Reviews from

in the past

lo recuerdo bien god, hice el hadoken

É um remake bom pra jogar quando já tiver jogado o clássico, ele não la tão bom assim e traz mudanças que incomodam os jogadores antigos. Recomendo joga-lo apenas quando tiver zerado o X original, pra mim, Maverick Hunter é uma entrada.. diferente na série, e que deve ser ignorado pra novos jogadores

This is a great remake of a classic game. I really wish they kept it going and did this remake treatment with the other X games, but I am assuming this one did not sell well enough or was just some kind of anniversary project?

remake manero pena que n teve outro porque a porra do psp vendeu mal D:

um grande exemplo de remake seria Resident Evil 1 de Gamecube, que trouxe tudo aquilo que o jogo original Resident Evil (1996) trouxe e adicionou mais coisas, transformando o jogo melhor e JOVEM, modernizado, melhorado, mesmo que na sua essência sendo praticamente o mesmo jogo. É notável que houve trabalho, puzzles novos, áreas diferentes, designs novos, caminhos diferentes, mais conteúdo!
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X sofre, no entanto, de um problema maior.
É um jogo full price, que você zera em média 3 horas com o X e depois tem a campanha do Vile, que, é interessante que a tenhamos, mas muito chatinha.
Basicamente, esse jogo é um copy+paste com gráficos melhorados e com a mesma core mechanic, só que isso enche o saco, QUEREMOS MAIS COISAS, COISAS DIFERENTES.
é um absurdo isso que a capcom faz e fez (com RE 3 Remake, por exemplo) vender uma mídia a FULL PRICE (99999 mil reais atualmente) com poucas horas de curtição, e sem se preocupar com novos conteúdos, dlcs ou coisa do tipo, o que é mais absurdo pois hoje em dia você pode pagar full price no RE 3 Remake e zerar 3 vezes em no máximo 30 horas, enquanto você pode comprar Elden Ring ou God of War : Ragnarök!
por isso eu não dou nota máxima, se você jogou Mega Man X, você já jogou esse aqui, não tem muita coisa adicionada e os gráficos, embora bonitos, eu prefiro os pixelados.
de qualquer forma, se você for comprar por um preço mais baixo ou adquirir de uma forma que não sinta no bolso, (🏴‍☠️🦜☠ KKKKKK) aí vale a pena.
se valorizem, empresas gigantescas vão querer botar no seu cu, VAI TE FUDE CAPCOM TRAZ MEGA MAN X DE VOLTA.



i played on hard tho

This goes so hard. Storm Eagle's stage music is so good.

This is a fun remake of the original Megaman x. The snes one is still superior but this is great. The graphics are 2d 3d. They added dialogue between X and the mavericks as well as an unlockable character after you beat the game. You can also unlock a 30 minute prologue movie that has great animation. The remixed music is ok. I don’t understand why you can’t unlock the original game. I think that would’ve made this remake a classic. All in all. It’s fun.

This game is a lot more fun than I expected it to be, and has a lot going for it, even with the SNES original in mind. The voice acting has that tacky Shonen charm, and the gameplay is sweet & simple. They've changed up certain tidbits between this one and the SNES one, which makes for a unique experience instead of a 1-to-1 retread of your original X playthrough. I strongly recommend giving this game a try.

Actually a pretty cool remake of X1 I also appreciate it for having voice acting that didn't make me want to die this time lmao

Pretty easy Mega Man game but I suck at video games so I didn't mind that much. Loved the anime cutscenes, loved playing a thing on my PSP.
Vile mode is also neat. Just reviewing this makes me wanna pick it up again.

FUCK YEAH. This game fucks so hard. The cutscenes, music, the ever so slightly remixed levels, the voice acting is REALLY GOOD and VILE MODE BABY.

Good recreation of X1. Bonus content is mostly pretty enjoyable though the Vile mode starts a little slow. Would've appreciated better looking text boxes, but it's not the worst thing in the world just kinda basic looking. As it stands I could play this or X1 and feel pretty satisfied with either.

