Reviews from

in the past

Me trying to make up spoilers for this game: The Neil and Eva sex scene lasts 20 minutes
Zonic, immediately: Neil could never last 20 minutes

comecei a chorar só de lembrar. lindo.

Pensar en el juego me deja sin palabras. Para lo que dura el juego es una locura la cantidad de sentimientos que me hizo sentir. Con poco, cuenta mucho, y construye una trama que acaba explotando con un final increíble. Must play.

Me ha gustado como relacionan el juego con el resto de la saga, pero a parte de esto ya creo que la fórmula se ha quedado anticuada y que ya ha llegado la hora de probar cosas nuevas. Que To the Moon salió en el 2011 y seguimos igual.

Impostor Factory, ou pra alguns "To the Moon 3", o que muda essa visão quando você termina o game.

Considero o game mais criativo do Kan Gao, romance, suspense e ficção científica
Obviamente recomendo essa obra, mas também recomendo MUITO que joguem os outros jogos da FreeBird antes de jogar esse, não é necessário pra entender a história, mas eu diria que é essencial pra experiência final pra entender 100% a historia jogar todos.

Não foi o que mais chorei de todos os jogos, mas me emocionei muito no final :')

Another satisfying entry to this great series. Like Finding Paradise I wasn't quite as impacted as I was with To the Moon, but its creative premise and improved story presentation captivates all the same

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i've seen a lot of people complaining about how meaningless this game feels with the ultimate twist of everything being a simulation, but honestly i'd digress.

the entire point of the series is that there's value in fantasy as well as reality. to the quincy and lynri we saw in this game, it was reality. i just think there's a lot of power in the fact that they actively choose to live their best life, despite knowing they may not be at the top of the layer.

that said, i have some gripes with the way the plot is presented compared to the other games in the series, but overall i think this entry in the series is just as great as the others.

Picked the game up on a whim, and didn't really realize it was a sort of sequel to two other games To The Moon and Finding Paradise until a decent bit into the game.

I have played and finished To The Moon in the past, and it is very similar in style to that game. basically amounting to a RPG maker style looking game with not that much actual gameplay, and the game itself serving as predominantly a vehicle to deliver their story.

The story itself is charming. There are some fun and personable characters you meet throughout the game, and the ultimate theme, finding meaning in one's life regardless of the looming death, is potent and heartfelt.

I'd say if you enjoyed this studios' previous games, then you will likely enjoy this one as well, and if you haven't played those, I'd recommend trying those first as there are multiple moments that would be greatly diminished if this was your first foray. Outside of that though, the games are pretty emotional games with pretty good music and a solid amount of whimsy. While I think the presentation can leave a bit to be desired at times, I think it's still worth experiencing if your in the mood for an emotional story.

Acho que eu definiria esse como o melhor jogo da série, não chorei igual no to the moon, mas em nível de narrativa, esse supera os outros facilmente.

Provavelmente o melhor dos 3 que tivemos até agora.
nota 10 de novo para a Free Bird.

This franchise means the most to me more than most in the world of video games. The intimate storytelling that Kan Gao and his team portrays with such limitation is unbelievable, and they deliver again a third time. While the story never hits the emotional gut punches or raw connection that the previous two dive into, Impostor Factory shows that Freebird Games still has a lot of creative ideas left in the world they've built, and I hope to continue to see more of it in any form that takes. The writing rides the impossible line from being laugh out loud funny to heartbreakingly grim, and from cheerful optimism to a thrilling sense of ominous mystery. Impostor Factory really nails its atmosphere, between the more linear storytelling and the ever-fantastic music. If you had any form of enjoyment playing the games that this company has made, please give them money to make more. This studio needs to continue creating some of the best art in the business, mostly so I have an excuse to cry a little shamelessly every so often.

Light SPOILER elements:
The first act is easily the most entertaining part, and I wish the game had integrated the setup of this early section more into the traditional structure of the remainder of the game.

Esta es una saga de la que me olvido fuerte entre entregas y siempre me pega fuertisimo lo que me gustan cuando llega una nueva. Creo que este puede ser fácilmente el mejor que han hecho y me ha pillado completamente desprevenido el enfoque. Genial.

I cried a LOT. Play the first two games first.

there's an amazing game trapped in this game's body

Honestly perfect. I have no complaints. Please keep supporting Freebird Studios.

this was fantastic
I love this series with all my heart and I'm happy to see it pay off
very, very good

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the whole time i was like man. what is going ON and then i reached the ending and it was like OH..... OH I SEE. ALRIGHT THEN. HUH.

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intro is fine, middle (which is the vast majority of the game) is absolutely stellar, but I don't think the ending was very good and it soured the experience for me a tad (ymmv though).

it's probably the weakest of the 3 so far, but, I mean, a game can still be pretty good and still be the weakest compared to TTM and FP lol

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This was the email I sent Freebird Games after this game came out:

"I often wondered about whether games could really, truly change someone's life - make someone reflect on their life decisions, or help them clarify some of their thoughts about themselves or the world around them. I've played many games, some with great emotional impact or that were really fun experiences that brought me joy. But this one, Impostor Factory, this was one of the only ones that really changed me. That changed my life.

