Reviews from

in the past

i have played this game many times and it was still fun

not only was it really laggy but also just idk it felt uninspired? its still metal slug tho which means at its core its fun to play, but compared to 1-3 its a lot less memorable. its kinda like one of the mega man games from 4-6 its fine but like doesnt have that same kachow that the first 3 had, nawsay? Doesn't help that this came out post-SNK-collapse when the neo geo games they were making just weren't very great.

Depois do 2 é dificil dizer o que é um Metal Slug meh, todos os jogos são iguais, só alguns mais simples do que os outros, e o 4 cai exatamente nesse ponto.

É um jogo muito simples e sem graça na segunda metade, mas começa BEM DEMAIS. Única coisa de realmente marcante dele é a trilha, até o momento a melhor da franquia, uma pena que não utilizaram o motif dos 3 jogos anteriores.

Ainda assim, Metal Slug 4 é sem graça, mas um bom jogo.

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You can be Monkey 👍🐒

Ate o momento o melhor que eu joguei da franquia, a adição de novos personagens jogaveis, variedade de inimigos, as animações, e claro as transformações que pra mim são as melhores e vieram a partir desse jogo. E enfim outras coisas menores que pra mim fizeram uma diferença satisfatória na minha gameplay.

You can turn into a monkey in this one

Probably my least favorite of the Neo Geo Metal Slug quintology that isn't incomplete, but it's still a good game. I mean, you get to hold two Heavy Machine Guns, that's always fun.

Comienzo de la decadencia de la saga.

Tentaram inovar neste.

Não é tão caótico e único quanto seus antecessores

O level design é bem fraco

Mas eu gosto do trevor e da nadia me julguem.

Soundtrack maravilhosa como sempre, apaixonado na música da primeira missão.

Also amo a capa desse jogo.

Infelizmente o 4° jogo é bem fraco. Visualmente é bem genérico, a história também, acho que esse jogo tem o ato final mais SEM GRAÇA até agora, além dos novos personagens serem extremamente sem sal.

Mas ainda é Metal Slug e a OST é bem marcante.


After suffering from a bankruptcy, SNK had replaced the original Metal Slug team with a new one, and this is their first game.

Overall, it's decent at best. Main issues are the large amount of reused assets, even for a Metal Slug game (5/6 bosses are a Frankenstein made of pre-existing sprites) and the level design is a bit lacking.

Still though, I can somewhat forgive all of this, as SNK was coming back from a bankruptcy with this game.

Fun time as expected of metal slug. Nadia's cute and the difficulty feels more fair in this one but it was also a less memorable experience overall. After the wild escalation in 3's ending, 4's robot twist was pretty underwhelming and the reduced difficulty wasn't compensated for with more content so it ended up being even shorter than normal. The music in the last stage was great and it was still fun for what it was.

Entre todos os Metal Slug's principais o 4 é oque eu achei o mais fraco.

Depois de jogar o 1,2X e 3 era esperado do 4 ser tão bom quanto os anteriores porem ele acaba sendo um jogo muito simples que joga seguro e não tenta algo absurdo como o 2 e o 3 fizeram, todos os inimigos, fases e chefes são bem simples e não tem muita coisa que se destaca ou chama a atenção.

O boss final acaba sendo o mais paia da franquia e zerar o jogo me deu uma sensação de que o jogo estava muito inacabado.

Ele não é um jogo ruim, porem ele não faz nada excepcional, só fica no mediano mesmo.

i like the new characters.

Tem muita coisa polida em relação aos anteriores, sendo um jogo bem fluido e muito bonito até hoje, mas com um final bem decepcionante com um chefão bem ok, conquanto gostei bastante do pequeno detalhe no final das fases alguém te buscar para te levar para outro ponto.

Metal slug 4: Prepare to Die edition (4)

"Metal Slug 4" isn't necessarily a bad game. I'd even say the core run-and-gun combat of the series manic nature is just as intact here as it's been in the past. Where the game fails though, is its lack of any discernable factor that sets it apart from the previous games. Most of the signature set piece events are gone or not nearly as memorable. It also suffers from a very inconsistent frame-rate. In short, this just feels like going thru the motions. I'd even go so far as to say, comparatively to the games before it, this one comes off as directionless and dull.

A fairly miserable sequel to Metal Slug that had unfortunate circumstances. I mean, how on earth can ANY development team even dream of living up to a game like Metal Slug 3? But even so, this game lacked any real creativity within what they had to work with, and most enemy spawns have this incessant need to be tedious, as some screens take what feels like hours to finish.

There's also the matter of presentation, which is also pretty awful. Most sprites are completely recycled/frankenstein'd together from the previous games, and the music just isn't that exciting nor game-y. Also, both of the new characters have knacks that make them both worse to play, not sure what made them think that was a good idea.

It's worth going through once out of sheer curiosity, but I doubt most would really be that compelled to replay it. I'm convinced anyone that views this game in a brighter light than I probably never played any of the Metal Slug titles before this.

A clear step down from the series glory days but it's still fun enough

A long time ago Roger Ebert wrote a review for the first Resident Evil movie, in which there's a deadly laser trap in a corridor that speeds down at the characters first in individual rays, then in groups of two or so, and finally in an unavoidable mesh that covers the whole corridor, and mentions that this is the first time he's ever seen "a security system with a sense of humor." I thought about that bit while I was fighting the last boss in this game, for which I duly removed a whole star from my rating.

Still a fun metal slug game, but it's pretty underwhelming. Especially after 2 and 3, it feels like a step backwards from the cool insanity the series became to be known for.

É… Dá para ver que as ideias da série realmente tão se esgotando.

I played this game right after finishing Metal Slug 3 and it felt really disappointing

A half-hearted continuation of the franchise, made by a much less experienced team after the previous one disbanded.
While not 100% irredeemable, it's a hodge-podge of pre-existing assets sewn together ala-Frankenstein's monster and with mediocre level and enemy design.

Probably the most hated Metal Slug game by the fans, but metal slug 4 is the one I had most fun with it.

at least i can see Fio in cute anime artstyle