Reviews from

in the past

Great. As good as the original. Hard mode is also a joke, and the altered locations of certain capsules is weird, but it's fine. If anything, it creates a new way to play. Day of Sigma is cool as well, though the voice acting is a bit off at points.

I like it. It has Doonmu as X and Master Asia as Sigma so it's G Gundam as a Megaman game

Messes with the original's pitch perfect platforming in a pretty significant way, for the worse. When you input movement in a direction, there's a split second where you're locked in place, before you start actually moving. Why? It feels bad, and ruins the fluidity of the original. I guess it's not the end of the world when you're mostly moving right, but why would you make a change like that? It ruins the movement that makes the original so special.

Worst game i've ever played in my life.
As a megaman fan, i was expecting a MEGAMAN game, but all i got was a CRAPMAN game.

the smaller screen size and mishandled/forced changes in difficulty hold this game back a lot, there's no good reason to play this over the original (a near-perfect, if not perfect game) at all

the OVA and Vile mode are kinda cool? but the OVA's at low-res (and not at all canon) and Vile mode has its own issues that make it a slog to play

i mean what can i say its just megaman x but with new graphics new music new voice acting which is all fine and dandy but they changed the upgrade locations for some reason which makes it require marginally more backtracking and also generally doesnt feel as fast and fluid
its still megaman x so i still loved playing it but more as a cool alternative version rather than a definitive remake, because at the end of the day give me the snes version in a heartbeat
day of sigma still dope as hell tho

A fine, faithful enough remake. Wish the new Vile mode was more fun.

I gotta say, this game is... weird.
It's a remake of Mega Man X on the SNES for the PSP, and the graphics actually look pretty good. I never remember an environment looking ugly, they all looked nice. Same with the character models. The music is mostly good, but I kinda wished they made the OST more rock-heavy. They use a lot of the keyboard (I think) and I'm personally not the biggest keyboard fan.
The voice acting is a mixed bag. X, Zero, Vile, and Sigma sound fine, but the mavericks have TERRIBLE voices. They added dialogue before each fight, which could have been great for worldbuilding and stuff. However, every single dialogue with another character amounts to "[Maverick], stop." "No [extra line of dialogue that doesn't add anything]" "You're Maverick!"
The main problem I have with the game is the control. It just wasn't as fun to control as the SNES original. In the original, dash jumping was very fun. You could fly across the stage with Olympic longjumps. It was great. MHX, though, just felt unresponsive a lot of the time. A lot of the time, I would try to dash jump, but it wouldn't. And when you do, it feels a lot slower. The dash feels slower, basically.
They moved the leg part to Flame Mammoth, and I mostly like this change. The leg part is the upgrade you want ASAP, and the leg part was in Chill Penguin's stage. When you beat CP's stage, however, it froze over FM's stage, making it a complete joke and getting rid of any reason you'd see the original FM stage. Putting it in his stage makes it more strategic, as you need to choose between beating CP's stage without the leg part to have an easier time, or doing the harder stage and getting the leg part. The problem is that the leg part is hidden for some reason, which is stupid as you basically need it.
So basically, it's a good game, but whenever I was playing it I just wished I was playing the SNES version. However, it's still Mega Man X, so it's still great at heart.

Worse version of Mega Man X

Idk why people keep shitting on this game in the comments… personally i think this was a perfect remake of megman X and it should be played over the original. Just like Kirby adventure with Kirby nightmare in dreamland remake.

High key better than the original 👀👀👀

Esta chulo pero el remake tiene cosas bastante cutres, prefiero el original

Tinha tudo pra dar errado nisso aqui. Fazer um remake do jogo que literalmente não tem erros? Vai dar merda, negão.

Mas não deu. Deu bom, família.

