Reviews from

in the past

Um joguinho divertido e engraçado.
Me tirou algumas risadas com certas piadas e referências.

This game is fantastic and adorable. Heavily inspired by Majora's Mask, but with a lot of ideas that make it much, much more friendly. It spins into Ace Attorney and even a Shrek the play knockoff.

Broccoli, pugs on trial, tentacled headmasters... It's a fun time!

A very ok 7/10 with cool characters and funny dialogue but unsure of what it wants to be

I feel like Mr Grumpy playing this game because I see how cheery and silly some elements are and how much some others like the characters and all this is well and good but.... Nah. This game has all the goodwill going to it but when it comes to actually pulling off something engaging it fails.

Its main problem is that there just isn't much here. Most of the game's moments are completely based around the same couple of quicktime events (press X in time to a meter, hammer X as fast as possible) and that's about it. Outside of that there's a host of colourful characters but most of them don't get to do enough outside of one or two cutscenes.

Technically the cast do have stuff to do from day to day, the game runs on a timer and a three day cycle... but they all just stand about and say the few lines over and over until the night-time hits. Its just dull and makes most of the characters feel fluffy and pointless.

The problems just spill out everywhere else too. Often you'll be halted progress wise because you dont have enough cash and the only way to gain cash is to grind bottle collectables to convert into cash.... But why are we converting when theres literally nothing else to do with the bottles? Agh.

Its annoying because theres glimpses of fun here, especially during some of the more chaotic group events... But outside of that its just a drag doing rather basic fetch quests and grinding up bottles and cash just so you can actually move on.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for July 2023, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before August 1st, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Majora’s Mask the school days.

Kraken Academy takes the three days until Doom from Majora’s Mask and puts that danger into a school where the player has to resolve issues with four clubs and free four legendary spirits for a Kraken who lives at the Academy, thus the name. It sounds strange but Kraken Academy is well-written enough that it’s able to pull off jokes that would be bad in almost any other game. The experience is good, and the situations are funny. Even the scene on the screen had me laughing before having a great twist ending.

Unfortunately, Kraken Academy is more a visual novel than an adventure game. There’s a lot of QTE and puzzles but the focus of the game is the story, rather than combat or adventure. This is not necessarily a terrible thing, but if players are looking for deep and meaningful combat, that’s not here.

Pick this up if you want something a little more involved than a Visual Novel, but not much more involved. Humor is subjective and Kraken Academy relies on that, if you don’t find the scene on screen funny, maybe check out a Let’s Play of it, or skip the title, but I enjoyed the writing here and I’m pretty hard to please with humor. I will be back to play more of it after I finish this video.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

I LOVED the game. Of course it's a little short, and the game mechanics are simple, but in my opinion is for the better, this is not a giant game, but what it lacks in lengh and depth it makes up in charisma and enjoyment!

I 100%'d this game and enjoyed every second of it. If you like indie games you will really like it. It's a loop-game so you can do the same days over and over until it's done. I liked each character history and personality and would play it again if there was a DLC for it!

I loved how wacky this game was, it was really silly goofy at times and enjoyable :) I just didn't love all the quests but overall it was fun!

It was cute! However, I remember literally next to nothing, and my partner is saying I didn't like it, so oh well.

The appeal of this game is the wacky world and zany characters. I liked it a lot but felt like it has a fairly niche appeal. The gameplay is very simple fetch quest and QTE stuff that you'd expect from this kind of game, it's well done but not the main draw. Overall it's not going to blow your socks off but if the humour clicks with you then you'll have a good time.

Also this isn't important but I thought the sound effects that play during dialogue were amazingly done.

This is an adventure game, fun but simple story, the 2d drawn art is very beautiful but the pixel art for the overworld feels bland

"Kraken Academy" TENTA ser um jogo de aventura sobre loop temporal e interação em um ambiente escolar e FALHA miseravelmente nisto.

Os pontos fortes do jogo são em grande parte superficiais, prejudicados pela falta de foco em sua jogabilidade e história.

