Reviews from

in the past

é um jogão, mas não é para mim

sou o único ser humano na terra que não consegue gostar de diablo, joguei todos e nenhum me pegou.


Another one of those games I'm glad I got to it late since it's one of those the internet decided to hate in unison in accordance to what their braindead favorite youtuber said.

My only problem with it is, due to it being online only, I experienced multiple cases of rubber banding or being killed while the server caught up. Aside from that, is without a doubt the best Story presented in an ARPG. It made me care about the characters presented in it and the production values and voice acting were on another level from what you typically see in most ARPG's.

Lilith lived up to the hype and can't wait to experience Vessel of Hatred when it comes out.

first Diablo, it was the most mid thing ever, the gameplay was barely fun and the story became interesting at the last possible moment, good atmosphere tho

Conheci a franquia no Diablo III e esse fica abaixo em uma série de questões, principalmente a história, haja vista que a narrativa só fica realmente interessante no último ato. Repetitivo e com cenários não tão diversos (esperava que desenvolvem bastante a passagem pelo inferno), mas apesar de tudo um bom jogo.

Bons gráficos, história ok e um combate fluído, porém repetitivo. Acho que assim posso descrever a experiência em jogar Diablo IV.

O game é de certa forma interessante, mas sua progressão extremamente lenta acaba, de certa forma, desmotivando o jogador. Senti melhorias em vários aspectos em relação ao seu antecessor, porém não me prendeu igualmente.

Meu primeiro contato com a franquia foi no diablo 3 na época que eu joguei aquele jogo me encantou de uma forma absurda. eu era viciado eu só vivia querendo jogar ele, foi uma paixão de infância até o momento de eu não ter como joga-lo mais já que eu não tinha pc e nada do tipo jogava emprestado no console de um tio meu, foi muito triste diablo ficou sempre martelando na minha mente o quão bom ele era, mas mesmo assim eu nunca puxei para joga-lo efetivamente de novo, após esses longos anos saiu diablo 4 na qual eu achei que seria legalzinho, mas não dei muita bola de inicia até eu pegar para jogar a demo da introdução grátis, a paixão tinha reacendido, que foi cortado após o termino bruto, já nem sabia quando iria jogar novamente até a oportunidade dele ter entrado o gamepass, após uns meses longe voltei para ver se aquela paixão momentânea voltaria é o que tenho a dizer que não decepcionou( essa é uma analise principalmente do modo historia do jogo, não se refere ao pós game algum que eu sei que é de suma importância para os jogadores em si, mas não tanto para min), com uma historia que consegue ser cativante, juntamente com sua beleza as cinemáticas desse jogo são muito belas, juntamente com o que eu lembrava ainda existia aqui a sua gameplay muito gostosinha, apesar de boa parte do game você ter que andar a pé, sempre passando por uns mini eventos e até mini bosses ou bosses que aparecem em tempos e tempos foi genuinamente divertido faze-los, com uma ost caprichada esse jogo fez horas passarem voando e aquele hype absurdo que eu estava não foi em vão, assim que puder eu iria da uma jogadinha no game, e rezo para as novas coisas do futuro venha de forma acessível pelo gamepass, pois o meu real problema com o game foi seu preço.

I really don't get the appeal of this genre.

Apart from a great opening and great presentation, it wasn't fun doing repetitive quests. I did try following a build guide for my rogue.
I don't think looter arpg genre is for me.

I did like the loot and gear system in games like Dragon Age Origins/II, Witcher 3, it felt substantial there.

Blizzard cansou a franquia.

Observações de interesse:
- Joguei pouco do pós-jogo, então apenas assisti a um vídeo geral.
- Classe: mago
- Build: inicialmente alternando entre fogo e eletricidade, mas depois do meio do jogo, 100% focada em gelo. 👍

Diablo IV é um jogo mediano, com uma história inserida apenas para cumprir seu papel, embora haja uma inovação em comparação aos anteriores, ainda falta singularidade e JÚBILO. Claro, as cutscenes pré-renderizadas têm grande mérito, são lindas. A jogabilidade do jogo é outro fator pouco surpreendente; se você teve contato com os jogos anteriores, sabe como funciona. As classes são bastante diversas, é inegável, mas infelizmente perdem o interesse com o tempo, acho que isso vale para todas. A dublagem do jogo também é extremamente boa, que elenco sensacional!! Até os NPCs não escaparam dessa qualidade de dublagem.

Sempre admirei o visual construído, em Diablo IV vemos seu ápice. Não apenas há uma mudança e diversidade ao longo do mapa, mas também inúmeras dungeons, porões e desafios que me prenderam, que me fizeram desviar do objetivo principal várias vezes, ISSO SIM É ALGO PARA SE APRECIAR. Diablo IV é um ARPG sazonal, o que confere uma credibilidade maior ao jogo, uma árvore de habilidades padrão, com um sistema de nível padrão, onde você encontra itens melhores conforme explora, algo que cumpre seu papel de forma funcional, mas nada surpreendente.

Mas, sendo sucinto, não tenho motivação para continuar o pós-jogo, as atividades desbloqueadas não me são nada convidativas.

Campaign: I had a fun time with it, completed it upon release and would probably play it again at some point since it's pretty short, maybe around the Vessel of Hatred release so the story is fresh again for me.
Seasons: I played Seasons 1 and 2, Season 2 was superior and some quality of life changes really started to come through. Commenting on the itemization needing to be fixed isn't anything new (but it does). I am a casual ARPG player, and this was a lot of time spent in the game already for me. While the game loop is fun, I will revisit it when there are major changes.

