Reviews from

in the past

I only played for like 20-30 minutes and I enjoyed it alot. It feels really special and I just love that they mixed resident evil with dinosaurs. And the low poly graphics make the game even more exciting. However I didn't like playing on keyboard and mouse. So I'm probably gonna wait until I own a steam deck or find some way to play with a controller because I can't play this game on a keyboard.

What the hell happened to this franchise!? Capcom missed a golden opportunity to reboot this at the height of Jurassic World

never played but the title is really funny

I think the way dinos interact with the environment is nice but I have very little experience with the survival horrors of that time.

I actually really liked this game, I had fun with the puzzles and the game actually pushed me to the point of actually having to write things down on pieces of paper to figure things out, I think it's cool that the puzzles in this game are actually kinda clever, like having to tilt your head upside down to figure out the pass code to a key in one section.

There's a lot more of an emphasis on running away than fighting since the dinosaurs contain much smarter AI than the standard zombies of Resident Evil but it was pretty up my alley. If you like classic RE I recommend it

Newman probably didn't make it out alive of this one either.

Too much backtracking to either find a single item you missed before or a cutscene to progress the game. Might pick it up again later to finish it but I get annoyed each time I play it so I won't force myself.

With a heavier focus on puzzle solving, this little forgotten gem from the tank control survival horror genre mostly holds up thanks to it's intricate level design and mysterious location. When dinosaurs ruled our cinemas, this allowed us to put ourselves at the center of the action and made them scary!

Resident Evil with dinosaurs... hell yeah. Not enough T-Rex though.

Resident evil, but dinosaurs. It certainly was a resident evil like game, but with dinosaurs instead of zombies. It's cool that the levels are all actually rendered in game rather than being pre-renders like in RE, but other than that, yeah this kinda lacks a bit of an identity due to being SO similar to resident evil as a game.

Good game. The tank controls are acceptable, the graphics are good and the setting is interesting. The story concept is good, but the one present in game is very bland. There are few dinossaurs around to diversify the experience and few action moments in general, it is very similar to resident evil overall, but not quite great. Enjoyable game in general, but never great.

Its Resident Evil with dinosaurs. Often the quick answer when you have to describe Dino Crisis to someone who has never played it. The long answer is a bit more complicated. Dino Crisis was developed and published by capcom in 1999, being spear headed by one Shinji Mikami. Whose most famous project before was the first Resident Evil. During this time capcom was really trying to capitalize on Resident Evils' success. Shinji not one to enjoy working on a series more than once. Decided to make not a survival horror title, more what he considered panic horror. Which I find to pretty accurately describes this games mood.

Story starts out with a squad of spec ops level soldiers parachuting onto an island harboring a secret military facility. Their mission is to find and extract a scientist named Dr. Kirk. Who was thought to be dead from said island. Their mole on the inside of the facility Tom confirms Dr. kirk is indeed alive and still working on a new energy source known as third energy. On the way down one of the four soldiers sent to find Dr. Kirk, Cooper winds up missing the landing point and is immediately set upon and devoured by a Tyrannosaurus Rex unbeknownst by the rest of the squad.

We end up finally getting a cool reveal of our main protag Regina who is one of the most badass females in gaming. Capcom has a tendency to make their female protags badass. Regina has a very calm collected demeanor about her but takes no shit when describing her situation throughout the story. The other squad mates are Gail. The leader of the unit and your standard head strong, tough guy. Then finally the gem Rick the smart techy of the group who always has something quippy to say. Not going to detail the rest of this story but lets say this infiltration mission doesn't go as expected. With our group having to fight their way through a nest of Dinosaurs.

The story in Dino Crisis is told with a pretty straight face with some of the comedy coming from Rick. Other times With Regina's reaction of gore and viscera being the coyest you'll ever see in a horror setting.

The gameplay of Dino Crisis is admittedly a bit clunky by design. Regina moves by one of my favorite styles of movement tank controls. What you have to understand is in this situation you may have guns, but you are the prey! Fighting should only be your last resort. Your enemies are as fast as you are on a dead run. They can tank a lot of shots especially early on before you get decent equipment. Fighting every single one of them will stress your resources. Your choices to fight or avoid dinos is pretty diverse. With using laser fences to in some places keep them on one side, while shooting them from the other. Or making haste into one the ceiling vents to get away. Or abusing Scene transitions to reset and make them not notice your presence and quickly run past them. Now Dino Crisis sets itself apart from Resident Evil in the screen transitions being that in some areas Dinos will follow you into the next room! Another fun bit is instead of pre rendered backgrounds Dino crisis has fully 3D rendered ones making for some pretty cinematic shots.

