Reviews from

in the past

It hurts so much, but its supposed to be like that you know

One of the best RPGs ever created. It's silly, serious, challenging, rewarding and heartbreaking.

creo que no hay otro mundo que me guste tanto como el de lisa. si la tercera zona no fuese tan meh le daria algo mas.

This is a perfect example of a game that isn't meant to be fun and is outright unfair but is still a good experience to go through. Everything in this game fits, so to speak. The artstyle, the sound effects, the humor, the gameplay, the characters. It's wacky, it's serious, it's funny, it's grim, it's unfun, it's an experience. It's also one of the games that truly use its medium to tell a story. Gameplay affects story and story affects gameplay in a way that's interactive. One of the most telling moments of the story is when, after you've been put through hell by one of the characters, the game punishes you for not accepting that this game is unfair. One moment that stuck with me when I replayed the game is when I purposefully didn't finish a character's questline because I knew they would leave the party and he was too useful to leave behind, which ties wonderfully to the playable character's themes. Made me feel so selfish and egocentric.

Si te gustan los rpg no se porqué aún no probarías este, personajes memorables, una historia que da como para hacerle un video narrativo de una hora en yt y un humor que encaja como anillo al dedo en el universo de Lisa

If you don't play through the entire game with Terry hintz, you are playing the game wrong

Eu... nem sei como avaliar isso, é totalmente estranho e desconfortável.

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Oooof did not live up to the hype. Combat was uninteresting and everything was so slow that I couldn't imagine playing without a guide. Story didn't feel that stellar either, with a lot of nonsense then a "maybe you're the bad guy" ending.

An Earthbound-style RPG that's far less torturous, and much funnier than I was expecting. It's an engaging exploration of parenthood, masculinity, and addiction that's told with some top-knotch black humor. I feel terrible saying I found this game funny, but the cute aesthetic softens things. I still don't know how I feel about its bleak outlook on the cycle of abuse.

incredible rpg. fun combat and extremely powerful narrative. approaches very heavy subject matter that most games don't, and does so in a way that will really have you feeling the weight of your decisions.

This game is a masterpiece and one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Highly recommend playing it blind, and the only reason it is 4.5/5 stars is due to the early game feeling very slow until you unlock the bike.

I really find this game quite overrated, yes, Brad's character is good, but nothing out of the ordinary. I really don't see anything innovative, or anything incredible, or anything special, maybe only in a few aspects. The plot is actually decent and interesting, but it can be a bit boring. I even had to watch the last hour of the game on YT because I didn't feel like continuing to play it.

I don't have much more to say, I just have to say that I enjoyed Lisa The First more.

Pretty obtuse in it's difficulty and systems. Also the story was way too trauma dump-y for me, didn't like it.

Se vendió como una experiencia para arruinar tu vida y no decepciona

The type of game that makes you want a long nap and a strong drink

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Confesso, Não fosse a existência de The Joyful, minha apreciação por esse jogo seria um tanto menor, isso porque sem o futuro contexto esclarecido ali, quando se trata Lisa The Painful de forma isolada, parece se prender em uma culpabilidade obtusa em relação ao Brad. Sei que revelar muita coisa é o que faria perder a graça, mas do jeito que o jogo encerra, a aversão de Buddy parece repentina, as ações de Buzzo parecem arbitrárias, e o jogo em si não toma ciência da situação do Brad, insistindo no lado superprotetor dele sendo que sob o cenário pós-apocalíptico do jogo, essa preocupação dele não se reduz unicamente a ego como o jogo parece tentar martelar, ainda mais pq futuramente ele nos apresenta que a Buddy passa a ver o mundo ao redor dela como tão perigoso quanto o próprio Brad falava. Não é o bastante pra estragar o jogo, mas detalhes como esse fizeram o desfecho só parecer muito injusto primeiramente.