Jogo lindo e divertido, mas não vale o preço e tem um dos piores sistemas de passe que eu já vi na vida (principalmente para um jogo pago e que foi lançado em pleno 2023).

tl:dr play only with gamepass, DO NOT buy this game

impeccable level of quality, every button press feels just right (if that make sense), same as visuals. really, its a great game, that no one should buy
1. game is always online, if that's not a red flag for you, then here's an example of why it is:
so when I was playing, my gf was connected to the same wifi as console, and when she was wachting YouTube, guess what happend? huge input lag, making game barely playable. you can say its a problem specific the me, but even if its true, its still insane to me that fucking YouTube can ruin my single player campaign (yeah I know, because its not single player)
2. at some point in your lifetime, servers will shutdown, and I doubt that blizzard gonna do anything about it, so you don't really buy a piece of software as much as you buy an access to the server/ticket to a theme park

if we as a GaMiNg CoMmuNiTy keep giving them money for stuff like this, itll never go away, its just gonna get worse

also story was boring as hell, cutscenes were amazing

To be fair, I did not play this very long. I was expecting it to be extremely corporate and predatory, which it is. What I did not expect was for it to be very poorly made, which it also is. It crashed within the first 30 minutes. Character models are unreadable, homogenous blobs. Action animations look incredibly stiff and artificial. Environments are drab gray smears. The cutscenes... oh my god the cutscenes are SO UNBELIEVABLY SLOW. The characters are so torpid they make Geralt of Riviera look like Sonic the Hedgehog. It's like they inserted a 5 second pause before every line to give it dramatic weight. The actual result is that this action game simply has no energy; the whole thing seems like it's on the verge of a heroin overdose. Combine that with all the on-screen movement consisting of these blobby characters shuffling randomly back and forth, and the writing and voice acting being bottom of the barrel bad, and this whole package looks incredibly amateurish.

Making this some kind of MMO is a weird choice too. What is gained by taking away my ability to pause the game? How is my experience enhanced by seeing "xXxHOTBABESLAYERxXx" running in circles around my armor vendor? Maybe it's just a nod to Sartre; hell really is other people.

I don’t think it's too much of a stretch to say that Diablo invented the loot box. You kill a monster and something might pop out; it might be incredible or it might be total trash. When such tension was novel it was exciting and addictive. Now every live service game has embraced this mechanic as a means of padding out a game's playtime. A regular playthrough of Dark Souls might see you walk away with, what, 30 or 40 cool weapons? A playthrough of any given Diablo, though, will have you looting literally thousands of weapons, each with a minuscule chance of being cool. One of these models perfectly slots into a live service game's carefully calibrated withholding of joy. Too little and you get frustrated, too much and you get bored and/or consume the content too quickly. With the "Shop" tab prominently on display in the main menu, this feels less like a game and more like a mail-order catalog.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I have enjoyed these games in the past, but this really does feel like Diablo in its inevitable final form: a corporate IP with no soul, fashioned into a treadmill of monetizable nonsense (like $65 mounts!). Content mash, to be drip fed forever.

Очень красивая и стильная четвертая часть. Понравился уход в реализм и мрачную атмосферу в игре. Геймплей все такой же динамичный и живой. Я не заядлый игрок в подобный жанр, но в эту серию всегда приятно окунуться. Отличные кат-сцены на движке игры, в сюжете как всегда все сложно и непонятно, но следить за этим очень интересно. Близард молодцы, с удовольствием продолжу еще играть в эндгейм и посмотрим что они выпустят в дальнейшем, большое дополнение определенно стоит ждать.

They're putting a thick haze over everything now, even games with no draw distance. Got bored with this quickly, everything looks the same, the game loop never changes due to strict level scaling. Thinking back to my time with Diablo 2, this just doesn't hold a candle. It's ugly and bland.

Got halfway through the campaign but it got too repetitive, might get back to it soon. People complain about this game a lot, it was my first Diablo and I think it's ok, apart from getting overwhelmed by too many items.

Mhe legalzinho até (uns do melhores rpg que eu joguei pessoalmente)

Hail, Daughter of Hatred.
Creator of Sanctuary.
Our Blessed Mother.


I'd be really happy if the game didn't freeze for a second (or rarely; indefinetely) every time I pressed something that opened a menu (or the map)

This game was like that one picture of Homer Simpson where he's presenting himself as skinny to Marge but you see his belly fat clipped behind his back.

Gostei do jogo, mas é inegável que o end game é completamente cansado kkkkk

So I'm bumping the score to 3,5 and potentially later down the line with the release of season 4 and huge updates on the itemization - it can go up to 4.

A lot of annoying and boring stuff was fixed and the game feels much better now.

Campanha extremamente divertida, com o lançamento da próxima temporada, voltaremos mais fortes

My friends forced me to play COD so now I’m forcing them to play this and all is finally right in the world again

Together, somehow, we will defeat mommy Lilith

I'm not "done" playing this game, but I really have just hit a point where I don't have much fun playing the game anymore, and am just sticking it to hang around with friends.

There's a million reasons why I could go into why it's kind of draining, but I'll just sum it up, it's just shallow, it's the Call of Duty of ARPGs, the gameplay is too easy and boring, it's laggy, there's a lot of clunkiness and the game is full price yet shoving MTX up your ass, with plans for paid DLCs in the future.

The nice things I can say of the game start and end with the visuals, it's a beautiful game, but there's no substance anywhere else, the story sucks, the characters aren't interesting, the cutscenes are boring and the pacing is glacial.

Just play D2 or even D3, this just isn't worth your time in it's current state.

The game only started to become fun when I decided to plug in the controller.

At least now, the game looks more like Diablo, and not like a top-down Warcraft, like the last one.