Reviews from

in the past

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 16: Piko Interactive Collection 2

Starting the Piko Collection 2 with a game thats.... ok? I don't think its a particularly bad game, heck, I had quite a bit of fun with it but despite some nifty little ideas like the shop mechanics and the flicking between top-down and third person racing providing a set of fun little distractions, there just isn't really enough to do here.

The races themselves, while amusing enough, are all too similar and samey thanks to almost every single race being a strict race from bottom to top affair. Theres some turns about but no real variety in the layouts. The art is also absolutely ugly as sin, especially the massive gurning character faces in between races. Owtch.

I kind like this game just for the fact that you can ramp your boat and land on top of another guy's boat and just annihilate it. Also the box art for this game looks like trapper keeper art.

This was a surprising amount of fun. Again, rewind made it better than it would have been otherwise, because it's full of that NES shenanigans.

Eliminator Boat Duel was a game that I thought I would not enjoy based on what I saw from the NSO trailer for it. But when I played it, it was a very dynamic racing game with boats, and you essentially use prize money to upgrade parts of your vehicle to win bigtime. It was a good title, although the movement was a little wonky.

An interesting versus experience with Marto. It was weird, I kind of liked it. Also I lost.

eu comecei me perguntando oq diabos tava fazendo, dei umas risadinha, bati num hippie e o personagem principal acabou com uma loiraça. fim.

Cringe, semplicemente cringe

gets repetitive fast due to the lack of track variety but upgrading your boat is pretty neat and the driving ain't too bad. third person segments kinda suck balls tho

There are a lot of fantastic things in this game, but in the end I feel like there were some improvements to be made. This could've been way better. First thing is first, the color in this game hurt my eyes. It's so vibrant and there isn't detail so you're staring at a pale blue TV screen which isn't great. The graphics themselves are fine for the 90s but there could've been more detail. Kirby's Adventure has more detail and they came out in the same year. Another issue I had is in the finale, you're supposed to believe that after all the beating and banging with the final racer, you lose most of your upgrades but he's perfectly fine. My last complaint is that the ending gives a conclusion to the game, but it never sets anything up to get to the ending or setting up any story at all. It's so up in the air. It's ending could've been something related to a championship instead of the route they went in. Other than that it's a fun game. I like upgrading the boat after each race and the increasing difficulty with the competitors is good. I think the game runs pretty smoothly and I didn't find many wonky controls except for one repeating area in the races. It's not anything terrible though. Each of the tracks are fun to race on with the fun obstacles and sharp turns. It's an easy game to binge-play. If you like retro racing games I'd recommend plaything this.


this is the best cover art of any video game ever made

Pretty neat idea. Controls are ok overall.

Doesn't control well and isn't fun to play.

Not a great game, it certainly is one of the many NES games that have not aged all too well. However, it is still very much possible to have fun with a friend on this. If you have Nintendo Switch Online or just happened to have it lying around, it's a good way to kill 30 minutes to an hour.

For a western title in the NES' silver age, you could do a lot worse. I wish Famicom Grand Prix got localized instead, but what can you do?

Com um design que lembra tanto Micro Machines (corrida de carros miniatura) como outros jogos onde você pode ir "tunando" seu carro para aumentar a potência, Eliminator Boat Duel traz um traço interessante: uma variedade de perspectiva e até de formato de corridas.

Além da perspectiva aérea similar ao já mencionado Micro Machines, há também uma perspectiva traseira e uma lateral, especialmente na largada.

Há também premiações segmentadas e punições de acordo com a "vitória" de certos trechos da corrida. Vencer a largada e sair na frente, por exemplo, costuma conceder um bônus, apesar de que, se você queimar a largada irá tomar uma multa.

Algumas disputas são basicamente desafios de largada, enquanto outros terminam em perspectivas diferentes. Isso traz imprevisibilidade e variedade ao jogo, sendo algo fantástico pra um jogo dessa era.

Há também a presença de diálogos e provocações com os rivais que adiciona humor e personalidade entre corridas. Ah, e tudo isso numa temática de lanchas, o que é ainda mais ridiculamente fora da caixa.

Pretty fun!

really good visuals, simple premise, good controls, nice upgrade system. Just a fun game.

The gameplay loop of winning races and upgrading your boat is pretty fun, and every race is pretty exciting. This is a pretty good NES game that I'd recommend.

I'm so close to giving this game a 4 star but there isn't enough substance to justify it, it's too simple. Still, a fun little game, worth a play 100%.

This game is awful and i loved it.
It has great music and you can upgrade your boat.

This is barely a video game