Reviews from

in the past

this game follows a very nice storyline! the gameplay is super fun and quite easy to understand

i cant give it a full rating because i havent finished the game yet, but so far it's really nice!!

I have no idea what went on in the story of this game lmao but the anime cutscenes were nice. Extremely short game with decent gameplay but nothing special. It gets 3 stars instead of 2.5 because I like the bosses.

Never did I imagine the Kid Icarus Uprising 3DS stand ever being summoned for help beyond the one game it was made for, until my left hand started feeling clunky halfway through Stage 3 of Liberation Maiden

I say that, yet I’m bummed they never made at least 10 sequels to this

Mostly style over substance, but I do like its style. Hard to beat playing as a mech-driving anime girl who also happens to be the president of New Japan, liberating her country from.. some sort of robotic and/or alien enemy forces? Who knows, but the presentation is surprisingly great for a tiny 3DS game, thanks surely to Suda51's direction; it's just let down by gameplay that is pretty repetitive and gets tedious and hand-cramping, despite its initial novelty.

this game cramps the fuck out of my left hand when i play it but its worth it tbh

It is a totally "fine" game. Its biggest sin is being just totally passable, but it's short and worth it for a few soundtrack moments that kick ass.

A very fun and super short arcade-like shooter! The anime cutscenes are very well done, the voice acting is top notch, and the gameplay is swift and easy to learn.

It's maybe 2 hours worth of content, so it's an insanely short playthough, but it's quite fun! The story is interesting but a little undercooked and ends rather abruptly, but for a clearly budget title it does enough to get you from point A to B.

I wish they had done more with this world and character, like an expanded version of the game or a sequel (there was a visual novel follow up but only in Japan). If you're a Suda51 fan, you'll likely enjoy the short ride!

Not sure if I need to check out more mech combat games or just Kid Icarus: Uprising

It's dumb mecha fun.
The story is just an excuse to blow stuff up while you (second President of New Japan and teenage anime girl Shoko) pilot the Infinite Stratos-looking mech known as the Liberator.
The gameplay is fun, blowing stuff up with missiles and lasers never gets old and while it does not get to the levels of bullet hell of things like Toho, there is a not so slight possibility of losing if you do not evade lasers and missiles.
It's weird for me to love a game with such little story as this one, but the sheer fun of it makes me love it.
If you can, give it a chance.

This was great but I'm gonna be real it made me miss Kid Icarus Uprising even more

Metal Wolf Chaos is surprisingly not the only video game about a president piloting a mech. The game's pretty cool, but super short and it hurts my hands way more than Kid Icarus Uprising ever did.

Liberation Maiden was a good surprise to play on the 3DS even though its eshop was discontinued I'm happy to have picked up this game before the 3DS virtual store ceased to exist, about Liberation Maiden is a Shooter game that has 5 stages and the game is very Arcade style of Easy, Normal and Hard with limited continues, and has a good replay factor. When doing missions you release information about the characters and Lore which is the most detailed story of the game that is in a gallery this helps a lot with the factor of playing again and reading what is happening in that universe, something about the game is that it was made with with little money, in their time in 2011/2012 Level 5 launched a series called Guild where they released small games but that they were accessible but also fun to play and Liberation Maiden is one of them where the Grasshopper Manufacture studio was responsible, but only because it had a smaller investment not to say it was bad it's a functional game from start to finish with simple controls but super satisfying to play, the final boss is pretty insanely difficult! to dodge their attacks but it was a challenge that was very satisfying, an interesting highlight is that this game has very well animated cutscenes created by Studio BONES at the beginning and end of the game for a 2012 game and also for the proposal of being a cheap game and easy to access, I really have nothing to complain about.

Quality presentation, but not my cup of tea.

A game about a mech suited flying president REZ shooting enemies for an hour.

This game has got some sleek presentation and amazing style. How can you say no to fighting aliens/robots as the future president of New Japan in a mech suit? That's about the most anime concept you could conjure up and it's well executed stylistically. The gameplay itself is passable and can induce some hand cramping just due to the nature of the 3DS, but overall it's a joyous experience that can be had in an hour and a half.

Bought it cause everyone said to get it before the eshop closed and honestly there's really nothing to it aside from its presentation.

The story was lost on me, I feel like there's some context I'm missing out on by just playing this game (not sure if there's any other games related to this or anime or?) but the gameplay was fun. Not something I see myself returning to soon but for how short it was it's a good experience.

Love to be the president of New Japan with little to no set up. Also as Madame President, I am flying a mech. Don't ask questions, there are no answers. That would be a waste of time, and this game wastes nothing. The mechanical trick of stylus aiming had me dumbly gleeful for the entirety of the perfectly short runtime.

Metal Wolf Chaos for women

It's a pretty neat take on third-person arcade-inspired shooting, that utilizes the 3DS hardware well. I did play this with my New 3DS XL mounted on a repurposed Nintendo Switch stand, which I think helped me handle the game's controls. You move with the analog slider, and hold the left shoulder button to strafe, while everything else is handled with the touch screen. Definitely a curious take on shooter controls, but I dig it.

It's a very short game, but also incredibly hectic. The length and pacing is maybe a bit weird - on one hand it's short as far as story-focused experiences go (and there is a lot of dialogue here), but at the same time, as far as arcade-esque games go, this is kind of on the longer side, as it took me about an hour and a half to beat.

Unfortunately this ultimately amounts to a prologue to a visual novel sequel, which as of this writing is only available in Japanese. Maybe someday I'll get to see this story to its conclusion. Either way, this is worth a go.

Cool and stylish action game that is at least as good as the other high profile shooters on the console. I liked it, but it is perhaps a bit convoluted to control, although it does feel unique in a good way, tank controls and everything. It is brief and lighthearted, as I think these weirder experiences should be. Do yourself a favor and don’t read the diary entries (evil chinese empire wants to expand its territory opressing the poor and defenseless japanese people? Projecting a bit motherfuckers???)

This hour is one of the best on the 3ds. The only reason why this is rated horribly is the length and nothing more.

fucking loved it, wish it was a bit longer and had more weapons but I love this type of short super cool over the top experiences

This game's only sin is how short it is.