Reviews from

in the past

You can feel it sink under the constraints it had to work with when the game was completely remade. The fact that anything of substance came out of it at all is impressive and it sets the groundwork for the fantastic expansions that come after.

Truly, we are A Realm Reborn

insert that mining meme “starting ffxiv” “making it to that PEAK ending”

This review contains spoilers

We adore FFXIV, so much. But this words "I promise it gets better after the first 100 hours" haven't been said so much since Homestuck.

Gets sort of interesting around the Primals, gets so much worse in the post patches. Ended up storyskipping to Shadowbringers because we were too ADHD for that sh*t.

Character - Pappapapapap
Moment - I remember so little in detail of the base game uhhh the part where Namamo fuck*ng dies?
Music - Answers is pretty iconic, even with a minute and a half of Gregorian Changing.

Quem não gostou tem skill issue e problema com pacing lento, saiam do tik tok!! É bom demais, claro que o começo é cansado, mas vale cada segundo (as secundárias são bem ruinzinhas mesmo).

This was during my free trial. It was overall alright. I liked the music that accompanied most of the battles, the bosses were somewhat difficult and it gave me challenge to learn my class properly (Black Mage FTW for now). Story was decent, had characters that were likeable. A well-needed revive to the MMO itself.

Minus a half star for being an MMO. Endwalker could massage my balls and id still give it a 4.5 max
My character was a WHM hyur with a mullet and a big mustache wearing a wifebeater and shorts named Michael Rackpipe. Every cutscene with me was very silly, i cant wait until i get the jorts glamour pants.
I did every single (non class) side quest and there is 0 differences between them and 99% of the main quests. I skimmed maybe 75% of the dialogue, and still fail to recall most characters names because the story was so boring until the level 46 quests.
Dungeons were barely dungeons, most of them were just straight lines. The only one i can say I actually liked was the haunted mansion one that i dont even remember the story purpose of. I heard a buncha horror stories about the end dungeon but that shit only took 30 min lol. I used NPCs for everything except the final boss.
The highlight of the entire campaign was rhitahtyn, who apparently got entirely redesigned bc he was too easy and the queues were longer than the fight LMAO.
Ill play the rest of the 2.X MSQs after i escape the pixel remaster mines, i was just home for a week and finished the battlepass earlier than i thought i would, so i decided to check out this cause it’s technically free.

A realm reborn is a good story hidden underneath countless hours of filler content, that being said i thoroughly enjoyed my time in Eorzea and i'm very excited to continue the story in Heavensward.

Love FFXIV. A Realm Reborn is insanely tedious and uneventful, and there's nothing all that fun about it. I played this game until level 30 and gave up because it was so fucking boring. It wasn't until much later (and with encouragement from a pretty girl) that I broke through the shit-barrier and enjoyed the rest of the game.

Most of the enjoyment I got out of this game was in spite of the game itself but then it remembered it was a final fantasy game and gave me about 5 hours of the coolest anime protagonist shit imaginable

It's a solid start to an exciting story. If you are not opposed to the usual grind of MMO's, I would stick it out. The story is a bit slow, but with each new expansion the story just gets better and better.

worth paying ten extra dollars to skip.

you should not have been 100 hours.

Started ~11:16pm ET, completed ~10:10pm ET.

Actually pretty alright. The devs should be awarded for turning what may of been the worst paced story of all time (idk I didnt play the old one) To something that I can appreciate the good moments of. Really could of been improved by the inclusion of a peanut gallery character that butts in and says a funny phrase occasionally. Too bad that will never happen

FF14 is the best mmorpg at the moment.
It has an immense amount of good content, great lore, the most complex raids and the best soundtrack of any mmorpg.
The only downside I would put is that it can be overwhelming for newbies right now by the amount of things available to the game, but if you adapt is amazing.

