Reviews from

in the past

Yeah... maybe at a point i'll get back to this.
The only nice thing it got in my 2hs of gameplay was the climbing stairs animation.

cool story, but kind of too slow platforming and the gameplay loop is a bit repetitive for me. A few puzzles are slightly too obtuse. But still, cool indie, very whimsical and Ghibli like

muito bonitinho tem uma historinha fofinha praticamente um desenho animado

This one was a bit of a sleeper hit for me. I figured it would be a good time but it was very intriguing and I'm looking forward to what else will come from this developer (Throughline Games, who are making Forgotlings next). I liked the animated style, the story, and the gameplay.

A game I wanted to play for a long time. The story carries this one, gameplay is alright

Geralmente, não sou de gostar e de jogar jogos focados mais em narrativa do que jogabilidade, pois meu estilo como jogador é valorizar mais uma gameplay divertida e dificilmente esse tipo de jogo consegue alinhar bem a diversão de se jogar com o seu foco na história. E não é um demérito, afinal, pouquíssimos conseguem, é uma tarefa extremamente complicada. Quando se trata de jogos independentes então, esse feito se torna bem próximo do impossível.

Forgotton Anne é um jogo independente focado em narrativa, provavelmente foi feito com um orçamento baixíssimo, e se dispôs a criar uma aventura memorável com resolução de puzzles alinhados com a história. Em alguns momentos, sofre com decisões erradas de game design um tanto quanto graves e uma movimentação um tanto quanto "travada", então definitivamente não é um jogo perfeito. Mas essas são as únicas coisas negativas que me permito escrever sobre esse jogo.

Aqui, somos apresentados a um universo fantástico, com história e visuais extremamente inspirados nos universos mágicos e criativos do Studio Ghibli, e somos cativados na história não apenas pelas cutscenes, mas também por tomar escolhas realmente difíceis ao assumir o papel da Anne, imaginando como seria ter que lidar com as situações, dadas as circunstâncias em que a protagonista se encontra. O processo de descoberta e exploração do mundo colabora com isso, e tudo o que descobrimos no jogo faz parte da descoberta da própria personagem.

Queria enfatizar o quanto eu senti o peso de tomar certas decisões, principalmente a partir da metade do jogo. Logo no primeiro ato do jogo já somos confrontados com uma situação em que temos que tomar uma decisão bem difícil sem ter nenhum contexto do que se trata o mundo, sem ter certeza de nada. No meio a um conflito entre um governante implacável, e uma rebelião que ganha cada vez mais força, sentimos exatamente a confusão que a personagem sente em todos os momentos do jogo, o que torna o ato de controlar a Anne nessa jornada de auto descobrimento extremamente gratificante.

Esse jogo me deixou em lágrimas ao finalizá-lo, e definitivamente é uma experiência que deve ser vivida por todos que gostam de jogos com puzzles e focados em história. É realmente maravilhoso!

I liked the anime style of this game and the puzzles were sometimes so intricated which I liked. I felt this game was lagging somewhat in the middle but it speeds up after that portion...One should definitely check this great underrated gem. The ending twist was unexpected and ironically beautiful.

This game was a bit of a mixed bag. I loved the visuals for this game - characters and scenes were both great. I loved the idea of lost items finding new life in another world. Story was alright. I did however find more frustration than I'd hoped with the platforming in this game, mainly when I had to use the wings and jumping at the same time. I completed the game in around 7 hours.

Gorgeous, it has a compelling story and feels like playing a ghibli movie. I haven't bought the full game yet but I'm looking forward to it!

para os amantes das animações do estúdio Ghibli é obrigatório jogar esse jogo, uma bela homenagem.
jogo em si é bem simples, 2d com elementos de plataformas com pequenos puzzles q não chega a ter muitas dificuldades.
arte é maravilhosa junto com sua bela trilha sonora, os personagens são muito carismático, a jornada da Anne é incrível e tão bom ver o desenvolvimento dela dependendo das suas escolhas.
e pra terminar, vem o ponto mais forte do jogo q é sua historia e o mundo, é muito bem feito uma vibe total de Chihiro junto com uma historia q cativa vc a querer saber o que ta acontecendo.

Trying to play this game has had disastrous effects on my entire console

Have you ever wanted to be the protagonist in a Ghibli movie? If yes, look no further, 'Forgotton Anne' is the game for you!