When I played Finding Paradise, I cried at the end - Colin's obssession with the imaginary was something I found quite relatable. I thought that was the peak of what games could do for me, as at the time I was somewhat of a colder person. I enjoyed the game, called it a masterpiece, and moved on.

Then four years later, Impostor Factory came along. I was now a different person, at a different mood and with different emotions. I was grappling with my own insecurities and fears of what the future would look like for me. I was clinging to the idea that I would live my life focusing on one single objective, and kind of ignore everything else, including relationships, to pursue that goal.

So when that conversation between Quincy and Lynri about their different viewpoints on how life should be lived occurred... something clicked with me. I began thinking more and more about this concept - Lavenders and Stars - and really question whether I really wanted to beeline myself into one single goal.

My time here is limited, and I didn't want to leave without leaving a mark, as a 'mediocre' person. But at the same time, I realized... I don't want to be alone. I realized I was masking my fear of coming out to my parents with the idea that I didn't want relationships, and as such would never have to discuss such things with them. I felt trapped and alone, but I didn't want to admit it. I had built up this totem of "Relationships are dumb and I'm above them" for so long that I couldn't question it anymore. It became almost a dogma.

After all of that (and some conversations with some of my friends), I decided to come out to my mom. For eight years I knew I liked boys, but I never could muster the courage to tell it to her until now. At the end of the conversation, she hugged me and said that I should've said it much earlier, and that she would always support me. If I hadn't played this game and hadn't had those conversations, perhaps I would've just decided to go on with my life without telling her anything. Would I be a happy person? Perhaps, perhaps not. But without a doubt, this freed me from my cage.

So, yeah. Sorry for the wall of the text, and thanks again. I feel so much lighter than before, and your game really helped me with that. Your games are awesome."

Another great entry in the series that incorporates some fun new ideas in its first half but suffers a bit by not pushing its core themes further in the second half.

quincy reynard is my best friend we get coffee together on saturdays :-)

Hasta el mejor jamón puede acabar cansando.

- Las animaciones siguen siendo deliciosas. Parece increíble que de tan poco se consiga sacar tanto.
- Nuevamente, el guion está escrito con sumo cuidado por los detalles. Es un gusto interactuar con sus personajes.
- La música siempre está ahí como perfecta acompañante de los acontecimientos de la historia.

- Ha dejado de sorprender. La sombra de "To the Moon" sigue siendo demasiado alargada, y tratar de repetir sus fórmulas no hace sino empobrecer cada nuevo producto.
- Demasiados momentos telegrafiados, que apelan a la lagrimilla, pero que no consiguen hacerla aparecer debido a lo previsible de ciertas situaciones.
- En lo jugable, no se ha avanzado ni un ápice en los últimos 10 años.

Impostor Factory is, tonally, quite a bit darker than its predecessors. Finding Paradise very much Went There for a bit but not for too long, but Impostor Factory spent a fair bit of time there - like, I said, and I quote when I was playing this, "if I see one more corpse, I'm ending this for the night" because I'm baby and I'm easily disturbed, but it's. A new thing entirely for a To the Moon game to start out with things going very wrong.

As always, things go off the rails, things are not what they seem, and it gets a little crazy - to be expected! But as always, it builds around a heartbreaking narrative and is just as capable of messing you up as FInding Paradise and To The Moon. But this time around there are a lot more twists and "oh my god???" moments. It's a ride from start to finish!! It's reflected in the tone of the soundtrack too - a lot of it is fairly dark and sombre in tone, giving the entire game a very eerie atmosphere that is only cemented after certain parts. The second half of the game in particular is where things get VERY crazy, but I won't spoil anything...!! Things don't get SCARY scary thankfully - during the more disturbing points of the game, Kan Gao's signature brand of humour lightens things up a bit. Which I needed at some points. Seriously.

My only gripe is that the environments do not feel as...explorable?? As in the other two mainline games. Very little of the places you see have flavour text, interactions, or non-main characters with dialogue, and so the experience feels more like you're being shown things rather than being able to explore. It still works out in its favour though, so I don't consider it a negative. It ended like the last two games, with me sobbing a lot. This time around I was with someone and they told me they could hear me crying. I tried to hide it. I thought I did. Apparently not???

ALSO like I mentioned it for the other games to people but it amazes me that there are sprites for basically everything??? So much work....

Oh and before I go, yes you would benefit from playing To the Moon and Finding Paradise (this one especially) before this. Honestly? Play the Christmas Minisodes too. I can''t believe I'm saying this but those give a lot of context too.

As always with the To The Moon series, the story is very well written, although not quite as good as the first two main games. Still a very emotional story with a very satisfying ending.

A fantastic entry in the To the Moon saga. While the first game is irreplaceable to me, this is a wonderful continuation with a strong new pair of characters. Definitely need to play the other games first though!