Bear with me, the early game can be a slog to go through, and it could be quite off-putting. Moreover, the story is hard to follow between the numerous fetch quest-like MSQs. However, when the game hits hard, it hits hard. The bosses and dungeons are extremely cool, and the final two quests? I've had the pleasure of playing them with a 4-player party, and it felt like an event, making me even more excited for what's to come!

i think its incredibly interesting how the second most popular mmo of all time has such a disastrously unapproachable basegame. every time i have to engage with arr content ingame i cant help but think to myself "this was considered enough of an improvement from 1.0 to keep the game going??"
it does make sense, they wanted to take a much more story-focused approach to an mmo, and to make a story with that kind of longevity they needed to haul ass when it came to worldbuilding and laying down the foundation for a story, but that absolutely does not make those 100 or so hours any less of a slough. im glad i managed to stick with the game, later content is fantastic and i've met some great people, but oh my fucking god it is impossible to suggest to friends who arent immediately sold on the gameplay/systems outside of the story (good thing jobs below 50 are boring as fuck too............ god i hate summoner)

not even done yet but jesus christ this is so miserable, i am literally only able to do the droll sidequesting msq content by turning my brain off for an hour or two at a time and skipping every line of dialog because if i invest any more thought than that into this game i feel like i might never want to play another video game in my life. it is insane how dragon quest 10's first version bodies everything arr sets out to do effortlessly when it came out a year earlier and also wasn't a second draft like a realm reborn is. if ff14 ends up being something like xenoblade 2 where it doesn't even get nearly good enough to make up for how much time you waste to get to the "good" part i am so sincerely never playing a game on suggestion of my friends again.

my au ra is cute at least though

Thanks Pixilizer for flying me everywhere and ensuring I don't go completely insane.
I don't know why I did this to myself.

-Des efforts sur l'ergonomie manette avec la ps5 mais ça reste compliqué : jouer healer et tank est quasi impossible. Mais dans la navigation globale on s'y habitue (sauf pour le pavé tactile !!!)

-L'ecran est saturé d'informations : "l'interface dévore la surface". Mais on s'y fait. Par contre il y a plein d'infos, plein de menus, de sous-menus etc. C'est un peu le bordel et il doit y avoir plein de mécaniques, d'options ou de contenus dont je ne soupconne pas l'existence

-Gameplay des combats sympathique mais répétitif (avec pugiliste/moine). Il y a possibilité de changer de classe/job sans recréer un perso, c'est cool pour varier le gameplay mais on retourne niveau 1 (c'est moins cool, mais on a un boost d'xp !)

-Toutes les quêtes de classe/job (afin de développer des nouvelles compétences ou équipements) sont scenarisées avec une petite mise en scène. De manière générale il y a un effort de scenarisarion pour toutes les quetes. C'est sympa !

-La progression des niveaux est rapide. Pas besoin de farm comme un débile, il suffit de suivre le scénario et c'est bon ! Et pour ne pas casser le jeu, notre niveau baisse lors de certaines instances ou alea afin d'éviter de tout defoncer (synchronisation). On respecte les patterns des boss ici !!!

-Combats de boss plutôt stylés avec des effets de zones, il y a des notions d'esquive, de patterns, des idées parfois original, de la mise en scene etc. Point fort du jeu (meme si des fois c'est le bordel et on n'y comprend rien) !

-Le concept d'aléa (des combats aleatoires qui pop dans le jeu et que n'importe quel joueur peut faire) est sympa : avec samy on a vécu un grand moment avec d'autres joueurs inconnus sur un mob d'alea bien retors

-Comme les quetes sont souvent courtes avec pas mal de recompenses (argent, xp, équipement) le sentiment de progression est constant (jusqu'au endgame en tout cas). On devient addicte et on ne lâche plus la manette ("allez une dernière quete")

-Possibilité lors des donjons instanciés d'invoquer des pnj plutôt que d'attendre d'autres joueurs. Très bonne idée mais lors des instances en hard (parfois nécessaire pour le scenar) on n'a plus cette possibilité... et il faut attendre 30min (voir 1h pour les raids) afin de remplir une team !!! #mercisamy

-Système pour les "veterans" de lancer des instances déjà faites avec un très gros boost d'xp. Pratique si on change de classe/job. Cela incite à refaire les instances pour aider les novices et leur éviter les attentes trop longues.