Com isso dito, o jogo excede em atmosfera, mesmo com seus momentos de humor negro, ele mantém o foco em uma ambientação defasada não só a partir da estética mas também de sua construção de mundo (que consegue ser bastante extensa pra esse tempo de jogo) e pacing. O sistema de combo das batalhas são especialmente a parte mais satisfatória pra mim, embora as batalhas em si podem perder sua diversidade de ataque bem rápido (no momento que vc destrava um combo melhor, não tem mais razão pra usar outros a menos q seja pra economizar xp, certos casos são mais situacionais sim mas por uma grande parte do tempo você fica no mesmo ataque), e certamente se tem algo que esse jogo sabe fazer é criar impacto narrativo.
Ainda assim, acho que tudo que eu mais gosto no jogo só é ainda mais intensificado com Lisa The Joyful

Genuinely amazing Lisa is a game that I have not seen ever be done so perfectly. This game is so unique and I genuinely don’t think the gaming community will never get another game like it. The way it somehow masterfully blends tragedy, fun rpg gameplay, and dark humor all into one amazing wonderfully fun experience is just mind baffling. This game sets an example that should be followed more often and that fucking whole ending sequence I won’t say anything about it but HOLY SHIT it genuinely might be my favorite ending to anything ever not just video games.

If you think you might be the target audience for this game, you are.

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About time I reviewed this game. I'll start off by saying I played this during a pretty bad existential crisis, so that might have affected my view of the game as a whole.

It was a really hard game to get through. Not because it was necessarily hard or anything, but because it actually made me feel dread everytime I had to make a decision as simple as going to sleep. It tackles extremely dark themes, but does so with humor; while still taking itself seriously. I'm not the biggest fan of the ost or overall aesthetic but I'd be lying if I said it didn't fit the narrative perfectly.

That aside, I do think this game is a masterpiece in storytelling and world-building, but it lowkey traumatized me cus of how vulnerable I felt during my first playthrough. My only real complaint is how some people of color literally looked like a racist stereotype from way back in the day. I know they changed most of it in the re-release, but common... I'm sorry if I sound like an asshole for pointing things out but it did make me slightly uncomfortable when a black character had red lips, had stereotypical tribe music playing in the background, or had headgear with feathers attatched. (I know many white characters were given the same treatment but it still bothered me considering these were racist stereotypes even in the late 20th century). Anyway, great game, don't know if I'll replay.

Grim, grim, sad, quirky, grim, grim.

one of the best rpg maker games of all time. it's so fucked up. i love it

este juego patea tus sentimientos en las pelotas, es una experiencia inolvidable

Ну и напоследок осталась последняя игра - Lisa.
Интересная постироничная игра, с чувством опустошения после прохождения, её полностью описывать не буду. Т.к. ну у меня чего-то общего по ней не сказать. Она про депрессию, убийства, итп прочее, выделить в ней особо чего-то не получается, самое прикольное в ней сюжет. Геймплейно слабо, просто командой ебашишь пиксельки как в рпгмейкере, графен очевидно никакой, бегаешь пиксельками, а вот звуки и саундтреки реально прикольные. Быстрый итог 7\10, интересно только в черном забавном юморе, типа что произойдет если все женщины вымрут и остануться только мужчины.

incredibly dark and cynical but hilarious at the same time. amazing soundtrack too, idk how they got some of Tori Y Moi’s songs on there lol.

A game that will fucking ruin your life

the second best orphan incident i've ever had in a videogame

out of all the games ive played, fuckin hell, even shows, movies and comics this has to be THE piece of media that has done the best job at relating, identifying and encapsulating who i am as a person. if i were to make a game that came from the bottom of my heart and my usual doodle crude art style, it would have to be this (not saying that im even capable of putting in the hard effort, witty writing and really solid level and game design into this). although celeste has some of the biggest trophies of mine; being not only the first game to make me cry but also the best indie ive played, lisa was at some point my favorite indie. but the reason its not anymore is because this game is stressful to think about (i mean that in a very good way). this has the award for being the first game to genuinely make me feel uncomfortable and mentally unable to power through. i have beaten this don't get me wrong, but theres a point where you have to kill someone, and mid battle the opponent tells you ''why are you doing this!?'' and i was like -fuck... i cant do this... so i waited until tomorrow to do it. even replaying the recent edition i felt it again. this game has emotional power, it is a fucked up work of art. out of all the games ive played this has my favorite depiction of humanity; for it has its quirks, but more often than not it is horrifying and unbelievable

"A life ruining gaming experience."