Reviews from

in the past

(chapter 1) pretty harmless barring some borked lighting and amateurish game design seen in the many loading screen transitions between areas. the voice performances are pretty stellar as well as the 2d art assets, perfectly fine way to pass an hour.

Despite disliking Mascot Horror being done 3,000 times (and games that do a chapter based system), Indigo Park was actually pretty fun and very immersive. Only having around an hour of gameplay actually got me pretty invested into the world and I look forward to seeing more of it!

Rambly outta ten, game doodoo, writing is good.

O Capítulo 1 foi bem curto, porém eu gostei da experiência, ele é um jogo bem na pegada de outros jogos de terror com mascote como Bendy and The Ink Machine ou Poppy Playtime onde você explora um lugar abandonado e em alguns momentos você vai ser perseguido por alguma criatura, dessa vez o jogo se passa em um parque de diversões abandonado, onde cada área do jogo é uma atração diferente com um mascote tema.

Eu adorei o cast de personagens e achei eles fofos e carismáticos, principalmente o Rambley, o guaxinim da capa desse jogo. Ele é uma inteligência artificial que guia o jogador durante o jogo, de início ele age como se estivesse apenas seguindo um roteiro para guiar os visitantes as atrações do parque, porém ao decorrer do jogo ele começa a demostrar noção de que o parque está abandonado e que tem algo muito errado com ele.

A gameplay do jogo é bem simples e não tem nada de muito novo, você corre, anda, pula, interage com objetos para abrir portas ou solucionar puzzles e usa uma lanterna para iluminar o caminho.

O jogo é completamente linear, más eu acabei ficando um pouco perdido em alguns poucos momentos devido a não enxergar o caminho direito, porém não demorou muito para eu achar o caminho correto.

Eu não gostei dos momentos de perseguição do jogo, eu acho chato você só ter que apenas fugir o mais rápido possível de alguma criatura te seguindo, sem contar que morri algumas vezes por ou ficar preso, ou por errar o caminho, eu espero que os próximos capítulos tragam maior variedade em como lidar com os animatrônicos nesse jogo e não ser apenas correr.

Dito isso, eu curti a curta experiência que tive, o primeiro capítulo é gratuito e não dura mais que uma hora.

my first discovery of this games existence was this raccoons fat ass on my twitter feed

do you guys need something

Listen i dont give a fuck about this game as a video game and neither should any normal fucking person, the median should be N/A and no one should have and opinion on it.

As a furry though i need that raccoon

Update: man that was too mean to this but honestly rambley carries the whole thing

probably the best "mascot horror" game we've got in a while. shows promise and hopefully chapter 2 onwards continue to be as good as this chapter.

getting sick seeing this raccoon rn

it was alright i fw rambley tho

Indigo Park is a game made of passion and love, and I dig that!
But this game was just a chore to play, I'm sorry to say. Indigo Park just feels like a mish-mash of every Mascot Horror in the market right now; it is a giant nothing burger.
The gameplay is mediocre and is just a bunch of walking around until something, anything happens. The gameplay is kind of like Ruin and Poppy Playtime in a way, except instead of getting a cool mechanic that spices things up like the Vanny Mask or the hand gadget thing from Poppy, you get a wristband that... opens doors. Which was really lame to see; I was hoping the wristband would do something, yknow, exciting!! But all it does the entire game is open doors, which makes me beg the question, why even have a gameplay gimmick for something so minuscule? I really do hope this wristband gets expanded upon in further chapters because as of right now? It's probably the lamest gameplay gimmick mechanic in any Mascot Horror... like ever, lol.
The puzzles as well are not really the best, all of the puzzles except for one consist of "ok you see this big thing you gotta find two thingies to put it into that thing, and then you win," and those two thingies are just on the floor next to the big thing, it's really lame, yet they spam that throughout the story, and I can't help but feel they only did that to pad out the game more, LMAO. There is one slightly cool puzzle at the very end of the game where you have to go through a tiny maze(?) to find coloured shapes, then when you get to the end, you have to put in the shapes those colours were to open a door. But in that puzzle, there's kinda no tension? Nothing chases you and nothing is threatening you at all, so it all just feels like a giant chore to complete.
The marketable characters are kind of... ehhh... I like Rambley a LOT, he's super adorable and whimsy and funny. He's really really cool. But the others are kinda lame. Like Lloyd the Lion and that fucking bird that I hate, there's nothing scary about them. Their designs are just simple anthro birds and lions but with black eyes and blood around their face, that's not scary that's just kinda stupid. Their jumpscares, too, are also kinda stupid! They do that thing that every Mascot Horror does for some reason where you open a door and, uh oh, the fucking bird that I hate is staring at me across this long hallway and then disappears around the corner. It was cool the first time, but now it's getting really repetitive and boring, let's be fr. Hell, it even gets repetitive in this very game; I'm pretty sure they do this scare like five different times?? It's so dumb.
The chase at the end was alright, I suppose, but I couldn't help but just think that this felt way too similar to Huggy Wuggy's chase at the end of Poppy Chapter 1. Seeing that fucking bird that I hate's head get chopped off clean by the door closing was sick tho.
The graphics were BEAUTIFUL, at the very least. I think this game is the BEST-looking Mascot Horror out there, so kudos to them. Although the optimization isn't THAT great, it's not BanBan levels of bad optimization, but it wasn't really good.
Overall, ehhh, it's a game? Not very good, not very bad. It tries, and I can see that it tries, especially with those beautiful graphics and the amazing character exchange. But graphics and writing can't save a game from unoriginal and lazy gameplay.

