Reviews from

in the past

Genuine work of art, a beautiful experience.

The game can be such a slog to go through, The requirements for each new ending, the extra content you get at some content you could consolidate into another one.

But I didn't care, what I cared for were the characters and the story that it wanted to tell me. I became attached to them, their struggles, their hopes and was genuinely sad about when something happened to them (even though I knew exactly what would.)
This is game is really special.

This game lays a solid foundation that both Drakengard 3 and Nier Automata follow up on, however, the game itself is just ass. The only positive things are the story and music, but the rest of it is dogshit.

If you want to die, play this game.

not even a story this good makes up for this garbage ass gameplay they thought they were cooking with this one (this isnt what i think of the remaster

Un juego con un gameplay aburrido y secundarias que se reían en mi cara de lo malas que eran, ese juego, efectivamente me hizo llorar y jugar a algo mil veces peor del mismo creador y que amé por igual (dod1).

Amo a Yoko Taro por hacerme tanto daño <3

This game is one-of-a-kind.

The game is old; the graphics, gameplay, everything looks and feels quite dated, even for its time. It's unique and certainly not the high-quality JRPG you're looking for. But... it is also the best game I've ever played.

The way this game tells its story is unique, and I thought it was fantastically well done. You may not be able to follow everything, have difficulty understanding everything that's going on, and that's okay; Nier is not just a game.

It's a universe told through books, novels, and many other things. Replicant is only a small part of this universe that is told to us in this game.
I loved absolutely everything about the game, its story, its universe of course, and more than anything its characters.
Yoko Taro knows very well how to make you feel uncomfortable, sad, irritated, pretty much every negative emotion.

The soundtrack is quite simply the best I've ever heard, and will reinforce all the big scenes, fights in the game and give a lively and heartbreaking atmosphere to many areas.

It's a game where good and evil don't really exist. It's just a matter of perspective. I found something there, in its atmosphere, in its story and its characters that I haven't found anywhere else.

If you liked this one, or if you come by after Automata, don't hesitate for a second to fully immerse yourself in the universe. It's something you won't regret.

not as polished as Automata and more obtuse in some frustrating ways, but still quite good. characters are endearing, the story swerves between depressing and sappy, and the E route was great. Kainé GOAT loved her

I love this more than I love my life. Just play. Have problems, I know. Severe problems... I KNOW but still is perfect.

I think the best way to describe NieR would be "an emotional ride." Through playing it due to it's metaphorical way of using images and telling things it made me wonder if that there were some kind of underlying sub text thingy going on.
I'd say you kinda need to interpret your own answer a little from the exposition of things the game has to offer while I don't think the game does an all that wondrous job at things it tries to tell and create but it can be said that it does a fairly satisfying and a good job at it. My way of interpretation of things would be as long as we don't let the negativity that is hatred, anger whatever form it is to get through to us and our loved ones, the person we know and love would still be there for us. just like how weiss said to nier that his yonah is safe, and he should recall back the good times and memories and keep spending making many more good memories with her... as long as we do that people that we love will be there...

This is fine and all but Papa Nier better

This review contains spoilers

NieR Replicant takes the structure of video-games and utterly lampoons it, showing just how much we're willing to take for granted when presented to us in this structure. The protagonist is such a video-game character, willing to do any odd job no matter how menial or violent. The last thing he can do for his sick sister is actually be around more often, because he has a ridiculous quest to go on for a slight chance at curing her, and in video-games we don't stay at home to care for sick relatives, we go on quests.

I have not played Drakengard, but I understand its purpose was to highlight the mass-murderous actions of the typical video-game protagonist, that one would either have to be insane to mindlessly commit such acts or be made insane in the process. Yoko Taro evolved his thinking after 9/11 and subsequently the Iraq War, stating "You just have to think you're right. So that's why I made NieR a game revolving around this concept of "being able to kill others if you think you're right," or "everyone believes that they're in the right"." NieR Replicant is, on the surface, a game about found family, making hope in a dying world, and the virtue of kindness. This is how it feels on an emotional level, and so to an extent it IS about all these things, but when you begin to understand the protagonist's actions in the context of the broader narrative it becomes apparent just how destructive they are.

The combat of Drakengard seems appropriately mindless for the perspective on violence Taro was offering in that game, but with NieR Replicant he had a much tougher job - it had to be enjoyable, but for this enjoyment to transition into mindlessness as the true nature of the protagonist's actions comes into full view. It succeeds, with combat that's good enough but not so complex that it couldn't devolve into mindlessness, genre switching to bring variety, well-executed set-pieces, and JRPG items and weapon upgrade materials which might not be totally useless. When you run through the last few sections over and over for new endings, not only do you do so knowing the consequences of the protagonist's actions, but are also given additional context provided in these playthroughs. It's at this stage that the levelling system has you taking out bosses in a few hits, the genre-switching sections become rote mechanical exercises, the items and upgrades are revealed to be extraneous video-gamey nonsense, and the combat, the whole game even, becomes a mindless exercise in violence. It's a tedious process, but if it weren't would that not defeat the purpose?

