Reviews from

in the past

War mein Einstieg damals in das RPG Genre!! Sehr süß gemacht.

silly little guys get up to mischief (adventures)

A nice simple rpg with a nice-wait this is the original never mind. It's still good

Absolutely Amazing Game, The Mii Maker is a bit limited in the characters you can create but it's fantastic
Maybe if there was a horse it'd be perfect

The moment when you boot up the game after 3+ years to see one of your toxic ex-friends as one of the main characters...

De los mejores juegos de la vida, la verdad es único

The perfect game for an autistic person with too many OCs <- Me

the 3ds game is really good but the switch version is just way better

babys firts rpg (in a cool way)

Fun at first but I found it a little to easy to actually enjoy

No reason to play this one now that the 2021 version lets you play god

The only game where you can have Sans fight against Zanza.

I love this game way too much because I have always wanted an RPG starring my OCs since forever. Also, I didn't know I needed a Princess class until I played this game.

No me lo esperaba tan divertido y muy adictivo, pero a la larga si se te puede hacer pesado el solo poder controlar a 1 de los 4. Y la estructura de la historia es muy repetitiva, aun así muy recomendable para hecharte unas risas casual

not worth the full price tag but i did get to see dr eggman steal obama’s face so it was entertaining

it's perfectly fine but hella repetitive and bloated

A very simple and easy turn based game, it has probably the most unique mechanics to keep it from being boring, you have so many different options of jobs to add on to your adventure new game plus even adds more only problem it can get repetitive on some rare occasions

This game inspires endless creativity when you can put any Mii into any situation, which is probably the most fun part of this game. The other aspects of the game are mediocre but the game is so charming and funny.

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Silly but gets reallllly old quickly. Once I found out that there was post-game after the 4th world, I just gave up. Wish tomodachi life got a sequel on Switch instead of an uptaded version of this game but whatever. I liked the randomness of the combat though.

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Wow what a cute little RPG, if only it had a horse

kind cool to put your friends in a jrpg ,doing jrpg shit like killing gods n falling in love with each other, but a little too easy and simplistic to really get into

really funny and fun game, though the endgame is very lacking