O jogo até tenta desenvolver os personagens mas é TANTO PERSONAGEM ALEATÓRIO (e nenhum deles minimamente desenvolvido) que no fim você percebe que eles só existem por causa das missões secundárias.

O Design de personagens é extremamente feio e desagradável, a história sem brilho com missões que não se conectam e um final que parece ter sido escrito por um garoto de 12 anos sem imaginação.

O humor é péssimo, cada piada é explicada duas vezes e no geral o jogo trata o jogador como um idiota. (Isso que eu nem falei dos quicktime events desleixados e bobos).

2,5 só porque coletar garrafas é bem relaxante (E a trilha sonora é gostosinha).

- Trilha sonora que se encaixa perfeitamente em todos os cenários.

- Enredo fraco e desconexo.
- Missões e desafios requerem pouca habilidade ou pensamento.
- O "loop temporal" da história é subutilizado e reduz o potencial para momentos significativos.

No fim do jogo eu achava que o publico alvo do game eram crianças de 5 anos mas até a mais determinada criança acharia esse jogo bobo e chato.

Played through this to 100% (as it's leaving Xbox Gamepass on the 31st) and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. It's a simple time-loop game with a cute but roughly cohesive charm that makes playing fun if you're aiming to get from start to finish. However once you begin to embark on side quests and friendship missions, things start to slow down quite a bit, taking a game that felt like a blast three hours in and making it into an 8 hour cycle of pressing x over and over.

I definitely wouldn't mind seeing another game in this universe with a little more mechanical variance behind it, but if you're content with a short visual novel-like experience to enjoy for a while it's a perfectly acceptable candidate for the position.

Aventura gráfica con mucha conversación, personajes locos e interesantes y un sabor curioso. La historia no es la gran cosa, pero la sabe adornar con humor y cosas extrañas para que entre riquísima. Los personajes es cierto que quizás sean demasiados, y que tiene muchas cosas, como la red social, que tampoco es que hagas nada con eso. Menos con lo hipersensible que es el menú de manejar, que le das a la pestaña siguiente y se salta tres como no acaricies el botón.

El final para mie s un poco anticlimático, porque creo que el juego podría haber dado para mucho más, pero entiendo que es un juego pequeño y la ambición llega hasta donde llega. Ojalá hubiesen tenido más tiempo o dinero para hacer de este un juego más largo y mejor, te saben a poco muchas de las cosas.

Joguinho legal sobre salvar uma escola e o resto do mundo do, bom, do fim do mundo.

É bem humorado e acho as artes bonitas, tanto as ilustrações quanto a pixel art do jogo em si, que é simples mas charmosa.

O jogo consiste de uma mistura de visual novel (?) com elementos muito simples de rpg. Você tem a quest principal e diversas side quests dos alunos que faz amizade e encontra no caminho. Tem alguns chefes (que as vezes são frustrantes) e alguns mini games bem básicos também. Ah, e importante, é um jogo de loop temporal, então tem uma mecânica de voltar e avançar o tempo pra cumprir as missões.

Acho que o que me segurou foi a história do jogo, que apesar de simples eu quis ver como iria terminar. E o charme em geral dele, pois gostei de toda ambientação e clima.

Acabei não fazendo todas as missões secundárias, mas fiquei satisfeita com o que joguei.

É um jogo pequeno e simples que pode garantir algumas horas agradáveis, recomendo. Especialmente se for pra jogar pelo game pass.

you know, i don't dislike this game, i just don't find it all that entertaining. the writing isn't great, the art and music are unremarkable, the jokes don't land for me, none of the characters have any depth (which would be fine if they were funny), the room decorating is pointless, the implementation of money in general is pointless, the time loop aspect barely adds anything outside of narrative setup as far as i've seen...

and i'm all in favor of games having semi-useless mechanics/systems just to add flavor, but everything here is so flavorless. i don't know. i'm halfway through it, plus i've gotten a few sidequests knocked out, but it's hard for me to feel motivated to keep going.

A witty but rather linear time-loop adventure game. Weirdly grindy when it comes to currency, and the bosses (when they actually turn up) and kind of dull and frustrating.