Reviews from

in the past

I find this game utterly depressing, no idea why.

Alright game, but lack of campaign lends it towards not being as good.

Needs more content and mod support but otherwise a really fun and simple RTS. The battles are super exciting and well-designed graphics/audio wise

A fun little strategy game with many different objectives and you can get crates that'll give you that power that might give you the edge you need to take control of the battlefield.

Edit: I found that I didn't quite enjoy this game as much as I should've but who knows. Maybe I'll give it another go, but I think the simplicity doesn't speak to me as much as far more interesting unit diversity seen in the C&C games and others made in a similar style.

unique little game very chaotic and visceral fun, also a decent amount of strategy and its just kind of fun to send little guys to their deaths in the name of multiwinia or whatever