Reviews from

in the past

Yo mido estos juegos en nivel de obsesión y absorción de vida. ¿Este? 14/10.

As someone who grew up on RCT3, this game was everything I wanted it to be. I had given up hope on ever having a good roller coaster game again but Frontier managed to deliver. The detail in this game is impeccable and honestly pretty daunting when you first play it. I can't say I was a fan of the staff management but I suppose it doesn't really matter in sandbox mode where I put most of my time. The career mode is kind of convoluted and short but it's good if you want a bit more direction. I platinumed this game on PS5 and it was worth it.

Planet Coaster resurrected the Tycoon management style of game with a bang. Since 2006, the premiere tycoon-style games were Zoo Tycoon 2 and Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. Planet Coaster smashed through RCT3 with some of the most impressive customization options in a management game to date. Planet Coaster does away with the grid-based design system for the most part, allowing players to create much more organic parks, and an advanced terrain system permits unique terraforming.

Building coasters has received updates as well, with individual coaster pieces able to be adjusted after building and testing to help smooth the coasters out. Building and decorating is a blast as the Planet games allow for scenery objects to be rotated in any direction and clipped into objects and terrain freely.

While a direct upgrade to RCT3, Planet Coaster has a few missing features. Planet Coaster has no water park feature, something that was present in Planet Coaster's predecessors and something fans have been hoping for since release 4 years ago. Planet Coaster has also had a drop off on new content ever since Frontier's newer game, Planet Zoo, released, leaving something of a drought for dedicated players. Planet Zoo did incorporate a custom scenery option, but the process is complex and deters casual players from bringing in their own content.

Planet Coaster is a well needed update to the park management genre with the tools to create some truly remarkable creations and theme parks. However, the game also lacks some notable features and development for Planet Coaster seems to have ended. One more issue that many new players take umbrage with is how much content for Planet Coaster is DLC, often at a high price for little content, and it is a hassle to access all the content of the game.

If you were raised on RCT, the mechanics of this game take some time to get used to. Other than that, there isn’t much content unless you get the addons, and even then most of it is just scenery.

Limited building. Go play Roller Coaster Tycoon 3.

der geistige Nachfolger zu Rollercoaster Tycoon und mein lieber Scholli was für einer.

Gut, ein Park zu bauen der möglichst viel Profit abwirft und eigene Achterbahnen basteln kann man auch in anderen Spielen sehr gut, jedoch in keinem fühlte sich das ganze so rund an wie in Planet Coaster.

Das bauen der Achterbahnen geht schon am Anfang leicht von der Hand und macht Spaß, je tiefer man ins Spiel und seine Mechaniken eintaucht, desto besser wird man und plötzlich schaffe selbst ich es, riesige und detailverliebte Rides zu bauen.

Dazu noch fix eigene Musik eingefügt und ruck zuck entsteht ein wundervoller Themenpark der seines gleichen sucht.
Das alles funktioniert wirklich rund und man könnte nun hier enden... wären da nicht leider ein paar Probleme...

Theoretisch kann man die Rides in grob zwei Kategorien teilen. Zum einen die vorgefertigten wie ein Karussell oder ein Free-Fall-Tower und die selbst zu erstellenden Rides wie Wasserbahnen, Achterbahnen.. eigentlich alles mit "Bahn" im Titel.
Wo hier andere Spiele eine schöne Gewichtung finden, sodass man nicht nur das eine oder andere hat, sind die vorgefertigten Rides viel zu ineffizient und schlecht was ihre Werte anbetrifft, sodass es darauf hinausläuft irgendwann nur noch "Bahnen" zu haben. Dazu kann ich den krassesten und schönsten Park bauen... oder auch einfach nur ein paar Buden und Zeug hinklatschen. Am Ende funktioniert beides.

Trotzdem ist das ganze Meckern auf sehr hohem Niveau, nicht umsonst habe ich viel zu viele Spielstunde damit verbracht wunderschöne Wasser und Lichtspiele in meinen Park zu bauen oder auszutesten wie weit man die Schwerkraft austricksen kann.

Am Ende ist Planet Coaster (Wenn man gerade die ekelhaft überteuerten DLCs weg lässt) ein wunderschönes runde Paket für alle Rollercoaster Tycoon Fans.

todo el tema de sandbox es divertidismo pero en cuanto te metes a gestión es un tirón de bolas. a santo de que tengo a la mitad de trabajadores paseando por el parque? porqué cada vez que me alejo medio segundo se ha llenado otra tienda de bebidas? cuantas papeleras por metro cuadrado tengo que poner para que los conserges no se quejen?

yo this shit is so fuckin good this was everything i wanted RCT to be when i was little. this game will give you back exactly as much as you put into it. if you want to make a shitty, jerky-ass arrow looper that launches your guests into a big pile of dragon shit while 1000 speakers around them play fart noises, you can make that. if you want to make a 1:1 recreation of Disneyland's haunted mansion, paying super close attention to detail and making it look as close to the real thing as possible (and BOY do i ever wanna do that HOO WEE), you can. it's not perfect. namely the performance has a tendency to be dogshit due to lack of optimization, and the path systems are ass. there a lots of little things that can muddle the overall experience, HOWEVER if you are a total slut for theme parks like me and you prefer the creative side of these games over the management side, there is simply no better game in this genre.

The game is fun but a lot of the building mechanics make trying to build a park without resorting to bugs or glitches incredibly difficult.

the spirit of RollerCoaster Tycoon is still alive in this one