Reviews from

in the past

Apesar de eu não ter jogado o Aweking, porque fiquei com preguiça e a versão da Steam crash e trava loucamente, eu gosto pra cacete desse jogo, acho ele MUITO bom.

I know this is going to upset a lot of people, but I couldn't get past the first level due to the atrociously dated gameplay. Call me stubborn but this one is staying unfinished until a full-on remake comes out (for which I'm not holding my breath).

Tentei jogar mas só ta crashando

I want to start off with this review saying that this game has aged both poorly and badly, some parts of the game is clunky and some parts work fine. The game is so poorly optimize that I have to go look for a 4gb patch to prevent more memory leaks where especially at Ostagar and Denerim where it uses a lot of memory ends up crashing my game at multiple occasions and other bugs that halt my progress aside I can only give it 4 stars for this reason.

While the negatives I have are out of the way this game is really amazing and I truly love it, it is an rpg in its truest form and I had a lot of fun playing it in the replay in anticipation of Dreadwolf and throughout the run I took the liberty to read every entry (yes and it took a while) and I feel like my knowledge of the game is up to snuff. Lord entry aside I played as a Mage warden and after many runs with human warrior and elven rogue, Mage class was truly overpowered to the point where by the time I went to Ostagar I could easily solo the game and this is on hard difficulty, the game really does make you feel very powerful in this game as a mage that it is a shame that they are needed by the subsequent entries.

Outside of gameplay I do love the story and the companions you can talk through in the game, they are the strong point in the series much like the choices you make and it does ends up being so great that I even neglected my health because I was too invested at some points, I love everyone and yes even the perverted drunk Oghren and Loghain and they’re all good characters. The story is amazing and I do love some of the visuals we have here although I don’t like that the majority of said visuals are on a different shade of brown much like the times where it is a common occurrence in most games released around this time. It is truly a great game I do recommend people to play it, I had a blast and it’s worth your time when it took me over 145 hours and yes that is the reading included.

As for my choices I went pretty dark here:
-Killed a child
-Templars as my war asset
-Branka with the anvil not destroyed
-Alistair king while Loghain lives
- Wynne left (I didn’t like the old bat anyways)
-Vigils Keep saved, Amaranthine fallen

These are just the few choices I decided to change from a normal run I had previously but it is an interesting change of pace nonetheless

j'ai le jeu sur xbox et pc un classique

an rpg designed for and aimed at console-only gamers, i guess. i was a little invested in the story but never in any of the characters and was annoyed by the party's constant bickering as well as their whinging over my willingness to do side quests. between that and the mmo-lite style combat i couldn't find it in me to keep going past the halfway point

Played this for 100 hours and never once understood how the combat worked.

O jogo mais Senhor dos Anéis não sendo Senhor dos Anéis que joguei.
Fino do fino apenas, um jogo que eu recomendo para qualquer um que goste de RPG + temática medieval.

great game but if you don't play with the combat speedup mod you are trolling

Buggy but endlessly fun a massive game - haven't touched the DLC campings yet so almost feel wrong for writing this review, a satisfying modern take on the CRPG genre and arguably still one of the best to do it. Great characters and romances the right amount of bittersweetness to its end. All round enjoyable unique take on combat and a game I will remember far into the future.

Un RPG de fantasía vasto para su época. Mecánicamente logrado, argumentalmente sobrio y con un gran world-building. Sus grandes ambiciones son articuladas con precisión, solo como Bioware es (ErA) capaz.

Pretty strong argument for why character supercedes plot (although the singing and love scenes made me squirm with embarrassment, they're so cheesy), but someone still needs to explain to me why wolves are this strong. And why the hell that one character in Orzammar has stuck mines around her base.

Join us, brothers and sisters. Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant.
Join us as we carry the duty that cannot be forsworn.
And should you perish, know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten...
and that one day, we shall join you.

Really fun. In dire need of a remake or remaster

best game and dlc I've ever played.

This game was an absolute treat. I spent about 80 hours with the game and really enjoyed the experience. The gameplay is really satisfying and creating strategies for effective teams. My advice for the pc players is to treat this like Baldurs gate or Diablo with more players you control. Also move out of the fire. The fire is bad Dragons Age origin is a must play for the fans of the better days of Bioware

The combat system is deep, but in my opinion, there's far too much of it. Hours of this game will be spent fighting grunt enemies in long dungeons that you will have no chance to lose against 80% of the time. There's mods to skip the fade and deep roads areas, which are the worst offenders for this. I'd recommend getting them even on a first playthrough, I didn't and I really suffered for it.
Melee classes really aren't fun as their gameplay will mostly consist of watching your character slowly autoattack like their joints got replaced with tar and their muscles have atrophied from a 100 year coma. Play as a mage.