Pra muitos essa versão é melhor que o original, e eu entendo perfeitamente, esse jogo acerta, e muito. A jogabilidade é discutivelmente a melhor da série X, praticamente tem a movimentação do X8 com as armas de chefe e level design EXÍMIOS do OG Mega Man X. E puta merda, PUTA MERDA, esse não é um remake ctrl+c -> ctrl+v... O JOGO É REALMENTE DIFERENTE. As fases foram repaginadas, os coletáveis estão espalhados de diferentemente ENTÃO A ROTA DO JOGO É TOTALMENTE NOVA, isso dá aos fãs praticamente uma nova experiência, eu AMO ISSO. Não sou muito chegado a remakes, são o mesmo jogo de novo, mas esse é especial.

E CARALHO, O JOGO TEM NOVAS FASES DO SIGMA. Tem praticamente novos Sigma 1, 2 e 3. E não preciso nem falar da história, tá extremamente mais elaborada, a princípio parece ser expositiva demais pro meu gosto, mas ela adiciona uma camada a mais para a narrativa. Quando joguei isso em 2014 no meu PC véio e broxa, e descobri que o Chill Penguin só virou maverick por que ele "tá pago🔥✅", eu me mijei de rir. Adiciona uma complexidade muito maior aos personagens que antes só dava pra saber a lore por revistinha e manual.

E nem preciso falar do prólogo, epilogo E O FUCKING DAY OF SIGMA, que tenho minhas ressalvas por criar plot hole com X4. Também tem a adição da campanha do Vile, que francamente acho meio broxa, ele não tem dash, as armas são meio broxa e a dificuldade kkkk... Mas tematicamente é interessante, você tem a oportunidade de jogar o jogo aos olhos de uma pessoa que nem ao lado do Sigma tá, ele SÓ ODEIA MUITO O X, e por mais que ele seja raso, acho ele um personagem interessante e o final da campanha dele é bacana.

Os remixes da OST são PICA, mas eu ainda prefiro o original. Praticamente TUDO eu prefiro no original. Gameplay, passing da história, rota, visual, OST... MMX é perfeito, mas posso dizer com certeza que Maverick Hunter X, é perfeito do jeitinho dele.

Ps: Ah é, esse foi o primeiro jogo que eu zerei no Vita, depois de comprar do Fªrias, não resisti, tive que rejogar ele na """"Experiência nativa"""". Abração!

Good recreation of X1. Bonus content is mostly pretty enjoyable though the Vile mode starts a little slow. Would've appreciated better looking text boxes, but it's not the worst thing in the world just kinda basic looking. As it stands I could play this or X1 and feel pretty satisfied with either.

Adds some neat shit like playing as Vile but completely blows it in the progression department by swapping around all the items. Not really a huge reason to play this over the original unless you're allergic to pixel graphics or have an affinity for bourbon

Day of Sigma and Vile are cool additions but this is ultimately a worse experience, it doesn't butcher the original per-se but lacks the energy and appeal

This is not exactly one of the most beloved Mega Man games (the remake specifically, I mean) but it bored me so much that it's making me wonder if I've ever actually liked Mega Man.

The hardest part wasn't even the final level, but pretending to my 2 friends watching it on discord vc that I thought the game looked even remotely good in 3d.

Full review on my website:

''Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X is a remake in the truest sense of the word. It does not change a lot, neither is it a replacement of the original. Instead, it’s a love letter to the original game that fans of the franchise that enhances the experience even further. Fair warning in advance though: don’t expect your knowledge about chronological power-up locations to work here, because it won’t. I’m still sort-of conflicted on that point but for now, I’ll say it doesn’t do that much harm. Vile was very fun to play around with as well despite having the same theme song every. single. stage. His wide arsenal of different weapons does certainly make up for that. On top of that, some quality-of-life updates and a 30-minutes animated short make this a remake no Mega Man X fan should miss out on. For being a solid remake, Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X gets a solid 9.0 out of 10!''

Great game, though probably not how you should experience Mega Man X for the first time. Definitely aimed at fans.

This was my first Mega Man game (yes you heard me right) and it is still a good game and a good remake. Vile is a fun new playable character and they did a good decision with having him as the second playable character instead of Zero. Yes, some parts of the level design are different with the Light capsules being on different places and the Sigma stages being COMPLETELY changed from the original game, however this was never a problem for me. The Day of Sigma OVA was also a nice addition.

