Reviews from

in the past

For being one of the first FPS games ever made, I thing this game holds up shockingly well.

Pretty good, only really worth calling a masterpiece because of how well it holds up despite its age combined with how it changed the industry. I really disliked Mt. Erebus.

meio esquisito jogar doom em widescreen, mas essa versão da steam tá bem lindinha. apesar do level design mais pro final ficar insuportável, o jogo que inventou a roda consegue manter a roda interessante 30 anos depois.

relaxante, divertido, trilha sonora... é vídeo game

I can see people saying this game has not aged that well or that it can be really repetetive. I however really click with this game and enjoy the corridor shooter style a lot. The weapons are really fun and all four episodes are really fun. The fun and frantic gameplay is really fun to speedrun as well.

Really good but I think the book was still better.

Me pergunto o pq de eu não ter jogado isso aqui antes.
Além disso aqui ser um tesao de fps, tem uns level design muito bom

Yep, first played and finished on the Switch, but I got a chance to play this gem on PC (being still the same exact remastered version).

What there is to say? It's Doom, one of the most important FPS of all times (if not almost THE most important, but that title should go to Wolfenstein).
Shooting demons feels satisfying, but sometimes the keys research can feel tedious and I lost a lot of time backtracking so many levels a lot.
Game aged absolutely well and anyone that has a love of videogame as art must absolutely try this.

Loved this game. Played it with gyro aim and had a great time.

It's only logical to go on a murderous rampage on a horde in demons in hell of all places after getting unfairly gunned down. Really fun old school first person shooter, episode 4 a bit too tricky at the start in my opinion but gets fun later on.

I finally beat all 4 chapters on Hurt Me Plenty!! It's incredible how well this game still holds up today and how much pure fun it still is to play. Iconic for great reason!

DOOMATHON entry #1/20

Upon watching Noah Caldwell-Gervais's latest video, I was left with a strong desire to experience the new brand new MachineGames Quake expansions that I'd overlooked, which also gave me a desire to replay the game itself. Then it hit me - if I'm gonna replay Quake, why not cross the original Doom off my list while I'm at it? And thus, my plan to marathon every official single-player entry of both series was born.

For being essentially only the second game of its kind, the grace with which Doom aged is nothing short of astonishing, and its influence can still be tangibly felt today in pretty much every game I've ever loved from the genre that followed in its wake. Despite having first played Quake all the way back in 2017 and loving it, I think it was my preconceived notion of classic Doom as a series of overly complex mazes that made me put off this game for so long. I can't say this was entirely incorrect - the engine's inability to stack rooms on top of each other does result is some labyrinthine map layouts that at times had me searching for minutes for the next deviously hidden switch, particularly in Episode 3. Episodes 1 and 2, however, are excellently paced, featuring a seamless blend of combat and exploration that rarely leans too heavily to either side.

These first two episodes also do a great job easing you into the mechanics - Doom is a game with lots of simple rules that are easy to learn and satisfying to master. You always have to be thinking about what the right tool for a given combat encounter is, and begin to form optimal strategies that become second nature, getting a feel for how much ammo from a specific weapon will be needed to kill a specific enemy. Episode 3, however, is more devious in this regard - it is set in Hell after all, and the enemy placement is characteristically cruel at times in ways that I often found amusing, but just as often found annoying (Slough of Despair certainly lived up to its name, and is the first map that prompted me to specifically look up who designed it so I could swear vengeance upon them).

Even faced with the cruelty of Inferno, I was able to blitz through the original three episodes of Doom on Ultra-Violence difficulty in just two sittings on Christmas day. It's a charming, effortlessly enjoyable game, and an essential piece of gaming history that I'm very glad to have finally played.

My dad originally played these games with his dad when he was a kid back in the 90s
And then he introduced me to them and then we played the hell out of them.
Doom will always be a special franchise to me and I'll always remember when we would be driving around jamming out to the soundtracks for some of these games.
Highly recommend this game.

Драйвовая игра с отвратительным финалом.

Alright let's talk some DOOM. Starting with the original, it is certainly odd to revisit because it's pretty simple these days. I think most people would prefer playing the new ones.

But the framework for what this game laid out is truly timeless. And even with age it holds up exceptionally well. It controls well and it feels gratifying to finesse your way out of tough levels. It has puzzles that add a welcome change of pace to the game. You can slow down and explore and when that happens you can find secrets easier. The game has a great balance of when to include each moment and how it services everything in the story. The ability to save whenever you want also prevents any possible tedium.

It's not an experience that I think is the best ever, but is still one great ride start to finish. And if a game can still be this fun despite its age that says a lot.

Doom é com certeza o melhor fps que tem e seu primeiro jogo é sensacional, a gameplay por mais que antiga ainda se mantém boa atualmente, os chefes são até que interessantes e as músicas são espetaculares porém faltou um pouco mais de diversidade

كنت اخاف منها وانا صغير

Doom is in the top 5 most important games of all time.

FPS and modern gaming as we know it would not have been here without this and Wolfenstein 3D. I haven't played Wolfenstein 3D but that also deserves credit when talking about Doom, as it came out before. I hope to play that too in good time.

DOOM is one of those games that managed to feel completely timeless even over 30 years after it release. The synergy between combat and movement is so perfect that only Ninja Gaiden reboot can compete. All the art and graphics are by now so iconic that DOOM does not feel like a game from the past but as something existing beyond the time as a monument to how much could be achieved back when electronic entertainment was still in its infancy.

Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné.
C'est pas mal du coup :D
Après c'est un peu long et un poil répétitif mais bon ça va.

This review contains spoilers

For personal reference more than anything. Have done the spoiler warning just in case though.

