Reviews from

in the past

Eu não fui capaz de prosseguir...

No começo me pareceu interessante, porém quando me dei de cara com a terceira fase, meu amigo...

Os controles são taaaaaão lentos, fazendo com que eu errasse 90% dos meu saltos, e haviam plataformas tão estreitas que era quase impossível passar por elas, pois o salto baixo não chegava e o alto batia no teto e me fazia cair de volta. Sinto muito minha "não muito querida" Valis, mas você será...


This game is quite the interesting case study for retro game design. the level design and enemy placement is much like ninja gaiden, but the movement is more like a classic castlevania game. if either of those games arent your jam, then I would steer clear of this one. The difficulty is like not so hard that I wanted to give up, but definitely hard enough that I got irritated. I'd really only rec if you like 80's anime vibes and can take the confusing difficulty n design.

I'm surprised I've never written a review for this game on here considering I've played it like I don't know...maybe 34 times? It's one of those games like the Mega Drive Sailor Moon game where I'm just very biased towards it. Valis as a series is such a weird one, I wouldn't really say it has any amazing games but it always felt like it had an identity. One where it felt of passion but maybe not in the right areas. Valis has a very odd history as it started off on the MSX and would die in a horrible death of being in such awful hentai games not even hentai enthusiast enjoy it. But what about the first game on the Mega Drive? (which isn't even the first Valis game on the Mega Drive funnily enough)

Valis 1 on this system uses the same engine as Valis 3, so sadly it is a very slow game. Honestly I never got why Yuko was so slow in this or in 3. I'm guessing it's because the belmont's also went pretty slow but at least in those games the levels are well designed for it. You can slide but you can't use it as an attack or even cancel out of it. Which means you'll basically need memorization of the levels if you want the most use out of it. It's weird because the slide was an attack in Valis 3 so I have no clue why they changed that. Still though Yuko why are you so slow? Like she better not try to have an athletic career that involves running.

When it comes to the Sword of Valis it's weird because its more like a projectile weapon then a physical sword I always thought that was strange. You can get different ones as you progress through the game but I never really experimented if they get better as you move on, I just grab them since they get the job done. There's also magic but unlike Valis 3 it's not very good. Half of them are screen clearing moves and its all just underwhelming. I really only use it for bosses because you get i-frames for using them.

The stages themselves are nothing too special but they aren't too hard in fact I'd argue the game is pretty easy. It's odd how little damage you take from anything. Like you think lava would be really bad to step in but nope you take like 1 hit point from it. None of it is really all that amazing but it's playable.

Bosses are also pretty easy but if there's one boss I can't stand is Reiko. Now maybe someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong but after she's taken enough damage she will use the Death Flash spell and this takes over half your health and honestly I still don't fully get how to kill her before she does it. Sometimes it works fine but other times I die and I'm like what did I do wrong? Sadly the rest are all pretty easy even the final boss isn't too hard.

The graphics are your typical Telenet kind of game where it's not bad but it won't blow you away. I was never a fan of how Yuko's face on her sprite had no detail. Cutscenes are shockingly unimpressive for 16-bit. This might be a limitation of the game originally being on computers but a lot of reused shots are done here. The artstyle is also more in line with Valis 3 meaning all of the 80s style from some of the computer versions is gone. The music on the other hand is outstanding. It's one of Telenet's best works ever. I love stuff like Flash of Sword, Ogre Battle, Lonely Soldier and The Wilderness. This version is my favorite for the OST even more then the PC Engine version.

The game overall is just alright but it's become a fun game for me with how much I've replayed it. I think Valis is such an oddity to me. I really can't explain why I like it a lot. Valis always felt like a wannabe star series. One that wanted to be on the top pillar, the A tier of action platformers. You know stuff like Castlevania but it just could never get there matter how many games they made. While I wouldn't call this franchise good, I can't help but love the attempt and it's been one of my more favorite series of the retro era. I can understand why someone would play these and just hate them but I guess I'm just not one of those people.

Wow I really wrote all that for no one to probably see this but if you did um thanks for reading this bad review.

To be fair, my thoughts on this are mixed. It's alright in some areas, but absolute shit in the rest of them. As of right now I haven't played through every game in the Valis series, but the general reception of them is either alright or it fucking sucks

As for Valis 1, I played it because I like old Japanese games from the late 80's to 90's. I think they're interesting pieces of history, and formed a path for better games to come. I also like the PCE, and Rondo of Blood is my favorite game on the console. I'm not the best at action/platformer games, as I mainly play them for fun. Back to Valis, my opinions are mixed about it

Starting with gameplay, it feels average and even bland. You run around as a teenage anime girl aka Yuko Asou wearing bikini armor (and the PCE version even shows her getting dressed in the intro, great job Telenet. Yuko's animations in the game also show panty shots whenever she jumps, slides, or gets hit. I don't mind too much fan service but I don't really need to see animu pantsu everytime I get hit), armed with the Sword of Valis which can be powered up throughout the game. However, if you die, you lose all of them or just get a really shitty one. Have fun beating bosses, or targeting faraway enemies! That brings me to the level design, it's either average or shitty. Enemy placements are horrendous, and sometimes you can't even kill them without taking a hit. There's also shit popping out of the ground whenever you don't expect it, and you hear Yuko scream like Pacman from Here Comes Pacman but only slightly lower whenever you get hit by them. I also struggled with the final boss because I had lost my powerups

For the story, it's not very interesting but has some charm to it. Most platformers don't have amazing stories anyway. It feels like a late 80's anime

The music is probably one of the best parts about the game, most of the tracks are amazing

Overall, my thoughts on Valis are mixed but I still appreciate it for what it is. It's a interesting piece of Japanese gaming history, and it influenced other, superior games that would come

I'm not going to rate this since I haven't finished it, but having beaten the first two stages, I can confidently say this game is not worth anyone's time.

Movement is slow, enemies don't have any interesting attacks, and level design is as bland as a video game would allow. I'm not joking when I say I have played better games posted by amateurs in old forums.

Yeah all the Valis games are some ass, at least on the Genesis. Maybe the joke is on me for playing these versions? The PC Engine ones don't really look that much better.

If you really have to play this series, it is best done on the Turbograx CD. However, there is no English translation for the first and the fourth. It absolutely does not matter. What, you mean you’re here for the story? Girl is given a magic sword and a magic Princess Leia slave costume to save the realms from sinister bishonen dudes? Grow up. If you want literature, go read a book

Alright game. It's sad that for a franchise with so much appeal all the games are so bland.