Fascinating decision to make Launch Octopus a bisexual dude from Atlanta

It wasn't as good as I remembered, but it's still pretty enjoyable. The change in the capsule order bothered me more this time around, and the character has a laggy start in their walking animation that really bothers me. However, it's Mega Man X, a classic, and I really appreciate the charm of the low-poly models, the cutscenes, and voice acting. It's a shame we never got to see Mega Man X 2-4 in this same style.

Can't improve on perfection, still very good remake not as good as original, definitely worth your time

An excellent remake that does the source material justice while making quite a number of improvements to the story, combined with great voice acting from the whole cast. Gameplay's as fun as ever, and Vile Mode's a fun addition to give this remake more bang for its buck. If only it was made more widely available.

What an odd remake of a beloved game.

MegaMan Maverick Hunter X isn't a bad game per se (it's based off one of the greatest platformers of all time even though I like X2 more) but so much of its design and changes feel odd. First things first is I think Powered-Ups decision to make its graphics more stylized helped with making it feel like a new game compared to the original MM, meanwhile MHX getting a more generic style definitely hurts it in the long run. Also gotta say the changes they made to certain power up spots is stupid and makes progression needlessy complex as compared to the original. Gameplay wise its nearly the same although the PSPs screen definitely makes it feel like the enemy spawns are much more dickish compared to the original. One outwardly positive I'll say is the new dialogue and music are both absolutely wonderful additions, especially the end tunes they rock. Like I said before MHX isn't bad but just go with the original if you want to experience MMX.

On a side note I did play a bit of Vile and honestly was so fucking frustrated with it I quit halfway through. Real shame because I absolutely love the idea of playing Vile but the execution feels like complete dogshit. Trading away the godlike dash and weapon switching for a more tanky esque system feels way too weird for a game like this and I genuinely feel there's not enough to differentiate it from the main game. Also its possible to softlock yourself in some stages because YOU CAN'T CHANGE WEAPON LOADOUTS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAGE WHY THE FUCK IS THIS A THING IT SERVES NO PURPOSE BUT TO FUCK YOU OVER. Just not a fun mode and I'd rather just have Zero.

its just mmx, but remade


Tão bom se não melhor do que eu lembrava.
Ele consegue pegar tudo que tem de bom em Mega Man X e atualizar e as vezes até dar uma melhorada.
Mais diálogos e cenas mostrando melhor quem são os Robot Masters e por que eles seguem o Sigma, mostra melhor a questão da Rebelião, Level Desing levemente alterado principalmente nas fases finais, dois Busters diferentes e o Modo Vile que dá uma cara nova para o jogo colocando uma mecânica bem única.

It's the Original X brought back to life. X2 and X3 deserved this treatment too :(

Maverick Hunter X is.. weird.

At its core MHX is still a decent time because it's still very much X1, but like.. it's a bit worse. There's a lot of neat stuff here such as the really lively animations, the remixes, the additional dialogue between X and the Mavericks, and even a prequel short titled "The Day of Sigma", which I'd recommend watching.

However, MHX also doesn't feel like it improves upon the SNES game very much when it comes to gameplay. For instance, despite being in widescreen, it felt like I got blindsided by enemies way more often because the camera feels so zoomed in compared to the SNES game. You have way less of a vertical view in this game and I feel it fucks with the level design which is fairly untouched from the original; though the Sigma stages are almost completely different from their SNES counterparts, unfortunately for the worse I feel. Another change I don't jive with and really don't understand is the fact that all of the upgrades have been moved to different locations. The dash is now in Flame Mammoth's stage, the body parts are in Storm Eagle's stage, etc. What was wrong with the old locations? And speaking of the armor parts, instead of moving the dash to another location, why don't you just give me the fucking thing like every MMX game after 1 did?

I definitely don't think Maverick Hunter X is as bad of a remake as say, Nightmare in Dream Land, hell in spite of it all I can't even say it's a bad remake period. But it's not a good one, either. Considering it was the intention of Inafune to remake the rest of the sprite-based MMX games if MHX did well (and you can guess how that turned out), I really don't think I could stand worse versions of four games I already don't like.