Gameplay - 5/10
Presentation - 8.5/10
Music/SFX - 4.5/10
Story/Writing - 2/10
-- Overall - 5/10 --

Review of the first chapter and I really like it! It's very charming and full of passion!

Bom jogo, com uma boa personalidade a ele. O que para mim já é um ótimo avanço a outros jogos de terror de mascote. Pois vamos falar serio, se eu tivesse a opção de jogar entre esse e as outras inúmeros copias de jogos mascot horror, como Garten of Banban, eu te garanto que eu escolheria esse sem pensar duas vezes.

Tirando isso, eu achei bem parecido com o fnaf security breach, mas como ele é um jogo de graça e ainda só tem um capitulo, eu achei ele bem legal para o que ele conseguiu entregar em apenas 1 hora. Eu realmente gostei e quero ver como esse jogo vai continuar no futuro.

So due to its length, I’m probably not gonna read it a few stars, but I will say that the game has serious charm. Rambley is such a great addition. He pretty much carries the game and I’m pretty sure as chapters come out. he will continue to do so

Standard mascot horror gameplay otherwise Stand

Really excited for UniqueGeese to build out this world and its characters! I’m also in credits lol. Rambley and the 2D animation is definitely the most fun and unique thing about this game and I hope they continue to do more with that in future chapters. The music also slaps. Lots of potential here!

Short but fun horror adventure. Really enjoyed the charm and atmosphere of the game so far. My major critiques are the some weird texture mistakes in the first area of the game and the lack of a true gimmick or gameplay method that makes the game stand out.

Gonna keep my eyes out for future episodes, not a bad start.

all my hopes for this game dropped when you enter the first part of the park and it cuts to a loading screen and when it ends the path behind you is blocked by debris that had zero sound effects to have

it's really just another average mascot horror game so far, the only thing unique about it is that they made a character a concerning amount of people are horny for

This review contains spoilers

The first chapter for Indigo Park at its core is uninteresting and boring in both story and gameplay. The series is still very much a work in progress, but seeing the Steam page for the game not having an early access tag or warning leaves a sour taste in my mouth, meaning that if this is the highest point of polish and quality that the game will have throughout the remaining chapters, I fear that Indigo Park is subject to be dead on arrival in the first few weeks of its full release.

Making up for the lack of meaningful gameplay, Chapter 1 serves entirely as an exposition for the story of the series, and plays more as a walking simulator with two or three point and click puzzles to fill the gaps. Unfortunately the story for the game is entirely predictable and on the nose, leaving no real surprise for when the all too popular trope of "cutesy characters turn evil" comes into play. The tactics the developers use to try to instill fear or paranoia fall flat when they come in contact with the player, it doesn't feel fresh or unique enough to make the player be at a loss as for what comes next. The game simply isn't scary, and doesn't capitalize on the themes and tropes that this genre of horror that the game is styled in relies on. The juxtaposition of horror and the cheery environment you're in is not emphasized enough, and is highlighted most during Mollies death. She gets decapitated by a vertically closing door that spawns four blood splatter PNGs, and Rambley just.. doesn't care. Neither should the player- you know its coming without even knowing how or why.

