Reviews from

in the past

It's cute and it plays better than Golden Axe.

Folks, you're not gonna believe this but, there is a cave level in this game, and get this, there are confirmed NO BATS

I mean it's pretty cool to find an SNES game that looks this good even by today's standards, but it's still very much aged by its controls.

queria morar na estética desse console

A charming if archaic true-blue belt scroller. Has a lot of character but mostly feels like a “crouch and spam” kind of action game.

Hidden gem as far as brawlerlike adventures go, i can't believe no one played this.

Monster spam on screen and very basic, clunky combat. It's cool there is a translation. Check it out if you have nothing better to do.

Graphics are pretty nice

This is a a very cute single plane brawler with an aesthetic that reminds me quite a bit of Wonder Boy. That being said, it's very easy (as in I finished it on my first time through with a couple continues left and in perhaps 30 minutes) and the controls felt a little stiff. Not a bad time killer but not something I'm sure I'll come back to. For a game released in 1994, I feel like this could've been quite a bit more fleshed out and engaging.

Newly translated 2D beatemup on a single plane à la Ninja Warriors or Altered Beast. Very cute and stylish, with a handful of different playstyles between the selectable characters and a fairly reasonable runtime. There's still room for something better of course, but I enjoyed this quite a bit. Not sure why it was never released overseas.

So I'm going to confess, I only played this and even know about it is because the Youtuber SNES Drunk did a video on this game. I just got a new controller so I thought why not try this one out. So I played it about 4 times in a row and it's fun but its got issues that keep it from being great for me. The game is pretty short and while there is replayability in terms of stage routes, there isn't many to begin with. I do appreciate the enemy variety which is something you didn't always see in this era. The character balancing feels a little unbalanced. In terms of my favorites it went from best to worst was Lemin, El, Corse, and Nora. In some ways I guess this is a hidden gem but I could see this game being more dull after a while. At least it's 2 player. Also before I go, if anyone reads this and later goes to play this game, if you get through the route that has you going through Town as the 2nd to last stage, the final level will have this section where you have to be on the right color pentagram and you need to guess right 3 times. Just do Blue, Blue, Green. You'll get through it. It'll save you time guessing.