The real strength in this game is the dialogue. The freedom of choice is wider than in any other rpg I've played yet. Especially in the main quests, the variety of what can happen from your choices is impressive.
It's pretty hard to get a very good ending your first time, but that's what makes it interesting. I love Mass Effect, but the dialogue system handholds you, and you can assume the paragon dialogue option will lead to a good outcome 95% of the time. In DAO, being the stubbornly honorable nice guy can blow up in your face, just as it might in real life.

A lot of the flirting dialogue is incel-tier, and I don't think the writers for this game ever talked to women before. I can forgive that though because until ~2014 Michael Kirkbride was the singular game developer in the world who even knew what sex is.

This is one of my all time favorite games and I hope more people will be exposed to it. I played this for hundreds of hours on PS3, and now am racking up hours on PC. If you're an RPG fan who loves player choice, good characters, and a unique story every playthrough you have to get this. Dragon Age's world feels real and well thought out, character creation isn't just an aesthethic choice like in Elder Scrolls with maybe a few greeting lines changed. Character creation in this can change the entire beginning of your game, and give you different insights on things you wouldn't have before. Tons of lines of dialogue are changed depending on your Origin, Class, Gender, and choices. Every Origin has an entirely new prequel mission to play through and they're all fantastic. My favorites being Human/Elf Mage, Human Noble, and Dwarven Noble. But there's others as well, City Elf, Dalish Elf, and Dwarf commoner. This game is fantastic with tons of replayability, a great story, fantastic characters, missions, and locations.

Aside from the bugs that halted my progress here and there, This is exactly what I want in an RPG, a wonderful story and engaging combat.

This game is very much a product of its time, but for all its flaws it delivered exactly what it promised to in 2010. I would argue it also changed the RPG genre for the greater, with romanceable characters and compelling dialogue choices.

Hopefully it will get a remake one day!

Uma das fusões mais perfeitas do crpg com os rpgs de console. História simples, mas ótima e carregada de personagens cativantes. Gameplay característica da série e extremamente deliciosa. Vale super a pena jogar em 2023 da mesma forma que valia em 2009.

This game was a masterpiece and the ONLY good game in the entire franchise.

memory leak issues means that i lost a huge amount of playtime on this :c shelved for now until i feel like it. also let me romance morrigan as a woman, you cowards

Este juego ha marcado un antes y un después en mi percepción de estos. Ha sabido hacer que me importe lo que va a pasar en todo momento, que mis decisiones son MUY importantes y cambian el curso de esta historia, y la siguiente.

Ahh man, I set my expectations way too high and while it didn't exactly fall flat for me, I'm not gonna talk about it like it's the greatest thing ever. First off, I can see why many people praise DA:O. The gameplay is damn good. That is what kept me coming back. The different branches for the mage class is chef's kiss. I went with entropy and Death Hex is my favorite spell. What fell flat what was the world-building and story. World-building was okay but it was the story that disappointed me the most. At the beginning I was a big fan of getting things going QUICKLY. No idea where the plot was gonna go but as I played on, that was all it was as told in the beginning. I don't have much to say about the characters either since they didn't have an impact unless they left and even then, still didn't care as much. Gonna keep playing as I still have the DLC left (awakening is starting with an interesting premise so maybe my thoughts will change after that) and the gameplay is just that good.

After BG3, I recall a game from over ten years ago that attempted a similar approach to Larian's, aiming to create a more accessible RPG with ample romance elements for a broader audience. It emerged during the darkest periods for RPG games and managed to preserve most of the essence of a good RPG.
this is the fourth time that I replayed this game, and it continues to hold up well, bringing back fond memories.
I still have a deep affection for it after all these years, and arguably, it excels in many aspects when compared to BG3. It successfully polishes the game to appeal to a broader audience, simplifies the character-building and combat systems for a more accessible experience, and maintains BioWare's signature companion writing.
Alas, BioWare is officially dead now and Larian is making all that money.
BTW it is long, actually somehow much longer than I remembered.

best bioware game imo! i used to be so addicted to this game i've replayed it wayyy to many times. morrigan is also the greatest video game character of all time

would be 5 stars but the deep roads exist

Great Game, combat either the best or the biggest piece of dogshit. Loved the story, please play it.

liked it, but couldnt get past the first boss even on easy sadly. i suck at this game

Early BioWare was one of a kind