Megaman X1 but everything's a little... off. It's like playing the original game in a dream.

X1 the Sad Version.

Look at the artwork or even just the box art of X3, and how lit it looks, how much personality it has, then to see this remake turn its back on all that and make everything bland, and even bundle a twenty minute OVA to rub your face in it. It's super depressing. It's stupid low budget and missing basic details on the characters.

Mega Man Powered Up was like a whole new game and adds so much new stuff. Level maker. New robot masters. Play as any of the robot masters. Unlock Roll, Protoman, slide and charge shot. Great art style too. Maverick Hunter X on the other mostly just Mega Man X ported to PSP. You're hardly any worse off playing the SNES version. In fact, that version is straight up better. For one thing, in the SNES, he doesn't voice all of his attacks like it's a fighting game. (sigh) He doesn't make a clang sound with every single step he takes while running. (SIGH) The boss theme is actually really good instead of the new techno remix that absolutely ruins it. The colors are actually really vibrant. The gameplay actually feels really, really tight. Armadillo is actually a screen wrecking tour de force.

The PSP version remixes some things like relocating some of the powerup locations. I hardly see the point. Unless the locations are randomized and different for each playthrough, then all it takes is to learn their locations once and you're pretty much back to where you started.

On that note, Dr. Light is this flanderized version in this game. In the SNES he has this intense mystique while on the PSP he's just this cartoon science fat man.

tl;dr: "NO!! NOT A CHARGE SHOT!!"

megaman x, except a little soulless. you can play as vile though, which makes the 8 year old in my brain so happy

nao sou tão fã do x1, mas... éh

To be fair, the original game was nearly flawless and the only things you could really do to improve on it would be giving me the dash as a default move from the very beginning and have something new that the leg armor parts could do in its place, and making the head part more useful, because aside from collecting another part, it's pretty much worthless. Does Maverick Hunter X do that? Nah, it's pretty much the original game with a little more story, which is appreciated, anime cutscenes, and a new coat of paint that looks pretty good for a PSP game. I don't get why they changed the armor capsule locations, though, it didn't really add anything substantial to the experience, but it was a harmless change, so whatever.

But that's just one part of this version, there is some really cool extra content like a prequel OVA that is unlocked after you beat it for the first time, and a new mode where you play as Vile in an obviously non-canon retelling of the story from his perspective. What sets him apart from X is the fact that Vile (unfortunately) can't dash, but he has many different upgrades you can play with and picking up which ones will be the most useful is the key to conquering the stages, which are harder then the ones from X's campaign.

There is one fatal flaw that makes Maverick Hunter X worse than the original, though, it's the fact that they fucked up the dash jump. I thought it was a problem with the emulator, but then I looked this up online and people who played it on an actual PSP also had the same issue, sometimes the dash jump just won't work and you'll do a regular jump instead. On the ground, it's easy to circumvent this by just pressing and holding the dash button for a split second before pressing the jump button. Dash-jumping from walls, though? Yeah, now you're at the mercy of X only dash-jumping when he feels like it, which ends up making some of the bosses harder than they should have been.

At the end of the day, a worse Megaman X is still Megaman X, and this is worth checking out for the extra content. It's just a shame that it doesn't do much to improve on the original game, and it's an even bigger shame that it wasn't successful enough to kickstart an entirely new series covering the first game all the way to X6. Imagine a timeline where X6's cool ideas and premise are actually put to good use instead of the shitbag of a game we ended up getting, we really do live in the worst timeline.

Eta weno pero hay demasiado sigma

Megaman X é sem dúvidas um dos melhores jogos já feitos, e um remake 13 anos depois tinha tudo pra polir ainda mais o diamante que é esse jogo e fazer dele ainda mais perfeito do que ele já era.
Acabou que é só um jogo com quase todos os problemas de gameplay que MMX tinha 13 anos atrás e, na verdade, consegue ser até pior às vezes. Baita avanço.