The layout of the park itself is strangely disproportionate in terms of how big the areas where park attendees can peruse and where the staff-only areas of the park are. The immersion that Indigo Park was a real (in-universe) attraction for the public is broken in nearly every segment of the game, most notably at Mollie's Landing Pad, a childrens play place in which Mollie is present. The design of the mazes and corridors just don't make sense given the location, the park is more-so designed for a video game character than it is the general public. The entire game can be completed by holding shift+W and hugging the right wall of every room, a harsh side effect of the games painfully intuitive design.

The best attributes of Indigo Park lie within interchangeable factors that don't have any impact on the story or gameplay, like the atmosphere or voice acting. Every voice actor in the game fits the characters they play, most notably in Rambley himself. Come to think of it, I would say that Rambleys VA was the only part of the game I could say I genuinely enjoyed. The writing of the character and the voice actors are two separate things however, and while the lines he says themselves are a little lackluster in terms of how it conveys specific parts of the story (that the player can already infer), the voice actor does a great job of making the character seem like a real mascot character for the park. That's about as far as the positives for the game go.

I cannot recommend the game how it is, and wouldn't recommend it even after its full release unless the developers put more effort into the story, and the thirty unity assets they visualize it with.

Indigo Park is special in its own unique way when it comes to mascot horror games. Where many go the route of creating disturbingly creepy characters that were apparently meant to appeal to children, Indigo Park actually created one of the best mascots these games have to offer, Rambley the Raccoon.

To put it nicely, Rambley carries this game from start to finish. For an introduction to the series, I can't deny that it intrigued me greatly and made me want to finish the first chapter. And, even though this review is negative, I still want to see more of Rambley in future chapters. However, every other aspect of this game is either average or sub-par at best.

The horror elements of this game include a jumpscare and a chase scene that is identical to Poppy Playtime, with 3d models that look worse than what you'd find on the Garry's Mod workshop. While you're waiting for these "horror" elements to occur, the game distracts you by throwing in random collectibles to find and the ability to play a small minigame on an arcade cabinet. I found myself more interested and finding the random toys around each level than whatever horrifying thing was supposed to be happening at the moment.

In the end, if you're looking for an amazingly written and performed mascot, this game will be right up your alley. If you're looking for a horror game, you'll be severely disappointed. If the same level of quality given to Rambley was given to the rest of the game, I'm sure it would have been a great introduction for the series, but this is mostly disappointing.

sorry for taking the furry bait ... it will happen again

a parte 2d é bem feita agora o resto, o 3d a historia e tudo é tão ruim

é um jogo mascot horror,bem tentando o maximo pra ser algo comercial,então vale a experiencia pq é de graça o capitulo 1, mas bom não é

eu descobri que ele é feito por youtuber que faz video de garten of banban então ta explicado

This review contains spoilers

Indigo Park is uninspired, and so bad, the the true horror is trying not to think about it.
walking into areas that make no sense; clearly designed just for me to be there.
the gameplay is a walking simulator. this would work if the story and atmosphere had legs to walk on, but it doesn't. the raccoon mascot is memorable, just for how annoying and unfunny he is. the other characters are boring. the final chase is also immensely boring, before being ended by an immensely jarring, disgusting, gory display, of a cartoon character's head being cut off, and their blood going everywhere as their head lifelessly topples to the ground.

mascot horror had a strong beginning with Five Nights At Freddy's, but more and more mascot horrors are becoming displays of shitty writing, boring gameplay, and lousy worlds. Indigo Park is the pinnacle of shitty trend following.

gameplay gets a 1
story gets a 1.

Shows promise in that it actually looks like an amusement park, chase sections felt generic but man there's like 2 good scares. Mogs FNAF SB??!?!?!?!?! (I havent played the SB DLC yet...)
I donated to the kickstarter, I love my mascot horror slop :)
Graphics and character design are standout features here, Rambley's VA is pretty good. This also had one of my favorite credits tropes, peep the game if you wanna see what im tryin not to spoil, its like an hour long and free dawg!

