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Tiene cierta personalidad, la historia es algo cliché pero mantiene el interés y resulta divertido al principio, pese a que el combate cuerpo a cuerpo es un poco torpe. Las primeras mejoras que te vas implantando hacen que no caiga en la monotonía, pero desgraciadamente dura poco y termina siendo más de lo mismo.
El problema del juego se resume, para mí, en "demasiado largo". Demasiada duración para la cantidad de mecánicas que ofrece. Lo terminé dejando pese a que, creo, estaba ya cerca del final.

2D open world, so many interesting side quests, simple controls, complicated story, every decisions matter a lot... in total this one is one heluva game. Those who like retro feelings in game, must try this RPG game. It's one of the most underrated rpg games I've ever played.

Controls suck, but game is AWESOME!

This a great game and if you're looking for cyberpunk adventure games I'd put this on your wishlist.

A 2D adventure RPG game centered around hacking the cyberspace to evade capture by an "evil" corporation. You can go guns blazing, fist to fist, or full stealth mode depending on your augments and which path you take. The maps are surprisingly open with lots of pathways to follow for solving problems. The writing is well done and although the plot is simple its executed well. Art is a subjective topic but I can say its very consistent and well done.

My only gripe is combat can be brute forced very easily. If you've played Deus Ex, Dishondered, Akrham Knight, etc. you know what I mean. If not, at a certain point of upgrades you become God and encounters are one-sided even as enemies improve. Its consistent with the narrative but if you're expecting scaling like in Thief or Prey (2016) you may be disappointed.

I enjoyed walking around and talking to NPCs, the setting is well designed and the writing is very good, but I won't elaborate on that in order to avoid spoilers. Basically, the presentation in general is really good.
By comparison, the combat is honestly tedious at best, but Dex left me with a good impression regardless.

'A Slick Cyberpunk Story That Avoids Being A "Clone"'

Dex was a surprisingly fun 2D Action-RPG, one that successfully blended a good range of systems a la a mini "Deus Ex" while also providing a fairly competent cyberpunk story. You play as "Dex", a woman who can't remember her past and is on the run by a corporation known as "The Complex". Throughout your journey, you'll meet many hackers (both endearing...and irritating), as well as unlock your potential as the ultimate slick-talking, butt-kicking cybernetic hacker.

The gameplay department is pretty well done, with a good diversity of hacking, stealth, combat, and investigative options at your disposal. These systems worked well enough on their own, but I disliked aspects of the hacking minigame, while also disliking a good portion of the combat.

The hacking minigames are essentially bullet-hell segments, and you are tasked with either disabling cameras, turrets, and enemies, or having to dive deep into someones personal computer to uncover some data/secrets. These sections felt very awkward without the right upgrades, and by the time they started to feel somewhat decent, I was already way too powerful for these sections to ever feel like a challenge. This game didn't have a well-balanced hacking system throughout its runtime, which is a shame because it had potential to be very good for the many times you encounter it.

The combat also leaves something to be desired. The melee combat feels extremely wonky (similar to how hacking felt), but once you start focusing on the melee skills, its much too straightforward and easy for the rest of the game. Thus, the "shooting" system in this game feels pretty pointless, as weapons are tough to find ammo for and prove to be inferior to the stunlock-focused melee combat. While its still possible to play a ranged build, you'll always feel like you are better off getting up close and personal.

I liked the story in this game, despite it being a bit lighter in its concepts than somewhat similar games like the Deus Ex series or Observer. (another fairly underrated cyberpunk game). I started to skip the dialogue before people finished speaking, which is a shame because while I found the voice work to be pretty well done, I thought the actual dialogue and exposition felt very familiar to other titles I have played (thus explaining my slight impatience). I also don't understand why "Dex" herself lacks voiceover for non-cutscene interactions - her voice actor was fairly decent and would have definitely helped in the formation of her character (goody-two shoes, snarky and sarcastic, narcissistic and powerful, etc.). Lastly, the endings were okay, though I think they could have been more well-rounded and definitely more detailed for all of the decisions that lead up to them (remember to save before making any choices in the final few missions in case you want to see the other endings!)

I thought the world was pretty well-made, and the side quests were actually pretty good as well. Of course some are typical of semi-open world RPG's like this one, but there were a good share of unique quests to back these up. I completed most of the side content, and felt pretty satisfied with both the length and quality of the missions.

Lastly, I thought the characters were pretty well-developed, though I didn't feel any particular connection to any one other than Decker. I definitely thought they were interesting and had a good layer of personality to each one of them, yet I think some more emotional impact could have improved some of the story beats.

Overall, Dex is a pretty great game! I think some of the systems could have seen some improvements, at least for the early game, and there are some balancing issues that lead to a pretty easy mid-late game, but the story, characters, and diversity in gameplay make up for it! For anyone on the fence, it does feel a "bit" like a 2D Deus Ex , which may appeal to some out there. I look forward to future games from the developers, and it would be interesting to see an even darker follow-up to this game if there is any possibility for a sequel!

Final Verdict: 7/10 (Good)

No me gusta. Después de un rato he acabado cansado de lo malo que es el combate, de una historia que no capta lo más mínimo la atención y de unas mecánicas tan simples y sosas para todo.

