Reviews from

in the past

an actual mechanically distinctive racing game, inertial drift asks a question abandoned the minute the PS2 entered retirement: "what if the right stick wasn't just for camera control?" as a proof-of-concept it totally nails it.

but in similarly PS2 fashion, the game is structurally anemic, with a barebones story mode that ferries you through the tracks and race types with the most skippable dialogue ever written. the bar for racing game story is subterranean. there is no reason to have shame. we all see what you're doing with the name, go all the way. have a tofu delivery minigame that penalizes excessive g-forces and collisions. make all the characters work at a gas station and fumble every shot at romantic connection

i continue to wait for someone to just remake racing lagoon but with a good driving model

A cute and stylish arcade drifter with a focus on good vibes over controller-rending challenge. Good for an afternoon of sitting back and throwing it sideways

É um joguinho bem legal e divertido, pra zerar em poucas horinhas, o jogo é bem curto, poucas fases, e é até bom assim pq o jogo é tão fácil q fica extremamente repetitivo, mas como é um jogo muito curto, eu não vou levar isso como um ponto negativo, o jogo poderia ser mais desafiador (tô falando isso sem saber se existe uma opção de dificuldade), tbm existe outros modos de jogo q eu não joguei, mas se for algum modo q adiciona um tipo de corrida diferente, ou algum desafio na corrida, ele pode agregar muito ao jogo, quanto as conquistas do jogo, só jogando o story mode eu desbloqueei metade das conquistas do jogo, e creio q pra desbloquear a outra metade não vá demandar tanto tempo assim, ent acho q n vai dar tempo de achar o jogo tão maçante até desbloquear todas as conquistas.

The small scale of this game is perfect for what it tries to do. A handful of good-looking tracks to study, make your own, and practise the drifting mechanic on. While I have obtained the gold medal in all races with Ada's car, I think I will keep playing. Trying to beat my own records or trying the campaign in a different car.

I like this one and its hella cheap. Good stuff.

Decent and simple racing game, the control are somewhat moronic at times, and the game isn't very interesting.

Eu sou um homem simples, não gosto de +5 de resistência de poison ou +10% de dano de maldição na hora de jogar um Dark Souls, e no geral, jogos de carro são a exata mesma coisa só que com com literal mecânica ou aeordinâmica.
Esse é um jogo ARCADEzão, com controles únicos que usam os dois análogicos + gatilhos de forma com que o controle seja extremamente preciso. Ele é um arcade, mas é extremamente competitivo.
Cada carro tem uma forma única de pilotar pra aproveitar todo potencial dele, o que torna finalizar as histórias e os Grand Prix com cada um deles seja um desafio novo.
Dou 5 estrelas e com gosto pelo quanto me senti desafiado e o quanto eu me diverti ao mesmo tempo, precisamos de mais jogos de corrida arcade e que exijam bastante do jogador. E esse é o exemplo perfeito.
São poucas pistas me é extremamente necessário que você conheça cada uma delas (e as variações que ela tem) pra que você consiga correr bem, resumindo:
Única crítica é com a relação a trilha, que poderia ser mais EMPOLGANTE, mas não é necessariamente ruim.
Quem tiver a oportunidade jogue.

Mechanically unique racing game with a ton of charm. Not a game I keep coming to often but there's a ton of content in there worth experiencing at least once.

The writing is hokey, boring, and lacks narrative stakes. The structure of the game is repetetive and occasionally irritating. The track list is a little anemic. The soundtrack is bland and unexciting.

But the driving? The actual moment-to-moment gameplay?
Top-of-its-class. Among the best arcade racers of all time.

They had something here. A legitimately extremely neat arcade racing experience with a unique yet intuitive handling system that honestly works really nicely, and some good vibes. There's a solid take on ridge racer and the Initial D arcade games here, pretty much. And hey there isn't much content (a mere 5 tracks in the base game), but that never stopped virtua racer, daytona USA and Wipeout becoming classics.

And if Inertial Drift just recognised that, it'd be fine. Quite good even. Just a super short campaign like R4 or just a bunch of straight up races would hit the spot just fine. But instead, in what must be a desperate attempt to squeeze the content juice out of this game, it introduces an unbeliveably horrible progression system, with a dire story mode that forces you to race each track at least FIVE TIMES to progress, and the events aren't even good, the first stage literally consisting of a tutorial then three time attacks then a race against one other driver. WHY. There's also a seemingly endless list of dull challenges required to get your hands on all the cars, and generally turning a game that should be a quick, hour or two's riot into a checklist.