-Le jeu est très scenarisé dans sa quete principale, sûrement le mmo le plus scenarisé qui existe ! Sans être incroyable le scenar est vraiment cool et sert surtout d'intro à l'univers de ff14 qui va sûrement se déployer dans les extensions. Il y a pas mal de mystères et d'interrogations, et la narration sous forme de flashback fonctionne plutôt bien. Et le fait de voir souvent le point de vue des antagonistes rajoute du mystère !

-L'univers est donc intéressant, riche et cohérent. La dimension politique et géopolitique est présente (et de plus en plus avec le endgame qui fait la transition avec l'extension). Les thématiques sont matures et durs : massacre de notre camp de base, obligation de tuer les innocents delivrés qui ont été subjugués, problematique des refugiés et des migrants, remise en question de la politique humaine envers les autres races que l'on combat (ils invoquent des primordiaux mais c'est parce que les humains rompent leur pacte, les dominent, les enferment, prennent leur territoire etc.), le discours de Gaius à la fin sur le fait que les dieux d'eorza sont tels des primordiaux, pourquoi ne pas s'en débarrasser ? (Dommage que cela soit noyé par toute une idéologie proto fashiste)

-Le concept de primordial, déité que l'on invoqué par des cristaux et sa foi, est intéressant (plus la foi est forte plus le primordial est puissant). Cela va même jusqu'à l'invocation de créature totalement imaginaire comme le roi des mogs. Intéressant et cela va sûrement être creusé dans la suite.

- Les protagonistes sont globalement peu intéressants pour l'instant (meme si ca commence à s'etoffer dans le endgame). Les antagonistes un peu plus mais ce n'est pas incroyable.

-Effort de mise en scène pour un mmo mais cela reste cheap (beaucoup de plan fixe, champ/contre champ etc.). La technique vieillissante, l'absence de doublage de la quasi totalité des dialogues, l'avatar qui ne parle pas et les animations bas de gamme rajoutent au côté cheap (pour un mmo ça reste ce qui se fait de mieux). Par contre les quelques cinematique en image de synthèse sont sublimes (notamment l'intro)

-La DA des environnement est plutôt cool, et le chara design des antagonistes est mega stylé (celui des alliés est un peu quelconque par contre)

-La musique fait le taff mais n'est vraiment pas marquante (sauf celles des combats de primordiaux ou de boss). En plus parfois elles arrêtent de boucler, ce qui fait qu'on se balade sans musique.

-L'exploration est peu présente car les zones ne sont pas très intéressantes à parcourir, donc on speed en monture, on regarde la mini map ou on se teleporte. Et il y a quelques murs invisibles. Par contre dans le endgame on débloque la monture volante et là c'est génial, on erre et on explore plus (avec la musique de ff6 quand on prend l'armure magitek). Et de manière generale on peut se balader sans se faire attaquer par tous les monstres du coin, c'est agréable.

- Gros défaut : quete FedEx omniprésente mais ce n'est pas forcément le plus relou (quand ça s'inscrit dans des moment du scénario intéressant ça va sans problème). Le nombre de quetes artificielles est bien trop nombreux !! On nous promet un combat de primordial ou une avancée dans le scenar et là il faut aider des pnj à la con pour récupérer des trucs pendant des heures (au secours !!!). Sur le long terme ça créé une certaine lassitude. Le jeu troll parfois ou fait des twists, et surtout cela nous force à voir toute la map du jeu sans avoir à faire les annexe (et cela sert à maintenir le jeu en contenu, pour que les gens continuent de s'abonner). Mais cela créé un gros problème de rythme (beaucoup moins présent quand arrive au scenario de transition du endgame, qui va beaucoup plus à l'essentiel et est plus interessant en terme de scenar).