I love the world and exploration, but the combat is fiddly and unsatisfying, and frankly the game is too big for its own good. I still do like this game overall, it's very ambitious.

esse metroidvania é muito divertido, infelizmente ele também é muito exploitavél, a partir de certo ponto do jogo eu só ficava spammando os mesmos ataques pra conseguir progredir a história, o jogo ainda é bom though

Metroidvania s RPG prvky spíše než RPGčko v běžném slova smyslu. A vesměs zdařilá metroidvania, které nelze upřít působivou (jakkoli ke své škodě až příliš tradiční) kyberpunkovou atmosféru (nádherně nakreslené lokace) revolty proti systému a korporacím i zasazení do uvěřitelného prostředí, nad kterým někdo evidentně přemýšlel.

Zarazí jak moc je hlavní dějová linie přímočará, tuctová a na vedlejší koleji oproti vedlejším úkolům, které zabírají většinu cca dvanácti hodinové herní doby. To že hlavní hrdinka je pouze shluk pixelů bez jakékoli osobnosti a nátury stejně jako odbyté finále dojmům také dvakrát moc nenahrává. Přitom dialogy jsou napsány dobře, v nich problém není. Na druhou stranu zmíněné questy jsou povětšinou nápadité, větvené a s několika řešeními.

Herně je to metroidvania se vším všudy a představíte-li si původní Castlevanii v kyberpunkovém hávu, tak rázem víte co očekávat. Souboje lze řešit ručně ve stylu starých bojovek, zbraněmi či jakože steathově à la Mark of the Ninja. Jakkoli žádná z těch mechanik není špičkově zpracovaná a bez chyb (někdy těžkopádné ovládání apod.), tak jsou všechny funkční a neomrzí se (mimo jiné i díky té krátkosti). Zásadní problém je ovšem hackovací minihra. Nikoli snad že je pojata jako shoot 'em up střílečka, ale že je pojata jako špatná a nezáživná shoot 'em up střílečka; přitom se však dostává ke slovu více než by bylo záhodno.

Ono vůbec je to na papíře, tím o co se to snaží, tak nějak sympatičtější, než čím to ve výsledku je. Přesto jde o dobrou hru. Jen nejde o nic více než právě "pouze" dobrou hru, která nejednou prokáže, o kolik by mohla být lepší, kdyby sama sobě při každém druhém kroku nějakým tím "ale" nepodkopávala nohy.

clunky. doesn't feel good to play. cool setting but poorly written. perfect example of a game that does not play to its strengths. i'd recommend something like NORCO if you're looking for a cyberpunk game with pretty visuals and great writing. maybe try Red Strings Club. or Transistor. better options out there!

Ich glaube ein Entwickler von Deux Ex hat mal gesagt, dass wenn ihr Spiel kein Erfolg haben wird, wenn es nach seinen einzelnen Aspekten bewertet wird, da man für jeden dieser eine bessere Version in anderen Spielen finden kann. Das besondere war das Gesamtpaket, welche eine besondere Erfahrung bot.
Platforming, Kampf, Stealth, Erkundung sind in Dex nicht sonderlich gut und auch das Hacking ist nicht so besonders, wenn auch ein klein wenig besser.
Gebündelt wird das ganze in eine der langweiligsten Cyberpunk-Welten die ich erlebt habe und ich muss leider sagen, dass das Gesamtpaket deshalb auch nicht überzeugen konnte.

What if Deus Ex but it was 2D... and also kind of bad. I really want to like this game, but everything from the skill system to the hacking minigame to even the world design is underbaked. I'm looking forward to what, if anything, this developer makes next however.

Fun but holy shit the cover art is ugly and looks out of place with the rest of my games that have basic competency at graphic design

Dex is a european styled RPG through and through, only in 2D. All the hallmarks are there: emphasis on exploration, starting up very weak and becoming an unstoppable god at the end, very questionable moment to moment gameplay, all the elements that should be very familiar to you if you ever played games such as Gothic or Two Worlds or any european action-RPG from the 2000s.

Good news is, the game does a fairly good job at what it needed to do right, namely exploration (and reasons to explore) and character building. The game gives plenty of varied ways to improve yourself, while also having to make decisions on what you want to improve on as some sacrifices will have to be made, and it all feels nice when you're at a level where you're comfortable buying whatever you want and punching whoever you feel like. Side quests and the layout of the city are good too, it's big enough to feel plausible but not so big that you can't remember its layout (and the game will ask you to remember where things are from time to time), and the side quests are all varied and interesting enough to stand out from one another, not having many of them in the first place probably helped with making them more fleshed out.

The bad is, there's no going around it, the action gameplay. It's fairly inoffensive with enough health items and using stealth in the first few hours, but at its best it's very basic. At its worst you won't be able to even see the enemies being able to see you and you'll have to engage in such a boring game of taking two pokes and then guarding that even the guys at From Software would say that it's a little excessive. Leveling up and getting implants does make combat easier, almost to the point of just needing to mash the attack button, but it's not really a positive when the game playing itself is preferable over having to interact with its combat.

I would recommend Dex. It's a game that will definitely be an acquired taste, but if you're into smaller games, cyberpunk, and/or european rpgs, there's a pretty solid, likeable game here, despite or maybe also because of its very small budget.

Enjoyable because I wanted it to be, and because I really want a sidescrolling cyberpunk RPG, but this is not actually a good game with pretty bad combat and minigames.