There's just no need. Put together the right configuration of say, 5 well balanced arcade races here (like Daytona USA, power drift, outrun, etc...) and i would gladly spend way longer in it than the abysmal story mode and challenges combined. Sometimes, less is more. And pulling wool over my eyes to pretend you actually have more is even worse.

Cons: fitting but so-so music, the visual novel elements aren’t any deeper than Fast and Furious dialogue with character portraits that look goofy af, only 5 tracks

Pros: the 5 tracks present are excellent and I never got bored of racing on them. Drift mechanics are an absolute dream especially as someone that mastered and got bored of Mariokart years ago- this felt like a comfy transition into something more challenging and totally worthwhile. It’s surprising how different all the cars feel, though several just feel like driving on ice, completing separate challenges for them was really cool. Finished the story in an hour and a half, said “that was it?” But then kept coming back for more and ended up getting nearly every steam achievement and had a blast the whole time. Love these controls, love this approach to racing. That animated opener was such a charming surprise and the graphical style is so neat and added a lot! Loved this one.

I'm really not the person to get excited by cars like... AT ALL, but I can say that the drifting mechanic is great and the cars with all their different handling styles feel satisfying. I'm not a huge fan of racing games but the unrealistic and Anime-esc drifting and control scheme made it incredibly satisfying to play for a couple of hours. On top of that is the artstyle really cool and while I think the music, while good, can get a bit repetetive, you can always put on the Initial D soundtrack on in the backround and you'll have a good time. The way the backlights leave a longer glow behind while breaking is also sooo Initial D and I love it. So yeah, the overal aesthetic is great.
The track designs can get a bit repetetive too, although there are 2-3 real good ones hidden among the more boring tracks.

I'll probably come back eventually to unlock every car, because I think it's a great game to listen a podcast of audio book to, which I did and can only recommend.

Estamos en plenas rebajas de Invierno 2023, ojeando las ofertas y tal buscando juegos de cochitos voy y me topo con esto. Tiene cochitos, derrapes y encima toma referencia a Initial D con el cochecito que te ponen en el tráiler y además, no es el típico juego de carreras convencional, por que tienes que usar los dos Sticks para derrapar y controlar el derrape. Que bueno no? De cabeza al carrito de la compra.

Bueno... ES UNA JODIDA VISUAL NOVEL! No lo sabía al comprarlo pero tampoco ha sido para tanto. Los segmentos de visual novel están entre carrera y carrera para hacer de pegamento y excusa para salir a correr de tranquis para prepararse para el "Grand Prix de Verano". He hecho dos de cuatro historias principales por que las otras dos son totalmente impracticables. Literal las dos ultimas historias el coche no derrapa hasta pasados varios segundos desde que le das a la palanca y eso me ha roto la experiencia y la fantasía de hacer derrapacos eurobeateros de la muerte.

En si el jueguito ta bonito y parece que han cogido una paleta de colores que es de mis favs y se la han tirado a todo el juego con que en lo visual me ha agradado. Ahora, la música pega fuerte a veces también. No tiene Eurobeat conque eso es un punto a desventaja pero las tres o cuatro pistas que me han gustado de la OST, bueno, hace que lo perdone.

Sinceramente, me parece un juego para echar unas partidas de vez en cuando pero ya ta, no se yo si volveré a jugarlo a no ser que sea para echarme unos derrapes y creo que para eso puedo encontrar algo que me ayude mas.

Vi antes una reseña que decía que hay potencial desperdiciado en este juego, y si, estoy de acuerdo con eso.

Wildly good driving model - the drift stick is a revelation and all the cars feel noticeably different from each other to the point where it's almost like picking a character in a fighting game. That plus the course variations and a very good DLC pack gives it a lot of mileage (lol) out of not all that much content. This would be an easy 5-star with just a bit more polish around the edges - super-flat writing, a couple severe difficulty spikes, generic music, and there really should be a story mode or at least a tutorial for all the cars, not just 4 of them. Still, if you have any love at all for figuring out how a car handles in a videogame, it's well worth checking out.