For when you must combat you have a pretty decent set of weapons at your disposal including upgradable pistol, shotgun, and grenade launcher. All having different kinds of shots you can load into them. Finally, you have mixing system that allows you to mix medicines into better ones that can heal you fully and or patch up bleeding status effect. Bleeding leaves a noticeable trail of blood everywhere you walk and slowly drains your life. Which with the choice of weapon your hunters prefer to use you will be doing often. You can also mix your resources into tranquilizers to put them temporarily to sleep or mix your tranqs even further into a deadly potent poison that quickly kills them in one shot! You could say why not just poison them all? Well, if you make poison, it will dip pretty heavy into your health resources, so it makes it a bit of a balancing act on your end. Alot of freedom to experiment here.

The music in Dino Crisis fits its setting well most tracks being not scary but unsettling during times of investigation with tracks really selling this high-tech facility. Then you have your high intensity loud tracks that are erratic in nature when set upon by hungry dinos. My favorite track being the save room music. I find the save room tracks in survival horror games to be some the best in gaming. Dino Crisis save room music being among the greats being calming but ominous. With usually blood, gore, and viscera in them really setting the tone of "Am I really safe in here?". The track still holds onto a high-tech feel as well. All the tracks are cohesive in this title with none of them feeling out of place.

Finally, I want to touch on the most important part of Dino Crisis which is the puzzles. The puzzles in this game are at times brutal to figure out. In comparison to other games in the survival horror genre. Silent Hill puzzles are usually more cryptic in nature with some kind of symbolism to understand. Resident Evil puzzles are usually more visual and or move blocks around. Maybe reading a document here or there to give you a clue to a safe or tip you off to a key item. Dino Crisis does share some of Resident Evil's DNA here. With the visual pushing stuff. It also takes the document reading stuff to its extreme.

As your infiltrating the facility the puzzles here are also varied and keep the high-tech thing going. You'll have to find multiple disks in sets of two, that unlock DDK doors. These doors have you deciphering a code to unlock them. Clues to solve them are in readable documents usually close by. At first, you'll think you're a genius then later on get stuck for several hours trying to figure these out. Laughably the codes are pretty contextual to certain keywords you'll be reading a lot as well while exploring the compound. You'll need to collect fingerprints to overwrite and forge IDs to get to inaccessible areas. The devs did a really good job making you like feel like a special agent using detective skills to sleuth your way around this giant compound. I often would find myself getting out a piece of paper and pen to figure out a lot of the puzzles or write down safe codes or important names and ID numbers of scientist and facility workers. Anytime a game has me do this it really makes me feel all warm inside.

As you can tell from this review, I adore this game. Being one of the defining games of my childhood. I was playing Dino Crisis as much as I was playing Pokemon yellow and Final Fantasy VII! Being a dumb 11-year-old at the time I really question my taste in games back then. Going from catching cute little creatures making them battle one moment to playing a game with a bunch of blood and gore in an adult setting the next. While I must admit no way in hell did, I figure out all the puzzles in this game back then. Hell I still managed to get lost often now. I love the memories of calling the number in the back of the jewel case to bother some guy over the phone to explain some codes and locks I got stuck on. Speaking of which you have to make a lot of choices in this game. When I was a kid, I preferred taking Gail's side and just fight my way through to the end. In my older age I enjoy taking Rick's side for more puzzle-based solution to progressing the story. With choices comes four possible endings to the game. Yes, this time around I managed to beat the game four times and beat the unlockable mode in 16 hours.

This game is an easy recommendation for me. I suggest anybody that is a fan of the survival horror genre to play this title before you die. Capcom give us a remake/remaster like you're doing for Resident Evil you cowards!!!!!

I think I ruined it a bit for myself with save states, but this game is 70% incredible, tense horror and 30% aimless backtracking for extremely mid pizzles.

Weirdly surreal to think about playing a Dino Crisis game before ever playing a Resident Evil game, but that’s what I did!

Played for two hours and while the game isn't bad, it didn't grab me as much as Resident Evil games so i'm dropping it. It has it's merits but it's just not for me.