First time doing a complete playthrough after doing the first episode and a couple of missions from the second one a couple of years ago. Played on Hurt Me Plenty for all four episodes.

Not really the biggest fan of first person shooters for the most part but this is something different. The pixelly graphics, crunchy sound effects, basic controls and great level design make for a great experience that just feels so videogamey and I love it for it.

The controls are great if a little sensitive as it is easy to slip off of something when trying to do the (sparse) platforming sections and the camera only moving when moving the character is great to begin with but after a while seemed to not work as well as some missions will put enemies in places quite high up or low down where you can't really see them but they can see and hit you.

Playing through the first two episodes was an incredibly enjoyable and fun experience, I felt tense in moments where I didn't have much health, yet had to push forward in the hopes of finding some, going around corners that could have anything waiting for me. I felt a sense of achievement in the rare moments where I actually was doing quite well and the whole thing felt so exciting.

Unfortunately this didn't really hold when I got to the next episode as the third one just felt more of the same that had come before it, the difficulty seemed like it was going to get quite high and not in a good way. It just felt like a bit of a slog in all honesty.

Episode 4 was certainly something to behold though, I had to resort to using the quicksave option in the second mission and I did not stop using it until the end of the episode because even if I didn't need it for a couple of points, with how challenging the game was getting it felt like the best way to ensure that I would actually make progress and not be stuck butting my head against the wall doing the same parts over and over. Not every mission was a complete pain in the arse though and even if they were, episode 4 had such interesting level design with every mission feeling so distinct. The missions that did feel like a normal difficulty were genuinely fun and felt on par if not better than some of the stuff from the first two episodes.

To go into more detail about the difficulty, the first two episodes felt like a perfect middle ground of not too easy but not too hard whilst still being really fun. The penalty of dying being losing the majority of your stuff and having to restart whatever mission you're on from the beginning again seemed like it'd be a pain (and after episode 2 it was) but it actually felt really cool to see how some random mission would be suited for you being back to basics to begin with and then slowly give you the equipment you lost back again.

The difficulty in episodes 3 & 4 however, was a different story. Where everything felt perfectly placed beforehand now it just seemed like the goal was to have whatever would be the most difficult happen. Enemies just spawning in the middle of a room (and in what felt like far too many cases, right behind you when you open a door that already had some enemies behind it) where it felt like they were already in the map in earlier episodes. Having small rooms absolutely chock full of enemies or having one giant powerful one that can easily kill you in one or two hits where you have to either risk trying to hit it more with a lower risk (to yourself) weapon or hit it fewer times with a higher risk weapon (rocket launcher). At times the game felt like the Lost Izalith or whatever that lava place in Dark Souls 1 is where there would just be so many enemies just placed in the most random of spots (which admittedly whilst a pain to deal with was really funny to see).

Boss fights were not really something I liked in this game, the first episode's one was ok but the two (or three even if episode 4's boss is the same one from episode 3 just in a different arena littered with different enemies) after it were not great. The boss from the second episode felt like something I needed to keep my distance from and attack but I wasn't able to really tell that I was actually doing any damage until it died. The boss from the third episode was just irritating as it felt like it just had to look at me to do damage and trying to get rid of the enemies around it without wasting too much ammo or getting in the way of either the boss or another enemy felt like it relied on however the enemy A.I felt like acting at the time. This same boss in episode 4 on the other hand felt like a complete and total pushover which was pretty funny.

The music in the game wasn't really to my taste but there were definitely some tracks that I really liked, the only issue was that they would get played over multiple missions so I would keep having to hear them. But then the tracks I didn't like as much were quite short and considering that I took between 6-15 mins per mission (closer to 10-13 mins a lot of the time though) it really began to grate after a while.

I'm not entirely sure that the plot is something to spend too much time on as it ends up being like 12 paragraphs of writing and it is a very simple plot. I thought it was alright for what it was doing though as it was clearly just a backdrop to kinda explain what was happening which probably wasn't even necessary (at least to me).

Overall even with its flaws and the dip in quality after the second episode, I still had a great time with this game and am pretty excited to get round to 2 and 64 even if it won't be for a little bit as I feel like these aren't really games I'll be able to play one after another. Still though, really liked this game and will probably come back to it again in the future.

Tive essa vontade de experimentar um pouco da saga, e confesso que acabei gostando bem mais do que eu esperava do jogo.
Gameplay bem fluida, agradável de jogar.
Claro que eu joguei a versão atual do jogo, a versão antiga original, provavelmente deve ser bem ruim de se jogar, por isso optei por está daqui que me pareceu mais conveniente.
Os gráficos estão em alta resolução porém com o aspecto dos antigos ou seja pixelados, que me surpreendeu na verdade. Eu nunca achei este estilo de gráfico bonito mas até que ele é agradável mesmo. A ambientação do jogo é ok, os inimigos são legais e etc.
A trilha sonora ela é ok, não me apresentou musicas marcantes em nenhum momento, a única Música que eu gostei deste jogo foi a Musica tema do jogo mesmo, do resto achei bem mid
O jogo é bem curtinho, que foi um dos motivos de eu criar paciência para jogar ele mesmo eu nunca tendo experimentado e curtido jogos do gênero.
Nunca tive interesse em Doom, mas olhando para o catálogo do gamepass, me deparei com DOOM 2016 que de todos os jogos da Saga foi o que mais me chamou atenção. E então decidir dar uma chance para está série, pretendo jogar todos os jogos principais da saga até o DOOM 2016 e talvez o Eternal também.

[ é obvio que eu vou dar uma jogada no HDOOM depois ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ]

E espero que Doom II seja bom também, no entanto é um joguinho ok e de boa de se jogar.

My game crashed once I got to the ending

Wouldn't you know it, the first couple levels of DOOM still own on Switch.