UPDATE 2024/01/30 - As I play other racing games I keep comparing them to this one and realizing that it beats them all. Despite any misgivings I have about its relative lack of polish, the unique control scheme and the way it gets expressed from car-to-car is just beautiful and I don't know if any other driving game is gonna hit in the same way. It's simply a banger and I think about going back to it all the time. Fuck it, 5 stars.

I've been looking for an arcade racer to sink my teeth into while waiting for the release of some of my personal highly anticipated titles (Aero GPX, Victory Heat Rally, Over Jump Rally, SPGP Super Polygon Grand Prix, check all those out BTW) and Inertial Drift was one that I had eyeballed for a bit since I first saw that I missed it as a free game on Epic. After finally taking my chances on it now I'm a bit flummoxed.

The drift system is unique, using the right stick to control your drift in conjunction with your regular steering, stampering the brake and gas to fine-tune each turn on the fly. I only played for about an hour before coming to terms with how much I wasn't enjoying that, and a lot of my distaste comes from its presentation wearing me down along with its central mechanic.

Maybe it's my own personal fatigue with the overarching neon drape that has permeated the indie racing genre as of late, but the first thing that bored me before any of the gameplay did was its visuals. Its nothingburger Story Mode consists of playing the same track 5 times before moving on to the next and the whole thing is over in the blink of an eye. Its central race mode is a bore as it can only consist of 1v1s with no collision, therefore no slipstreaming, and ultimately no proper means of engaging your rivals, which makes its strange preference, no, insistance on Tokyo Xtreme Racer-type rival score attack matches seem more obvious. All of this is not to mention how slippery and unsatisfying its central drift mechanic becomes, especially under stress; all of it made to feel insulting as your HUD is spamclogged with pseudo-motivational dialogue from your rivals that shows up every time you eat shit. Seeing "Wow, you totally OWNED that turn!" from a Picrew looking avatar pop up in my peripheral vision every time I eat a rail makes me all the more agitated as I wonder if it's the game trying to make me not feel bad or if it's just reading my gameplay totally wrong. Either way I got so annoyed by that after the 20th time that I just uninstalled it to make the voices go away. Maybe Inertial Drift is a game that means more than it lets on, and I would say it's even more the fault of my own for it not falling within my personal aesthetic preferences, but I still firmly believe you have better options if you want to play an arcade racer today.

If you’ve ever played ridge racer and thought “man this needs more initial d and look like auto modellista” then here’s the game!

I’m… conflicted about inertrial drift. There’s only 5 tracks in the base, which can be fine! but it weirdly felt like a chore to play each track around 3 times to get to the next one. Again, there’s only 5 tracks so it shouldn’t be a huge problem, but when i’d finish a time trial and then move on to a ghost race I’d think “this just feels like I’m doing the same thing but with a different name”

i had an alright time with this, i’ve only finished one story mode (didn’t 100% because i’m not going to get gold in every event, I got like 86%) and i don’t see myself going back to complete the others. Maybeee some time in the future when i’m desperate for something quick to play

I’d recommend checking it out anyway, I got it while it was on sale a while back and that felt right

Gives a new meaning to the term stick drift.

The right-stick drifting controls take a little getting used to but feels okay once you get it down and felt more satisfying once I tried out the more advanced cars that used brake to drift like in OutRun 2.

Character sprites are well drawn but the Live2D movement during all the story segments was a little overdone.

it almost doesn't play like a racing game and that's interesting

Gracieusement offert par Kriegor, je ne sais pas trop pourquoi je l'ai abandonnée finalement, puisque j'ai adoré y jouer, mais un jour je ne l'ai plus relancé et... voilà fin de l'histoire.
C'est un super jeu de course arcade, avec un petit côté "exécution" (ça m'a rappelé les jeux de combat pour donner une idée) bien fun. Axé scoring évidemment, le mode histoire étant très limité.

Kriegor en parle bien mieux que moi.

J'espère le relancer un jour !

Fantastic Arcade Racing game with, really, really good drift mechanics.
Somewhat Easy to learn, but Hard to master.
It's the kind of game where I believe everyone should start on easy mode just to get used to the new quirky control scheme, but getting through that unlocks and absolute blast of a racing game, except for the story, it's okay, but it didn't feel very important at all.
I recommend it to people who like arcade racing.

Such a fun drifting game. I really wish it got more attention but alas