the very first mega man X game to actually have SOUL

Para ser un remake, está bastante bien, las escenas anime están muy bien animadas y me gustaría ver un anime de la historia de la saga X, la jugabilidad se mantiene igual y las actuaciones de voz son 10/10

almost forgot about this one, mega man X1 but with some cool extras

Pretty good; it's a really impressive remake for something like MegaMan X1. X is just as fun to control as the original. X is finally able to skip dashes like in the original SNES games instead of the sluggish dash they gave him after X3. His weapons have a massive amount of options compared to X1's. You can use a charged weapon ability while also being able to switch to a different weapon and fire it. Like Sting Chameleon's invincibility, Armored Armadillo's shield, and Spark Mandrill's weapon which is finally useful and its charged version can make a decent screen nuke. The armor parts are the same here, though you can get Zero's unique buster that can deal 1 or 2 bars more of damage, but X is only able to obtain at Sigma's 3rd palace so it's not really that worth getting. If you struggle with Sigma save Electric Spark for the 1st phase and then use Rolling Shield for the 2nd phase. All of the level design (layout, backgrounds, Light capsules, and enemies) are altered and it works kind of well except when the leg parts are not a free upgrade and are in Sting Chameleon's. Vile is added as a character after you beat the game, he’s neat. I don’t like that his gameplay feels like you’re controlling a boss and not a playable character because most of his attacks are very delayed. You have to switch between different angles your weapons can aim at. It's a bit iffy getting both the timing and the shot to land where enemies are. There is also a huge variety of alternate projectiles you can choose for Vile in his campaign. They’re not major but they’re okay to just keep you entertained for the lack of upgrades and different weapons. After completing his mode I think he doesn't work as a character like X or Zero. If he has significantly faster movement and a decent range for his weapons I would like him in any X game. The rocket punch missiles are what I'd recommend when you get them in this mode, they are more fun to use than the machine gun.

The remixed music tracks are done by X4's composer and it feels really good hearing the soft synths and dark ambiance X4 had with its soundtrack again, and also feature pretty cool guitar riffs used in the music. All of them are pretty fantastic renditions of the original themes. Although some tracks really over-synthesize the music, in particular I don't like Launch Octopus Stage’s theme because I can barely telegraph out the original music because of the synths blurring it out.

The story is actually good!! I really like the concept that this game introduces with X about his potential to rationalize in a higher comprehension to normal reploids and Sigma's angle was only seeing it as to further advance reploid battle potential. Basically his worrying and caring instinctively would get him the drive to get stronger every time and Sigma manipulates him as much as possible. The only time MMX made me delve into the story without splitting hairs. The maverick dialogue is also worth listening to, at least this over the generic grunt dialogue before this point. Boomerang Kowanger was the one that pointed out that Sigma sees that potential in X actually. I like that the mavericks all have a reason to join Sigma besides just hating X when they were Maverick Hunters or something similar. The fact that this game acknowledges the boss rush in a meaningful way to showcase that Sigma is just manipulating the empty shells of the mavericks to fight for him elevates the story a bit. Vile’s side of the story is pretty average. It’s just Vile being edgy and salty for the rest of the run but it’s not fun as it sounds. He forces all the Maverick reploids to fight him for no reason, gets shot down by X and Zero and is forced to become a Sigma reploid at the end. The whole point of it is that Vile doesn’t need to be a Maverick to be evil and it’s corny.

The voice acting is some of the best in the series, not a high bar but it’s really good, although I don't like the forced delivery in the maverick reploids’ voices. It sounds straight out of a 4kids dub sometimes and it kind of kills the impact of the dialogue. Also I don’t like how Zero sounds, he sounds like the most average dude you could think of and I think they should’ve gone for a better tone for his voice. All of that aside, when it’s good it goes insanely hard. This cutscene of X and Sigma SHOCKED me when I heard it. There’s a lot of attention put into the dubbing and I don’t think it deserved to be overshadowed by knee-jerk jokes about X4’s voice acting.

Overall, great game. It’s not a replacement for X1, but it’s a great compliment for people that played it. It might be better if I gave it more time than X1 but I’ve only done my first playthrough.

Megaman X é sem dúvidas um dos melhores jogos já feitos, e um remake 13 anos depois tinha tudo pra polir ainda mais o diamante que é esse jogo e fazer dele ainda mais perfeito do que ele já era.
Acabou que é só um jogo com quase todos os problemas de gameplay que MMX tinha 13 anos atrás e, na verdade, consegue ser até pior às vezes. Baita avanço.