novel e comédia, com vários finais. a comédia é ok, a filosofia é boa, e os finais são bem interessantes. Tem a mesma vibe do This Is The Police, onde a maior parte do jogo te levam a perder, de proposito, porque nem tudo é sobre vencer. O gameplay cansa bem rápido, pois não possui variação nenhuma, a não ser chegar aos outros finais.

maybe this game's overall message is a metaphor for someone permanently trapped in the caverns of 2015 tumblr trying to escape, i see no other excuse as to why a game made in 2020 has a character unironically say the word 'heckin' to me

removing stakes from your papers please clone only makes for a really boring game, at one point i started blasting black flag and randomly clicking shit bc i just wanted it to be over

Fell into a good groove on my second attempt, barrelling through my choices in order to see what would happen at the end of the 28 days. The background questions Death & Taxes bring up don't get fully explored by the simple plot. The "impact" your choices have on the world are sometimes extremely predictable, but part of the fun is chasing down the butterfly effect of certain choices, including what happens to the green boots.

Demo impression:
Interesting idea, but lacking in varied ways of interacting.
Art style and visual feedback is well done, but the voice acting from Fate did not impress me. Sounds like a G-man impression somebody took out of the oven too soon.

Fun and nice, with a little bit of chaos. Sometimes you need something like that.

Tiene ideas interesantes, una buena narrativa y mucho estilo y carisma, aunque quizás sufre de monotonía y de hacer que decisiones que se supone que son tremendamente complejas y duras acaben siendo gamificadas y las hagas en cuestión de un minuto o dos.

En mi primera partida conseguí creo que el mejor ending (uno que menos del 10% de la gente ha conseguido), así que al menos eso me ha hecho gracia y está bien.