Such a difficult game to approach discussing. The experience of it is totally different depending on which level you approach it from. I feel dishonest discussing the actions of the party so negatively, as I truly loved these characters and empathised with them deeply. But I suppose that's the point. They're working with an incomplete picture, with both the player and party making assumptions based on the expectation of what video-games are. Emile and Kainé suffer as the result of Othering, while giving little critical thought to how they may be engaged in the same process; they're just following the player, and the player knows how video-games work.

Mid ass fucking game holy shit, I can’t believe I wasted 16 and a half hours playing this piece of shit. Replicant did not meet my expectations AT ALL, this is not peak story or peak fiction. Automata better not disappoint the way replicant did. Only good thing about this game is the music, and the decent combat. Everything else is shit and the story and characters bored me to death except for kaine, the only good character in this game and the only character giving this game the smallest bit of worth. Not gonna waste my time playing through the other endings, I dont care if they improve the story. I’ll search up some summaries of the other endings thats it. Never touching this shit again.

Lo recuerdo con mucho cariño a parte de que me saco alguna que otra llorera, su jugabilidad me encantó, los gráficos pese a la época y para ser de ps3 no le hacen justicia pero la OST ES PRECIOSA. Si hablo de la historia, la cual toma un giro de 360º que hace que tu cabeza explote, escribiría hasta aburrir. Así que solo diré: Gracias Yoko Taro ♡

Preface: Thanks a lot to Andria for working on the fan-localization patch! I feel more connected to brother NieR having a sister myself. :)

The soundtrack is one of the most beautiful OSTs I have ever listened to. The emphasis on the percussions and vocals make for something that feels really unique.

On the gameplay side, I really enjoyed the variety of experiences I had outside of normal combat or quests - especially the visual novel segments which I didn't expect, almost as ridiculous as the +1 hour text dump you start getting on Route B. The combat is not stellar but it's serviceable.

Let's get this out of the way, the big majority of quests in NieR are not fun to do. Having said that, I don't necessarily feel negative about them - why? Helping people is not always fun and it makes sense for NieR to have this element considering the message it's going for.

Speaking about this, maybe I'm just a psychopath but I can't really connect with NieR's message of empathy in how they present it. Themes are not as heavy-handed and on-the-nose as in Automata but I still find NieR's lack of subtlety to be a little too much for me.

Melancolia, medo e desespero, a obra pode ser facilmente definida através dessas palavras. Nier (PS3) é um jogo mentalmente devastador que aborda existencialismo e o mais puro do niilismo. A história se passa em um mundo pós apocalíptico onde a humanidade foi devastada e vive seu cotidiano precariamente, o protagonista possui uma irmã que está morrendo com o passar do tempo através de uma doença misteriosa que se mostra incurável. Durante o decorrer da história você acompanha uma criança esperançosa e cheia de amor se transformando em um adulto amargurado, vázio e extremamente agressivo, que passa a sacrificar qualquer entidade viva em prol de salvar sua única razão de viver e amar, sua irmã. Muito do que faz o enredo ser tão especial são os momentos em que ele te faz pensar profundamente sobre questões de mortalidade, sacrifício e crueldade. Ele termina de várias formas, e a cada final você vai descobrir algo que vai influenciar no enredo e te deixar constantemente pior, em um ciclo infinito onde você espera um mínimo de felicidade e logo em seguida recebe um soco no estômago. A obra te faz refletir sobre coisas como; o que compõe uma alma, o que é uma vida, o que de fato é ser um humano? o que torna uma pessoa certa e a outra errada, e principalmente, até onde alguém está disposto a chegar por amor? Todo esforço que fazemos no nosso dia a dia vai mesmo fazer alguma diferença em quem somos? ou todos os mínimos momentos de felicidade vão ser engolidos pela tristeza e a amargura? A vida é simplesmente baseada em ações e consequências.

"O que você está disposto a sacrificar, o quão longe você pode ir por quem você ama? Vou transformar o mar em sangue para vê-la sorrindo mais uma vez."

Não pense que o jogo é um romantismo de dependência emocional, muito pelo contrário, ele te mostra exatamente o que acontece com pessoas que sacrificam e abandonam tudo por amor. Esqueça o seu amor próprio e você perderá o sentido da vida e o porquê de continuar a existir.

Um ótimo JRPG. O gameplay é não muito complexo mas responde bem, os personagens são interessantes principalmente em suas storylines que pensem pra um clima depressivo e triste, o que eu adoro. A história é interessante, girando sobre o tema de desespero e tristeza, mas pode soar confusa pois necessita de ser feitos todos os finais para compreensão melhor. E a trilha sonora.... MEU DEUS!! SIMPLESMENTE PERFEITA, IMPECÁVEL! COM DIREITO A CANÇÕES CANTADAS EM IDIOMA DO PROPRIO JOGO.

The best cold open of any piece of media in any medium.