-Beaucoup trop d'aller retour inutile !!

-En revanche les dernières heures (avant le endgame) sont très prenantes, très rythmées, cela laisse une très bonne impression finale.

-La fin du endgame est genial, avec une longue série de cinématiques en mode film qui fait avancer le scénario. Hâte de voir la suite !

Conclusion : quelques défauts, notamment de rythme mais l'expérience est agréable, addictive et on veut toujours savoir la suite. Un bonne porte d'entrée (trop longue certes) dans ff14. Ce n'est pas encore exceptionnel mais le potentiel est là (en espérant que les extensions réalisent effectivement ce potentiel).

i loved playing a realm reborn, but once i got through some of the other expansions it truly put into perspective how Okay it is. still, very lovely, and i enjoyed the beginning of ffxiv more than every other mmo ive tried.

post endwalker review:

its still pretty mid, but after beating endwalker and knowing details that were previously unknown enhanced the experience
arr does have its moments, one that stuck out to me in particular was the final battle against lahabrea and the little undertale-esque moment that happens (i know this game was pre undertale but idk how else to describe it)
the dilly-dallying is still ridiculous though and really dampens the urgency that the game is trying to convey
all in all its alright but ffxiv gets soooo much better with later expansions and does a lot of tropes used in arr better with future expansions as well

This review is mostly only regarding the main scenario quests of the base game. Starting this game is an awesome experience, when you’re running around a huge beautiful world for the first time it’s jaw dropping. The gameplay feels pretty tight, but it’s also very simple until you’re nearing the end. The overall art direction, UI design, and sound design carry everything for a really long time, and I mean like 80 hours or so. The story starts out sorta okay, then gets incredibly boring for hours and hours before it finally hits a point where things start getting interesting. The last 20 hours or so of the story are legit awesome, with fun dungeons and an actually challenging boss fight or two, and by this point you’re starting to actually care about the characters. The final battles and cutscenes are great, and while it feels more like the setup for a bigger story, it’s a pretty satisfying conclusion to the main conflict. It’s weird to review an MMO like it’s any other Final Fantasy game, but you can now play the entire base game (and I believe some of the expansions?) as basically a single player RPG so it sorta works. It was a long, mostly dull road but by the end I only felt excitement to get further into it. Is it worth it? I don’t fully know yet, but just experiencing the world for the first time is enough of a reason to give it a shot.

A realm reborn tem um começo chato e a história difícil de engrenar. Mas momentos finais são excelentes e me deixou animado para as próximas expansões.

Muito longo muita quest muita coisa nada a ver mas ainda um dos melhores jogos que existem provavelmente

trhis shit made me drop ffxiv for a year this sucks

Only reason I got through this game was because of my friends, and more than half of them quit before beating this expansion. The story was bad even for the basic Final Fantasy "collect the crystals of light" story telling, and while that's only scratching the surface it really doesn't get much deeper than that. Not to mention the boring dungeons and mundane gameplay that really doesn't get half good until the next expansion. Some classes still aren't even remotely fun and I'm the third expansion. The best part of this expansion is how A Realm Reborn actually came to be, and I highly encourage all who don't already know its story to look into it. There's an incredible documentary series on it with developer interviews and it's overall very fascinating and inspiring.

I'm also not going to act like the next expansion Heavensward is as amazing as people make it out to be. It's severely over hyped as most media tend to be, but it is of a much higher quality than ARR in almost every regard and I personally did find myself more invested in its narrative and characters, not to mention the dungeons which do become a lot more fun, especially in the post game. However I personally can't find it within myself to tell some poor soul to play through this pile of shit to get to what comes directly after. The third expansion Stormblood isn't even good either and not going to lie it has a lot of the same pacing problems ARR had.

Post stormblood update: This fucking sucks