Ended up enjoying this neat little demo a lot! It's not the most outstanding horror game, but it's fun enough for me to want to keep an eye on this little gem. The amusement park aesthetic is especially great, and took me back to happier memories exploring Disney World. Didn't regret the hour and a half or so I spent playing this.

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Seeing actual blood in a mascot horror game was strangely cathartic,

Anyways, pretty alright demo, I LOVE the setting, I’ve always felt like amusement parks have a lot of potential for horror games and I’m glad this game is utilizing it, can’t wait to see what comes next

I like the beef that Rambley had with Lloyd. It was kind of funny how he was like "ugh i don't like this freaking guy" every time Lloyd was being shown to him or in front of him.
The music in this game is phenomenal and the ending song is actually good and sounds nice and weirdly uncorny. Most games will have good music but then, they attempt to add lyrics to one of their songs and it makes you realize these people do not know how to write lyrics for the life of them that DON'T sound corny. The ending song for this game was nice enough that it was not corny in my opinion.
Idk maybe I am overly optimistic because I know I have a tendency to be like "wow this was great" when everyone else is kind of like unanimously agreeing its not as great as I think it is.

Call me jaded, but I don't really see anything that exciting or new here. Maybe the new chapters have more stuff to it, but for now, at least, it's lucky it didn't cost any money; otherwise, I would be way harsher about it.

Nothing separating it from any of the other samey mascot 'horror' games. others have already said all there is to talk about. at least banban is funny bad. hope to see improvement in future chapters.

I loved this first chapter. It is abundantly clear how passionate the dev team is when it comes to this project. From the artwork, to the voice acting, to the entire vibe of the game. This is the devs' first real game so going into this, I was ready to cut them some slack as I wasn't expecting this to be a ground breaking masterpiece that would change the landscape of indie horror the same way Five Nights at Freddy's did.

So let's get my gripes out of the way first. Loading problems. This game can crash a decent amount and the beginning has some problems properly loading textures. I'm sure these problems will be fixed within the coming weeks, so at some point in time, this point might be entirely null. Since these are less experienced devs, the gameplay loop is pretty simple. puzzles mainly include finding an item and using it, similar to a lot of survival horror games. It's fine, but it'd be awesome to see some more variety in the future. Finally, the horror. Obviously, this is subjective, I'm sure there are people out there who did find this chapter to be decently creepy and I'm happy for you. Personally, I wasn't too creeped out by anything in particular, which I understand may just be a personal thing.

Another problem I have is that so far, it feels very much like every other mascot horror game, with sections feeling literally just like parts of other games, like the Mollie chase sequence feeling exactly like the Huggy Wuggy chase segment in Poppy Playtime Chapter 1. Now obviously, I'm expecting inspirations and I'm expecting to be able to see those inspirations, but this section just felt the exact same but instead of a tall blue monster in a vent, it's a bird monster in a soft play area. I hope future chapters will have more originality or at least put a more unique spin on things.

Now let's talk about what I love about Indigo Park.

The voice acting. The voice actors really bring their A-game to this project and the characters in which they voice, really selling each performance and leaving a smile on my face. I absolutely adore Rambley and I think he's only going to continue to be a fantastic companion character throughout the game's future. Each character has a very distinct voice, Rambley sounding very carefree and happy, Mollie sounding super excitable, Finley sounding super stoic and depressed and Lloyd having this very proud sounding voice.

One thing I loved about this game was having outdoor sections. I think it's too common that mascot horrors always tend to involve entering a building a going deeper and deeper. Since Indigo Park is a theme park, it makes a lot of sense that the between sections from attraction to attraction are outdoors which is a breath of fresh air, literally.

Passion. Passion to me is always important for devs to have for their project and the team did not hold back in cramming Indigo Park with all the love and passion their could muster. When I got to the end of the chapter and listened to Rambley's song, I had to stupidest grin on my face. If I was into it before, the song certainly grabbed me.

Overall, I'm super excited to see the future of this game and I wish the best of luck to UniqueGeese and the rest of the dev team. I do plan on rewriting this review if/when every chapter has been released.