It’s a completely unique light puzzle platform adventure with absolutely gorgeous, hand-drawn anime style, beautiful music, engaging plot and fun gameplay. I can safely recommend this to kids and adults alike, I’m pretty sure all age groups will be able to appreciate Anne’s story for different reasons. Sure, veteran gamers won’t find it too challenging, but I think, once in a while, even they should take it easy a little and chill out with games like this one, and just absorb the atmosphere.

With all the collectibles and various choices you can make, there is even some replay value (even if most of the choices don’t really affect the endings), so yeah, why not give this one a try? The developers deserve all our support, and then maybe we’ll get a sequel!

Really solid game, shame no one talks about it.

A nice adventure-platform game with beautiful drawings and animations, very good soundtrack and some easy puzzles and parkours. Some player choices affect the story, which is where the game shines and make the player more involved in the character's background and how it develops. I really appreciated the possibility to explore different story timelines after completing the game, without having to restart over.

This is a beautiful game with a decent story, only let down by slow animations.

Let's start with the art style. This game is beautiful. The hand drawn look suits the game well. It is also well voice acted.

Gameplay is fine. Nothing special. Your typical 2d puzzle platformer. It also has decisions that kind of effect the story.

The biggest problem are the animations. I understand why they are slow. But that doesn't stop it from being tedious. Especially if you continue to miss a jump.

The story is neat. Nothing mind blowing of course. But it suits the gameplay. The music is good too. Helps drive the story.

This is a neat little game. It's short but also longer than you would expect. Maybe lasts a little too long. But still a good game. It's worth a one time playthrough for the art style alone.

Esse jogo é um achado, muito muito bom, com uma arte linda

Amazing game! Superb storytelling, art style, and I love having multiple endings I can discover

This review contains spoilers

I finally got to play the game and finished it in one sitting. Incredibly engaging game. The love that was put into it is undeniable. The art style is amazing. I often stopped just to enjoy the feel of the scenery. Incredibly cinematic at times. The gameplay had some minor issues, such as extremely difficult to reach platforms and jump sequences, while the rest of the game was a breeze. It was just 1 or 2 platforms that seemed to need absolute pixel perfect precision, whereas the rest of the game didn't need, making it feel like a problem rather than a decision. The characters were compelling, despite being objects. Got a few quotes that really hit like: "If you don't realise you can only be a teapot, you'll never try to be anything but a teapot".
The major qualm i haver with the game is the Anima System, which we use throughout the game and is our main mechanic. It often feels underworked and feels as though it was meant to have multiple charges (perhaps because we need to hold to use it instead of single presses).
Overall, its use feels clunky at times.
The animations are incredible. The run really makes you feel like she's a marathon runner only to run out of breath, and that whole sequence has so much life put into it.
The plot is extremely simple. The plot twist can be seen 5 minutes into the game.
But the world building and theme for the story is superb. There's so much more that can be done with this world.
And that intro scene was truly special.

I think this game deserves a bigger audience, it's basically a playable animated movie that I think a ton of people would enjoy. Kinda Ghibli-esque.

a wonderful puzzle platformer with a solid story, great characters, and a beautiful ghibli like art style.

This review contains spoilers

The game is absolutley gorgeous the animations are incredible. The voice acting sounds very good. The biggest downside this game has is that the gameplay itself suffers. The jumping and running feel very clunky as a result of the amazing animation that is there for every action. It feels like playing a cartoon at times. And the puzzles are for the most part OK, i am not a huge puzzle game guy so i dont really know how to rate puzzles but they were passable at best based on my gutfeeling of playing them. The charakters are awesome and i think the choice mechanic felt good. However as im writing this i have only gotten one ending so i am curious to see how much things change based on how you play.
The clunky gameplay gets absolutley carried by the visuals and story in this case. But overall i really enjoyed my time with it.

Beautiful and inventive, I could look at it all day. It's lovely talking to everyone and going everywhere. The rest of it is straightforward (in a good way) and has le epic ending choice, but it's alright. It's good.

If I could have more than 5 favorite games, this would be one of them! I really loved the artstyle and story of this game! I often recommend people try this game out because I feel it's a hidden gem!

fun but i think i have to replay it. really loved its aesthetic tho!

- Schwammige Steuerung
- Rätsel nicht soo pralle
- Schalter teilweise super nervig (gleichzeitig (was NUR akkustische Gibt's hat, oben/unten oft unnötig, da eh nur in eine Richtung möglich, umschalten dauert lange, bis dahin hab ich vergessen was ich eigentlich wollte)
- Story auch nur geht so
+ Grafik sehr hübsch anzusehen

Forgotten Anne is a pretty apt name, given the game came out and was swiftly relegated to the depths of Steam wishlists