Reviews from

in the past

It's shocking how impressive this PS3 game still looks today. Watching each individual blade of grass blow in the wind, creating ripples across the fields as if they're made of water, it's all still just as mesmerising as when I first played it. Even now when modern games can generate similar scenery across far bigger spaces, it simply doesn't compare to the intimacy and delicateness with which Flower gently blows its thousands of blades of grass.

The soundtrack is also a favourite of mine. Vincent Diamante's score fits the game beautifully, and the way picking up petals adds more notes to the minimalist music makes the whole game feel even more alive.

It's the best game thatgamecompany ever made. While Journey felt more innovative at the time with its anonymous multiplayer, and more comprehensive with its tangible story, I've always preferred Flower's more abstract narrative that feels like you're entering a plant's dreams. I prefer the gameplay too, as it's one of the best uses of motion controls, and maybe the best flying in any video game. The feeling of freedom when you soar through the air is just instant joy, and something that I will continue to come back to again and again.

Sadly this game didn't leave much of an impression on me. I remember it looking quite nice, though.

An audio visual tone poem.
I wish flowers were real.

wonderful experience to try out.

Had no idea what I was doing and I felt nauseous playing it

Sometimes the simplest games can leave the biggest impact. I played this game a decade ago and I still remember it fondly. :)

Flower is an interesting walking simulator that I had an okay time with. Flying around as a bunch of little petals is enjoyable and the maps are quite nice to look at, but I never really felt anything while playing it. The gameplay of the game is pretty repetitive with you just colouring in the flowers and no matter how many petals you pick up, you never feel any bigger. The game can also be a bit hard to control when you have to squeeze through tight areas and in fast-paced moments. Flower was enjoyable enough that I had fun while playing it, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone over any other walking simulator, even Rebao.

I still remember playing with my friend in high school, and while he was lying on my bed, he said, "I shed a tear." He pointed at the bed, and sure enough, he did shed a single one. To this day, I still don't know what moved him to tears, but that's why life is one great mystery!

All the fundemantals that made Journey great are here but Flower offers a less refined experience.

Controlling the wind proves to be a tricky endeavor as I often found myself overshooting flowers and then circling around trying to pick it up. It hurts the pacing but the game is short and sweet enough so it's not such a big deal and the highs the game reaches makes up for the lows.

It's a lovely short experience that would have probably hit me harder had I played it when it originally released.

They sure didn't waste any words in this game.

"Hey, what's that game Flower you're making about?"
"A flower that collects flowers"
"Sounds good. Any more instructions?"

It was a little confusing in the beginning but it worked out in the end. Really pretty and calming, with a nice message. It's a pity that the PS controllers suck, though.

Fun, satisfying, but I kinda was just playing it to get it over with. I probably wasn't in the right headspace but also I would rather play a more engaging game.

Simple but very pretty and relaxing with a nice eco-friendly message.

While it is beautiful and really calming, and I do get the message, it does suffer a little from handholding and being an overall empty experience, and beautiful experience yes, but empty.

Gyro controls are awkward, but this game is actual art and is very pleasant.

Flower is less of a game and more of an experience. You become the wind, guiding flower petals across gorgeous landscapes. It's incredibly relaxing, almost meditative, with a beautiful soundtrack and surprising emotional beats. There's not much challenge, and it's pretty short... but Flower is the kind of game that sticks with you, a unique and artistic journey that's perfect for unwinding after a long day.

Uma Experiência

Flower, um jogo onde você acaba experienciando um pouco de como as flores vivem suas pacatas vidas(?). Elas vivem na sua casa o dia todo, acaba que as tais só conseguem ver o mundo apenas pela sua janela, mas o que será que passa na cabeça delas? É sobre isso que se trata esse jogo.

O jogo é bem único, um daqueles jogos que você joga uma vez, senti oque é passado e aprecia o momento. Infelizmente em mais uma review eu terei que dar destaque a ambientação do jogo, que acaba sendo muito boa e simples, mas acredito eu que não é simples por conta do design ser ruim ou qualquer coisa parecida mas sim para te passar um certo sentimento e ajudar mais ainda na sua imersão. Músicas ok, legais, nada demais apenas estão lá e a jogabilidade é bem mais ou menos, achei muito foda o sistema onde cada vez que se pega mais flores o jogador fica maior (relaxa que se descobre isso no começo do jogo), porem não me adaptei muito bem com a movimentação, ela é feita pra ser algo totalmente livre e maleável mas eu não achei muito legal o jeito que foi utilizado, eu joguei no teclado e mouse, talvez (muito provavelmente) no controle eu talvez teria uma jogabilidade melhor, mas agora já joguei.
Entre algumas coisas que eu não gostei como disse agora foi a movimentação (ao menos no teclado e mouse) que acaba as vezes cravando no chão e pra mudar de direção acaba sendo estranho. Outra coisa que achei ruim foi que alguns puzzles são um pouco repetitivos, tipo, de um jeito desnecessário, onde a mecânica já foi apresentada e mostrada como algo legal, e em alguns casos você precisa fazer por um tempinho as mesmas coisas fazendo algumas partes serem mais chatinhas, mas acaba nem sendo algo tão ruim assim, o jogo é bem curtinho, não impacta tanto não.

Eu gostei do jogo como a experiência que ele me apresenta de mostrar algo que nós nem sequer pensamos durante o dia a dia e nem nada parecido, mais ainda sim é um jogo legalzinho, recomendaria? Sim, porém não é um jogo recomendável a qualquer tipo de pessoa, ela tem que estar com a mente aberta pra jogar e viver ali o momento, geralmente esse não é o estilo comum apresentado em jogos mais normais, fazendo esse jogo apenas pegar um grupo mais seleto de pessoas.

Super enjoyable game. So relaxing, so fun.

Como parte del proceso de creación de identidad de TGC es un muy buen juego, que jugado con el motion se multiplica.
El conflicto de la trama (simplona) tiene un contra-conflicto narrativo bastante bueno.

Chill video games to have emotions to.

A gift from my friend from Spain, Josep, which he gave me in Steam back when I didn't even have a 64 bit computer to run it lol

Man, I wish I had the ability to express something as warm as back then, I often daydream about how deeply art moved me back when we spoke to each other. These flowers too seem to be dreaming about someone else, one Steam achievement is even about admiring the views with a name that implies they are reminiscences.

But what are they remembering, if the dreams can be so surreal? Could it be the moment urbanization destroyed their environment? One of the flowers has a sad ending, with a very neglected pot it's stored in, but the other flowers seem to be well taken care of. Could it be a dream about the feeling when they were first picked up by some person? It's sad all I can really do is theorize about it because a deeper connection between the plants and their dreams apart from that feeling of nostalgia could have been inmensely more moving. But just like I feel about the times I spent with Josep, this game is like good memories where you feel the aura around them, but aren't able to properly put it into its more substantial expression

Beautiful piece of art! Not as impactful as Journey, but really special in it's own way.

It's a fun and interesting experimental game where you fly in the wind waking up the nature from it's sleep. Relaxing ambient music plays in the background. It's an experience that may require you to be in specific mindset to be fully immersed.

very chill little game, better than flow but doesn't reach the heights of Journey. Played through thatgamecompany's whole catalog and while all of their games are charming none of their other games are able to reach the peaks of Journey unfortunately.

Wonderful game to play on a summer afternoon

Fun concept, good blend of visual design and music. The art style doesn't look interesting, and the controls are too clunky to support the otherwise free controls. The environmental themes are well executed, but incredibly surface level.