Reviews from

in the past

This is better than X in every way, people just hate fun

no notes what is there to say no you're wrong this is one of the best games ever and I don't care just cause you don't have a magical girl soul doesn't mean that you couldn't.


good game. much camp.

okay actually we can set brother on fire and then it would be perfect.

esse jogo é um dos meus favoritos de Final Fantasy, ele é tão bom meu deus

They gimmicked someone important to FFX back to life but other than that I’m going to pretend this doesn’t exist. It’s the only way I can go about my life.

What an awful game. It shouldn't exist.
Que joguinho horroroso. Não devia existir.

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U all are misoginous af PERIOD this is for the gays and gurlz

I want to like this game. Brother is awesome, they brought back the job system and it has an interesting story. But it has this absolute bullshit completion percentage system and all but impossible to do without a guide if you want to get the good ending. So you either have to resign yourself to not completing the story or look at a guide every two seconds instead of playing the game.

Se me rayó el disco en el tramo final, ¡gracias PS2 Slim!

Weird experiment from Square that I enjoyed but is obviously far inferior to FFX. A lightweight, fan servicey spinoff is just a weird swerve.

"Lets just take 2 beloved characters from the original game, throw in some random new chick instead of my girl Lulu, and lets just not even give it an original name, fuck it. Lets just name it X-2."

Ein starker Abstieg zu FFX, aber noch ein paar mehr Stunden in Spira verbringen zu können, war es dennoch wert.

Por raro que parezca soy una fangirl de este juego. Me lo comí con papitas, amo a mis niñas. Sé que tiene varios finales y nunca los saqué, sólo uno de ellos (debería rejugarlo).

This game is like if you came home to find that your partner got poopy on the toilet seat somehow and they didn't clean it.

This game is ass and it smells horrible. The tonal shift from the first game is incredibly jarring, it went from a very compelling tragedy to an anime girl romp around where they do fuck all the whole time. There is zero substance to be had. The main characters aren't expanded on or developed in any shape or form.

Sure, the costumes are cool if you don't fall asleep while waiting to switch between 4 costumes in a row just to get a measly combat buff. Once you unlock the Dark Knight and Alchemist dresspheres, it's basically game over because it's the only useful combination, making the entire combat gimmick of the game feel completely pointless.

I would put drinking gasoline at a higher rating than most of these new mini-games. The 100 floor dungeon made me want to stop being alive.

I have no idea who this game was made for. The plot is infuriatingly stupid, and heaven forbid you want to learn anything about how the universe has shaped after the events of the first game, you better be following a 100% guide to a tee or you can just go fuck yourself, you piece of shit.

This is just simply not a good game. I would go back in time and abort it.

Um bom game, se você aceitá-lo pelo que ele é.

I’m tough on this one because it holds a special place in my heart. I love seeing Spira from this perspective and interacting with it in so many new playful ways. It’s close to greatness, but it fails on a couple of counts. First, the active time battle system is a little too overwhelming. I’m rarely in the mood for such chaotic battles. Secondly, the game suffers from too much optional side content required for 100% completion. There is something happening in almost every location during every chapter, and so if you want to see it all, you’re going to be stuck not progressing for a while. The game clearly tries to steer you away from it but showing the player the ‘percentage complete’ all the time activates my completionist brain. I intend to go back and finish it, but it’s fallen down my list of priorities unfortunately.


Obviously just a cheap cash-in following the fallout of TSW. Gameplay can be fun but the story is a slog to get through and God forbid you try to 100% it.

I want to make it known that I think FFX-2 is mid in spite of the gaudy pop music and lighthearted tone. I'm not one of those joyless misogynistic freaks who hates the tone change of the sequel. I actually like it a lot and I think it fits well in a world rediscovering its identity post-theocratic fiasco.

FFX-2's biggest flaws are in its nonlinearity and heavy padding with shitty minigames and side objectives. I desperately wanted to like this game more than I did; diving into Yuna's character growth transforming a selfless martyr into someone who's finally trying to live for herself (and notably stumbling along the way, as anyone would) is FFX-2's greatest strength. Solving her identity crisis is baked into the game's systems - with dresspheres, the greater political conflict between New Yevon and the Youth League, and party members Rikku and Paine.

I unfortunately could not tolerate sitting through the awful open-ended chapter structure (as opposed to FFX's hallway storytelling which I much prefer) and poor side objectives. Rikku and Paine also don't get nearly as much character spotlight as they deserve - with Rikku basically unchanged since FFX and Paine being no deeper than her relevance to the much less interesting larger plot. I think the dressphere system in battle is nice but not nice enough to make me jump through hoops in order to get all of the cool hidden classes. Even with its much shorter runtime than FFX, X-2 finds ways to pad itself drastically.

The soundtrack is also way worse.

Maybe I'll come back someday, but I think I'm better off just watching the important cutscenes on YouTube.

I thought it was alright and the combat was fun but the story was a little weird near the end, and i have no idea why that she looked like tidus. There was literally no explanation for that. I do appreciate the comedic, laid back nature of the game though.

This sequel have no sense

The 1000 Words sequence is so powerful it moves me to tears every single time, unfortunately the game sort of loses a sense of direction afterwards

Disappointing and even feels like an unnecessary money grab while you’re playing it

A very fun sequel to the original. I did enjoy the the all girls approach to this game which as a kid I thought was cool since I found all my waifus in one game. Going back to it Rikku is 16 in this game and she dresses like that. Yuna is at least 19 and the other one I'm not sure about. The beginning has a J Pop scene that I enjoy and the game is very fun once you learn it. The music is good and that that. Overall fun game.

"We've been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok, and flat out deceived."

I was so excited for a direct sequel to one of my favorite Final Fantasy games... and then I played it...

It took everything I loved from FFX, and took a big, fat shit on it. This game is an abomination and I pretend that it doesn't exist.

A unwanted but welcome sequel.

❤ :
- Some catchy and jazzy soundtracks.
- The ATB combat system that showed the way for the next FFs.
- I got to see Tidus again.

💔 :
- Feels a bit off after FFX's ending.
- The magical girl/ girl band side.
- Incomprehensible mini games.