Um survival-horror que sabe utilizar os elementos que já eram bons no seu irmão resident evil com maestria, quebra-cabeças bem elaborados. comando estilo tanque pode frustrar novatos, mas que com prática pegará o jeito facilmente.

Nah, it's a boring version of RE3.
Dinos are not as interesting as zombies and BOWs... the raptors work at the beginning but you get tired of them quickly, same with the "secret base" scenario, almost all RE has that scenario at the end, but here it's the only one from the beginning. Those 2 things make me feel like i'm only there doing puzzles, without any of the other interesting stuff from RE.

Sound design is excellent but the OST get weird some times.

I think this game can benefit a lot from a modern Remake; maybe adding some jungle levels on the island before reaching the lab, more variety of dinos, maybe mutant dinos?

Hate to say this but this is indeed Resident Evil but with dinosaurs. Which is not a bad thing. To be honest, the classic metroidvania-like RE formula with survival resource management is very satisfying to play and as long as the game is well designed, I'll eat it up.

The main thing that's unique to this game are the dinosaurs. (DUH) They are fast, have multiple ways to attack you, sturdy af and they also break the 'room rule' 2 years before RE1 remake did it. What I mean by breaking the rule is that the dinos can follow you trough rooms sometimes. The game encourages you running away and using the environment to hinder your pursuer. I just wish the game had better enemy variety.

DC also has many puzzles. Which is not a bad thing but some of the puzzles can be quite difficult and the game will throw you tasks which requires you to go back and forth, get this key card, overwrite this data, get this fingerprint etc. So it's actually quite easy to slip up at some point and get stuck in the game which can be frustrating. It gets better with subsequent playtroughs tho, which are encouraged since there are multiple paths to take trought the campaign and some goodies to unlock.

So overall, Dino Crisis is a cool take on the RE formula. If you liked RE, you'll like this too. Just be prepared that you might need to resort to a guide once or twice.

It's like Resident Evil but with dinosaurs.

Literal pensei que fosse RE de dinossauros,mas se deferência muito. Sofri para adaptar

The dinosaurs are delightful. Even encounters with the "generic" raptors don't feel generic at all; I was bewildered when one near the end of the game picked me up, charged down a hallway, and slammed me into a wall.

They are also the closest thing Dino Crisis has to a meaningful identity. Without any other remarkable depth or character, it really is just a reskinning of Resident Evil's fundamentals, albeit a reskinning that enjoys Mikami's two preceding games' worth of experience. Fun game but the line between its lack of substance and the franchise's short lifespan is clearly drawn.

I loved it when Regina said "i'm the Dino Crisis" and crisis'd all over the t-rex

One of the coolest characters ever, with one of the best designs ever, in one of the most mid games ever published. It's truly a conundrum that they came up with Regina, who is awesome, who you WANT to play as, and as soon as the character designer submitted her, Mikami said "Alright, that's enough ideas for today!"

So, my beef now is with modders. There is a Regina mod for RE2 and 3, which is cool, love that. But why isn't there one for Fallout: New Vegas? We have dropped the ball significantly not having a Regina mod for any game that has mods. Let me play as this character in games other than Dino Crisis or I am going to be on the fucking news.

Resident Evil might be my fav franchise along with Final Fantasy, but this game is absolute fuckin trash lol no wonder Capcom bailed on it.

These dinosaurs were really in a crisis haha lol (pls follow me on this platofrm)

Dinosaurios enfadados calientes en tu zona

5/10 - Medíocre/Sem graça.
Tudo nesse jogo é mediano, é a gameplay de Resident Evil enlatada em outra temática para a capcom vender.

Para um jogo de dinossauros, eles carecem bastante. Há poucos mobs no total, e o fato de ter só um boss (sendo mais um perseguidor como Mister X, do que tendo boss fights de verdade) empobrece mais ainda o jogo.

Senti falta de uma OST mais marcante para o jogo (como em Silent Hill), as músicas em Dino Crisis são bem esquecíveis.

Tem uma lore interessante (digo isso pois o melhor da estória está contado em arquivos do Dr. Kirk e outros, não nas cutscenes ou coisa do tipo), e pode ter sido bem explorada em sua sequência (não joguei ela ainda), mas o jogo não me animou tanto, então acho que não jogarei Dino Crisis 2 tão cedo.
Peguei o final "2/3", não senti vontade de ir atrás dos outros, então vi eles no youtube e descobri que não perdi absolutamente nada.

Não chega a ser ruim, mas é fraquinho, não recomendo não.